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Forums - General Discussion - Dating someone with kids

Max King of the Wild said:
d21lewis said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:




I'm gonna have to agree with d21lewis on this one and I guess I have to agree to disagree with you.  Two adults should have developed the skills to deal with losing somebody that comes into their lives.  That's what dating is all about.  You're trying to find that one person that is compatible with you and your life (including children).  Children don't have that.  In my opinion, it is totally unfair to introduce somebody to a child when they aren't ready to accept that responsibility.  The child winds up getting attached and thinking  that this person is going to be a part of their life and then has to shoulder the burden of thinking that they may have been the reason the relationship didn't work out.  You're going to do this to a child every time you meet some hot chick/dude at the grocery store?  Too many people in and out of your kids life.  Not good.

You get to know the person.  You see if they're the kind of person that you want around your kid.  Then, you introduce them when you feel like they're going to be there for the long haul.  You can't just pick up on that when you first meet someone.  It takes about a month for their real personality to come out.  And if I personally just met someone, even if I'm 100% ready to be a father and they instantly start forcing their kid on me before I'm ready to tackle that obstacle, It's going to scare me away.  It's a red light.  It's like meeting somebody, going out on one date, and them saying "I love you".  I'm not afraid of love but going that far, that fast is going to scare the fuck out of me.

Of course you are going to agree with yourself! LOL!

Also, I completely agree with you. Kids are going to be confused if they meet everyone their parent dates especially if they only meet them once because it doesn't work out. The relationship needs to be steady first and foremost.

A relationship is not, "steady" until ALL parties involved feel that way. INCLUDING THE CHILDREN. I almost feel as if you guys have no experience on this topic at all. d21 is obviously trolling a bit and having some fun with me. I like that. Ugh, I wish everyone understood what I am trying to convey. My baby's mother and I have these conversations all the time. To her I, "magically" found a good woman while she struggles. But to me, she advertises herself incorrectly and therefore, meets men like the topic creator. No offense, but she needs to meet men that are ready for that kind of situation. She needs to advertise that as her selling point so people know exactly whaty they are getting into. What happens is, instead of getting random men that cannot handle the situation applying for the relationship, she would get men that are looking for those qualities. It would not be the revolving door you think because the type of men that apply would be DRASTICALLY different than topic creator in mentality about children and her as a woman in the first place.

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Around the Network
GhaudePhaede010 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
d21lewis said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:





Of course you are going to agree with yourself! LOL!

Also, I completely agree with you. Kids are going to be confused if they meet everyone their parent dates especially if they only meet them once because it doesn't work out. The relationship needs to be steady first and foremost.

A relationship is not, "steady" until ALL parties involved feel that way. INCLUDING THE CHILDREN. I almost feel as if you guys have no experience on this topic at all. d21 is obviously trolling a bit and having some fun with me. I like that. Ugh, I wish everyone understood what I am trying to convey. My baby's mother and I have these conversations all the time. To her I, "magically" found a good woman while she struggles. But to me, she advertises herself incorrectly and therefore, meets men like the topic creator. No offense, but she needs to meet men that are ready for that kind of situation. She needs to advertise that as her selling point so people know exactly whaty they are getting into. What happens is, instead of getting random men that cannot handle the situation applying for the relationship, she would get men that are looking for those qualities. It would not be the revolving door you think because the type of men that apply would be DRASTICALLY different than topic creator in mentality about children and her as a woman in the first place.

You don't read threads you post in do you?

i sent u a message

d21lewis said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
d21lewis said:
She shouldn't have let you meet the kids until she's serious that you're going to be in their lives or she needs somebody to buy them Christmas presents.

That's how it works, bro.


 And if I personally just met someone, even if I'm 100% ready to be a father and they instantly start forcing their kid on me before I'm ready to tackle that obstacle, It's going to scare me away.  It's a red light.  It's like meeting somebody, going out on one date, and them saying "I love you".  I'm not afraid of love but going that far, that fast is going to scare the fuck out of me.

This part justifies exactly what I am trying to say. If someone is a parent, they have no choice but to, "force" their children on you because they are parents. If you see that as a red flag, then get out on day 1 because that is easier than leaving in month 3 or 4. What will end up happening is, people like you will NOT apply, and people like me will. Then she will find the man she is looking to find, and you will find a woman you are looking to find. Life is much easier that way because emotions destroy good judgment so try to keep emotions from getting too strong because the faster someone that is not interested gets out, the faster everyone can find the right person for themselves.

If you are afraid of someone saying they love you too soon, you walk away right then, and same with children. If you are pursuing a relationship today, then the children need to be involved, TODAY! If that is a red flag, get out of the way and let a different type of man apply. But it is on her to advertise it that way, because if she does not, then I do not blame TC for not being able to handle things, coming on a video game message board, and hiding from reality a bit. She must do a better job selling herself.

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First she introduce you the the kids.
Next thing you know, she'll lure you with a Nintendo.
Run like hell, man.

Around the Network
KungKras said:
Come on, she probably denied it just because she was afraid of how you would react, and judging by your reaction that was justified fear.

You already decided it was not going to be a deal breaker, so don't make it one. Don't let what a kid says get to you, kids say a lot of things.
Just train the kids to call you by your first name and problem solved.

More like she didn't want the biological father to be pissed off and stop providing child support.


OP look on the bright side, At least she had kids with one guy. I seen far too many women who have 5 kids 5 fathers where the kids don't resemble each other.

The poi9nt I am making is she can't be all too bad. So it all depends on how you really feel about her and if you want to contiue this relationship. However you need to decide now and CALL HER to let her know. Also make sure your decision is solid as you will only fuck with the kids minds later on if you decide this is too hard for you. Also it would not be fair on her to say how about we keep having sex and me not see the children before I fully commit. That is called using someone.



Well first of all, after two and a half weeks, you should probably get out of the bathroom.

Second, if the kid called you dad you are probably not bad at being one, so I wouldn't sweat about the whole "feeling like a dad / feeling immature" thing. Being a father is something you need to learn, you just don't wake up some day and think "yep, I'm dad material now" and go get a kid. It's the other way around.

Also, the way you handled the situation until now is pretty shitty.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

I think it's been too much time that you haven't talked to her. I don't blame you for that, but its probably the truth.
Didn't she never try to contact you in that time?

I went to talk to her this afternoon. I'm not going to go into details but after talking she's gonna give me a second shot but I'm not allowed to see her kids until she says it's okay. One thing that stuck out was that she said I took care of the kids better than the actual father ever did but I'm not sure if that's true or she just wants me to feel more guilty than I already do. After this whole ordeal I think I've learned a something pretty horrible about myself that I hope I can change. As some of you have said I'm not a kid and I need to start growing up.

Thanks for the advice.

pokeclaudel said:
I went to talk to her this afternoon. I'm not going to go into details but after talking she's gonna give me a second shot but I'm not allowed to see her kids until she says it's okay. One thing that stuck out was that she said I took care of the kids better than the actual father ever did but I'm not sure if that's true or she just wants me to feel more guilty than I already do. After this whole ordeal I think I've learned a something pretty horrible about myself that I hope I can change. As some of you have said I'm not a kid and I need to start growing up.

Thanks for the advice.

Sounds like a great start and you really have the attitude to turn this around.

Well done, and be proud of yourself for taking the first steps.