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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DO NOT buy AC3 , just watch the ending.

Baddman said:
wtf is juno? i played the first three AC games havent played revelations or ac3 yet? did i miss something or you posting spoilers?

You played the first three AC games and you haven't heard of Juno? Juno showed up in the third game. I believe Minerva was in the second.

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I get what the TC is saying. Ubi makes great games in terms of game play, but the story and in particular their endings are horrible, which is why i skipped AC2:R . Play it for great game play skip the story. AC makes a great rental, that's why the attached multiplayer to the series.

PullusPardus said:

I am honest, this is going a bit too much Ubisoft these games always end up in a cliffhanger and nothing you did during gameplay matters, and the cliffhangers always lead to other bullshit cliffhangers, and the same "Mystery" that should have ended with AC2 is still going on, Yes i am talking about Juno and yes the ending is shit still, so Don't buy this game, its not even fun, and very easy, and also its exactly the same as other AC games minus the settings. (oh and useless animals lolololol) 

this isn't Red Dead Redemption AC Style, its Ubisoft trying to rip you off again with pointless sequels.

I am finding I can do what you said with just about every single player release out there, that isn't sandbox focused, or has decent multiplayer.  Anything story-driven I can hop on YouTube, watch the ending, and not feel like I really missed anything.  Any game based around story, I am able to watch.  Not sure why I shouldn't keep doing this, unless people think if everyone does it, that means the videogame industry will die off.  Well, maybe if they offer me more replayability single player, I wouldn't feel inclined to do this.

richardhutnik said:
PullusPardus said:

I am honest, this is going a bit too much Ubisoft these games always end up in a cliffhanger and nothing you did during gameplay matters, and the cliffhangers always lead to other bullshit cliffhangers, and the same "Mystery" that should have ended with AC2 is still going on, Yes i am talking about Juno and yes the ending is shit still, so Don't buy this game, its not even fun, and very easy, and also its exactly the same as other AC games minus the settings. (oh and useless animals lolololol) 

this isn't Red Dead Redemption AC Style, its Ubisoft trying to rip you off again with pointless sequels.

I am finding I can do what you said with just about every single player release out there, that isn't sandbox focused, or has decent multiplayer.  Anything story-driven I can hop on YouTube, watch the ending, and not feel like I really missed anything.  Any game based around story, I am able to watch.  Not sure why I shouldn't keep doing this, unless people think if everyone does it, that means the videogame industry will die off.  Well, maybe if they offer me more replayability single player, I wouldn't feel inclined to do this.

The game is sandbox, but is at odds with itself with all it tries to be. The linear story confuses the user into story on the path rather than exploring all the fruits the game has to offer. Because I was so trained to stay on path by the storyline I went through the whole game without caring for the upgrades, jobs, artisans or anything else.

Jay520 said:
TheFallen said:
Always thought AC games were overrated anyway. Repetative , easy gameplay that holds your hands for a lot of things like Auto Jump, Fighting and stupid AI.

Indeed. This is exactly why I can't understand why Slimebeast loves this series so much.

It is true.

Assassin's Creed has indeed enormous flaws (extreme handholding, being linear despite taking place in an open world like S.T.A.G.E. described, laughable combat).

But the amazing atmosphere and setting, together with this "flow" due to everything being so easy creates a mesmerizing and almost meditative experience.

I feel so freaking good when I play Assassin's Creed.

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pezus said:
PullusPardus said:
ishiki said:
if it had a good ending how much more would you have liked it?

i'd give it 4/10


more exploration than other games in the title.


lots of detail, it looks great on PC, not the best looking game but the winds and the grass look great , as a screensaver of sort.


Story is really lame, they didn't polish it like AC2 did, the characters some of them are really uninteresting, some are more polished than others

Gameplay is basically the same as every other AC, wait for the guys to attack you, and counterattack , repeat.

AI is dumb as always now its more dumber thanks to bows and arrows and more open spaces

Ending , and Desmonds story are really left in a hang, its worse than ME3's ending, and to be honest Ubisoft already spoiled the "Ending" really when they said something about desmond.

Huh, it's out on PC?

Yes, for some reason It was released early here, probably because Ubisoft went to Dubai for confrence or something.

pezus said:
loy310 said:
I get what the TC is saying. Ubi makes great games in terms of game play, but the story and in particular their endings are horrible, which is why i skipped AC2:R . Play it for great game play skip the story. AC makes a great rental, that's why the attached multiplayer to the series.

But then it doesn't make sense to "just watch the ending" when the ending is the worst part...

You owe it to yourself to play this game. $60? Thats debatable. 

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Baddman said:
wtf is juno? i played the first three AC games havent played revelations or ac3 yet? did i miss something or you posting spoilers?

You played the first three AC games and you haven't heard of Juno? Juno showed up in the third game. I believe Minerva was in the second.

man i never heard no juno name and i beat brotherhood fairly recently

Baddman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Baddman said:
wtf is juno? i played the first three AC games havent played revelations or ac3 yet? did i miss something or you posting spoilers?

You played the first three AC games and you haven't heard of Juno? Juno showed up in the third game. I believe Minerva was in the second.

man i never heard no juno name and i beat brotherhood fairly recently

Dont worry the story is so crazy people tend to miss parts. It just got crazier.

I still rather play the game full and throught than just watch the ending that takes out all the fun, wait I'm doing that right now. And the game is better good so far.