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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will the Wii U Ever Be Able To Match the Wii In SW Sales?

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zuvuyeay said:
who knows yet but i guess it doesn't help not having a Wii sports bundled

Wii Sports doesnt matter if theres no wiimote to casuals. You must create a device to dumb down gaming for them. 

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TheLastStarFighter said:
Yeah, the real question is can it match Wii hardware sales. I'm unsure if it will do better or worse. I'll go on a limb and say it will match Wii because it will have a larger base. It's base will be larger because of better third party support and a very strong base in Japan.

You do know that the mass majority of the Wii's sales came from casuals right? Just checking. Those people are only looking for the next big thing that they can drop a couple hundred dollars on in the holiday season for the gamily. The Wii U doesn't fit the bill because they already have Ipads. The majority of them can game on their ipad or ipohones (which are dominating the handheld market right now) and the core who own PS3's and 360's wont switch to the Wii U because they are already spoken for and are currently playing more games. If they dont make it as easy to game as they did with the Wii, the majority of them will not be coming back. People fail to see that what the Wii was is one time media darling. 

S.T.A.G.E. 3 hours ago
TheLastStarFighter said:
Yeah, the real question is can it match Wii hardware sales. I'm unsure if it will do better or worse. I'll go on a limb and say it will match Wii because it will have a larger base. It's base will be larger because of better third party support and a very strong base in Japan.

You do know that the mass majority of the Wii's sales came from casuals right? Just checking. Those people are only looking for the next big thing that they can drop a couple hundred dollars on in the holiday season for the gamily. The Wii U doesn't fit the bill because they already have Ipads. The majority of them can game on their ipad or ipohones (which are dominating the handheld market right now) and the core who own PS3's and 360's wont switch to the Wii U because they are already spoken for and are currently playing more games. If they dont make it as easy to game as they did with the Wii, the majority of them will not be coming back. People fail to see that what the Wii was is one time media darling.


I'm not quite sure what a casual is.

I only see the Wii U selling in the 40-50 million range versus 100+ million for the Wii, so no chance in hell I would say.

I also don't see them replicating the success of Wii Sports or Wii Fit on the Wii U (the two Wii Fit games sold like 40 million copies).

S.T.A.G.E. said:
NintendoPie said:
pezus said:
I don't think so, for three reasons:
1) WiiU isn't going to touch Wii hardware sales
2) WiiU is still going to have lackluster 3rd party support
3) I don't think Nintendo will hit the jackpot with another game like WiiSports and games like Mario Kart/NSMB will sell less because of the smaller install base.

How do we know that Wii U is going to have lack luster 3rd party support?

The Wii U is going to get owned in 2013, thats why. They aren't even going to get half of the top multiplats. Third party support signifies who will get attention from the core audience.

Such a shame but I agree with this. We are already getting rejected a bunch of multiplats, so disappointing. 

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