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KungKras said:
Come on, she probably denied it just because she was afraid of how you would react, and judging by your reaction that was justified fear.

You already decided it was not going to be a deal breaker, so don't make it one. Don't let what a kid says get to you, kids say a lot of things.
Just train the kids to call you by your first name and problem solved.

More like she didn't want the biological father to be pissed off and stop providing child support.


OP look on the bright side, At least she had kids with one guy. I seen far too many women who have 5 kids 5 fathers where the kids don't resemble each other.

The poi9nt I am making is she can't be all too bad. So it all depends on how you really feel about her and if you want to contiue this relationship. However you need to decide now and CALL HER to let her know. Also make sure your decision is solid as you will only fuck with the kids minds later on if you decide this is too hard for you. Also it would not be fair on her to say how about we keep having sex and me not see the children before I fully commit. That is called using someone.