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Oh dear......Well see this market is volatile and anything can happen really, but in my (biased) opinion Vita is worse off.

1.At least WiiU will get its flagship games, Mario, Zelda. The Vita has no Monster Hunter and its supposed system seller CoD turned out to be a horrible game.

2.Nintendo has cash in the Bank (Wii and DS), and they will make good money off the 3DS for a while. For the time being they have the ability to support the WiiU. Meanwhile, all of Sony's 1st party studios will be too busy developing for PS4.

3.Pokemon is coming. I repeat POKEMON IS COMING. That game alone will pretty much kill Vita in Japan, combined with the lack of Monster Hunter, Japan devs might be too scared to develop for it when they don't see it selling. (Especially concerning because the best games on the Vita are the JP ones. P4G,Gravity Rush)

4.Memory card prices of Vita are very unappealing. As is the 59.99 price for Ninty games. People aren't used to paying that amount for a game by Nintendo, however, that isn't as bad as some of the outrageous Mem card prices of the Vita.

5. Depends on the situation but, who will drop price 1st? We don't know yet. 1st to drop price sells better.

6.Dying handheld market. While we can say that the console market is shrinking as well, it is nowhere near the decline of the handheld market.

7. Stores are refusing to use shelf space for the Vita. (Walmart thread). That means even less exposure.

8.Sony's financial situation and Nintendo's aggressive approach. Alright so Sony's doing pretty bad...getting wrecked by Samsung. Nintendo realizes that the handheld market is in decline so they want to lock it down, achieve complete dominance, and they are willing to pay to do so. Capcom exclusive deal? Done. Shin Megami Tensei? 3DS only. They're taking Japan right now, and Pokemon will do the rest in the other regions.

9.Audience. I can't stress Japan enough. Japan is king of the handhelds, and 3DS is pretty much giving them everything right now. What are the largest games on the Vita currently? AssCreed? Cod? FIFA? Resistance? Uncharted? Western regions already have consoles, who wants "Console quality on the go"? Esp if the games underperform? You buy a handheld for the unique experiences you can only get on handhelds, not just portability. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)