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In the short run maybe vita,but if you consider Mario and MH were released for wii u and its sales are only slightly better than Vita this week(17000).
Considering Vita was competing with several Marios(2+3d),MH,OOT last year Wii U may suffer the same low sales competing with GTA5,bioshock,gow,last of us this year and next gen games(halo5,GT6...)wouldn't make it easier.

Wii U: it depends on:will core gamers buy this system just to play mario 3d(and than wait 1-2years until zelda)
or will they use this money for the ps460.Many great games out there this year=expensive=no money for Wii U AND next gen.
Will there be a huge Price cut to attract casual?
Will nintendo create something unique?

Vita: can Vita do the same the ps3 did?Low sales in the beginning but thanks to great hardware and price cuts more and more attractive year after year.Will there be a gta vita,gow,GT?