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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

osed125 said:

Super Paper Mario is my game number 50, I really don't know why people hate it so much. I agree is the worst of the 3 (well now 4) but it's still a really good game, with great story and funny as hell.

It was just too different from the main series. If it had been named something else, I probably would have given it a fair chance, instead of hating it like I did.

Reminds me of all the hate FFXIII got. I absolutely loved the game. I'd never played a FF game before so I had no expectations, and I ended up enjoying it. FF fans expecting a FF game like pervious ones were disappointed (to say the least :p), and I understand where they're coming from.

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50. Katamari Damacy (2004)

Dropping from 31 to 50 over the last two years; it's pretty easy to claim it remains the strangest game on my list. At first glance I didn't think this game could be any good; my mistake. Much of the enjoyment for Katamari is the glee in eventually rolling buildings and landmasses into a giant ball.  The core of the game is the subtle puzzle of how to find the next object that isn't so small that is does you little good, yet not so large that you bounce harmlessly aside.  It's a simple concept that lends itself to effortlessly adjustable difficulty and the addiction level of Tetris.  The preposterous items you pick up, the catchy music, and the incomprehensible story add to the experience without diminishing the fun of the gameplay.  Exploring the levels with little regard for the goal can be as much fun as playing the game as intended.  Reaching the later levels and rolling significantly larger katamari is a wonderful reward for your hard earned completion of the previous levels. 

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

49: Rayman Origins (Wii)
A very solid plattformer, but unfortunately it was not the Rayman game I was waiting for. You guuys will be seeing more Rayman games in my list.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

#49: Suikoden Tierkreis

It definitely had its issues (especially the voices early on), but I still breezed right through it. I've yet to actually try another Suikoden game, but I've been meaning to change that ever since playing this particular entry. I've heard that some of the others offer a much richer experience. Something for me to look forward to, eh? :D


My 50th on the list being lumines 2 was an absolute time destroyer for me on the psp it really was the first time that I got lost into a psp game, the addictive play style of Tetris wrapped around some absolutely great music and a block mechanic that really really had a load of time gone into making it feel so fluid, while lumines live on the 360 does have online play it is so ripped of the other features which come built into Lumines 2 means it didn't make my list and this guy did, The reason to have a psp and a great set of headphones.
My 49 Ivy the kiwi? have to say this is one of the simplest little uses of motion control on the wii, main character of a tiny little bird half out of it's shell walking through stages not unlike lemmings would do and all you can do is draw lines with the wii remote to stop it walking into spikes and to build bridges for it, later you get told of the ability to pull lines down like a bowstring to launch lil Ivy into the air and break blocks/enemies it really is just such a perfect motion control game, every wii should have this.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

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axumblade said:

Number 48 is still selling well despite being from a previous generation of games.


Gran Turismo 4?

#49 - Journey (PS3)

The only game released this year to make it into my list, which is a feat in itself (I like to take time to process and get nostalgic about games), but Journey managed to melt my heart and make its way in.  Beautiful, touching and a fantastic experience, only made better by the online integration.

Clue for #48 - after 12 years, a sequel to this game was finally released this year.

@axumblade: GTA: SA?

My #49, as guessed by Miz, is Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, one of the strangest and most rewarding games I've played. The game can be frustrating at times, but most great games dish out healthy doses of frustration to sweeten the eventual reward of success. Apart from a steep learning curve, Abe's Oddysee infuses traditional platform elements (running, jumping, crawling) with new and creative options. One of the most unique additions is "Game Speak," the ability to communicate with enemies, friends, and animals with everything from words and whistles to growls and flatulence.

49. Banjo-Tooie (N64)

Banjo-Tooie was from Rare's golden age in the 90's, and it won't be the only game from that era on my list. Gruntilda the witch is back from the dead (just like any good antagonist), and it's up to Banjo and Kazooie to save the day for a second time.

My 48th game was followed by a rather long wait for the next entry in the franchise.
