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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What system is in more trouble, PSV or WiiU?


What system is in more trouble PSVita or Wii U

PSVita 229 77.63%
Wii U 38 12.88%
Dude, its totally Atari 2... 26 8.81%

Wii U is in the same position as the PS3 in regards to sales. The prior generation the company's system dominated yet the new console is struggling out of the gate. Wii U is guaranteed at least GameCube success due to Nintendo cranking out great games.

Meanwhile the Vita is a huge gamble. Most likely it will struggle on but at the same time smart moves by Sony could easily turn it around. That said, Sony doesn't seem too smart right now. Vita is in a worse situation.

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This is not a question.

The Vita was basically sent out to die, has consistently sold extremely poorly, has little to no software support in the foreseeable future, and doesn't have a good market demographic to appeal to.

The Wii U is on its first months on the market and we know it has a large library of games on the way thanks to that Nintendo Direct. It's had a rocky start in the same vein as the 3DS, but I sincerely doubt it will hit Vita levels of failure; and even if it does, Nintendo will likely actually do something about it. Unlike how Sony basically wants to pretend the Vita doesn't exist, at this point.

 In memory of Topless Avatars Pertaining to Hotness and Titilation (TAPTHAT).

3DS friend code: 5155 - 2983 - 3034

Wii U was able to launch first this gen and during the holiday period. Instant better because of that.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

The Vita, without doubt. The Wii U won't do all that badly even if the hardware doesn't really catch on. Nintendo fans will buy it for Nintendo games and it will still get family sales. I don't think it will get anywhere near Wii numbers, and it might even end up last place, but that doesn't mean it won't put up acceptable numbers.

The Vita will rebound in Japan but probably doesn't have much of a market in the rest of the world. Sony depends on third-party titles in the handheld space. They don't have a Pokemon to lean on the way Nintendo has Mario in the home console market.

I've said this before, but Sony needs to start churning out more kid friendly IPs, see if anything sticks, see if they can't create the next Skylanders, something like that. They need a studio that concentrates on that market and has artists and staff with experience in that area.

PSV's competition was released before it and is greatly outstripping it in sales every week. Wii U's competition hasn't even been revealed yet. PSV has sold 4 million hardware a year after release, Wii U has sold more than half that in two months. PSV has sold 9.7 million software a year after release, Wii U has sold more than half that in two months. PSV has some games on the horizon, but few exclusive (not available on PS3) first-party games and few true system-sellers, if any. Wii U has new 3D Mario and Mario Kart coming soon, and Smash Bros and Zelda on the horizon.

Not even close.

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Oh dear......Well see this market is volatile and anything can happen really, but in my (biased) opinion Vita is worse off.

1.At least WiiU will get its flagship games, Mario, Zelda. The Vita has no Monster Hunter and its supposed system seller CoD turned out to be a horrible game.

2.Nintendo has cash in the Bank (Wii and DS), and they will make good money off the 3DS for a while. For the time being they have the ability to support the WiiU. Meanwhile, all of Sony's 1st party studios will be too busy developing for PS4.

3.Pokemon is coming. I repeat POKEMON IS COMING. That game alone will pretty much kill Vita in Japan, combined with the lack of Monster Hunter, Japan devs might be too scared to develop for it when they don't see it selling. (Especially concerning because the best games on the Vita are the JP ones. P4G,Gravity Rush)

4.Memory card prices of Vita are very unappealing. As is the 59.99 price for Ninty games. People aren't used to paying that amount for a game by Nintendo, however, that isn't as bad as some of the outrageous Mem card prices of the Vita.

5. Depends on the situation but, who will drop price 1st? We don't know yet. 1st to drop price sells better.

6.Dying handheld market. While we can say that the console market is shrinking as well, it is nowhere near the decline of the handheld market.

7. Stores are refusing to use shelf space for the Vita. (Walmart thread). That means even less exposure.

8.Sony's financial situation and Nintendo's aggressive approach. Alright so Sony's doing pretty bad...getting wrecked by Samsung. Nintendo realizes that the handheld market is in decline so they want to lock it down, achieve complete dominance, and they are willing to pay to do so. Capcom exclusive deal? Done. Shin Megami Tensei? 3DS only. They're taking Japan right now, and Pokemon will do the rest in the other regions.

9.Audience. I can't stress Japan enough. Japan is king of the handhelds, and 3DS is pretty much giving them everything right now. What are the largest games on the Vita currently? AssCreed? Cod? FIFA? Resistance? Uncharted? Western regions already have consoles, who wants "Console quality on the go"? Esp if the games underperform? You buy a handheld for the unique experiences you can only get on handhelds, not just portability. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Wii U shouldn't be judged intill later imo. As of now it looks bad cuz it is sales wise past 2 weeks, but dont forget its ahead of X360 and PS3 launch.

Wii U problem is two things, 1. Its not known in general public. The name Wii U is so confusing (casuals) cuz its the Wii with a U!

2. No Games! NSMBU will have the best legs probably after MKU, Nintendoland is cool, ZombiU good third party game. Thats it! Wii u will have the AAA games between Holiday 2013~ Mid 2014!

Vita on the other hand will look up but it all depends on Sony! All i know is Vita got 3DS major lineup and there is no chance in hell Vita will come close.

Vita needs the price drop Feb and killer apps now cuz no offense my fellow Sony members, Wen X720 and PS4 comes out who's spending money on Vita? Also Wii U titles and once Oct comes 3DS will be rolling in Dough

In the short run maybe vita,but if you consider Mario and MH were released for wii u and its sales are only slightly better than Vita this week(17000).
Considering Vita was competing with several Marios(2+3d),MH,OOT last year Wii U may suffer the same low sales competing with GTA5,bioshock,gow,last of us this year and next gen games(halo5,GT6...)wouldn't make it easier.

Wii U: it depends on:will core gamers buy this system just to play mario 3d(and than wait 1-2years until zelda)
or will they use this money for the ps460.Many great games out there this year=expensive=no money for Wii U AND next gen.
Will there be a huge Price cut to attract casual?
Will nintendo create something unique?

Vita: can Vita do the same the ps3 did?Low sales in the beginning but thanks to great hardware and price cuts more and more attractive year after year.Will there be a gta vita,gow,GT?

Wii U has new games on the way now later this year that should save it, up to now it looks like it's in a safer position than vita.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Vita, by far. The Vita has no announced system sellers, and it has been more than a year on the marked now. It is selling terribly, with no sign of anything to change that. I think it needs a price-cut badly, but Sony don't want to do that before it is profitable at that lower pricepoint, thus making the Vita sales suffer as long as it will take. If it's not before fall 2013, I think the fight will be lost, and the Vita will become mostly for the Japanese hardcore gamers.

The Wii U has had a bad launch, I have seen 0 commercials and only one demo unit in the about 5 stores I have vistited since it launched here. On top of that, I have discovered that many casual gamers don't even know it's a new console, but think it's a Wii upgrade, so I think it's safe to say Nintendo has completely botched the launch of the Wii U, and I think we will see it bounce back once some of the great games comes out, and people start to understand that this is actually a new console. The Wii U also needs a price-cut, as it is too expensive at launch, especially here in Europe.