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Vita, by far. The Vita has no announced system sellers, and it has been more than a year on the marked now. It is selling terribly, with no sign of anything to change that. I think it needs a price-cut badly, but Sony don't want to do that before it is profitable at that lower pricepoint, thus making the Vita sales suffer as long as it will take. If it's not before fall 2013, I think the fight will be lost, and the Vita will become mostly for the Japanese hardcore gamers.

The Wii U has had a bad launch, I have seen 0 commercials and only one demo unit in the about 5 stores I have vistited since it launched here. On top of that, I have discovered that many casual gamers don't even know it's a new console, but think it's a Wii upgrade, so I think it's safe to say Nintendo has completely botched the launch of the Wii U, and I think we will see it bounce back once some of the great games comes out, and people start to understand that this is actually a new console. The Wii U also needs a price-cut, as it is too expensive at launch, especially here in Europe.