My 50th on the list being lumines 2 was an absolute time destroyer for me on the psp it really was the first time that I got lost into a psp game, the addictive play style of Tetris wrapped around some absolutely great music and a block mechanic that really really had a load of time gone into making it feel so fluid, while lumines live on the 360 does have online play it is so ripped of the other features which come built into Lumines 2 means it didn't make my list and this guy did, The reason to have a psp and a great set of headphones.
My 49 Ivy the kiwi? have to say this is one of the simplest little uses of motion control on the wii, main character of a tiny little bird half out of it's shell walking through stages not unlike lemmings would do and all you can do is draw lines with the wii remote to stop it walking into spikes and to build bridges for it, later you get told of the ability to pull lines down like a bowstring to launch lil Ivy into the air and break blocks/enemies it really is just such a perfect motion control game, every wii should have this.
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