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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DO NOT buy AC3 , just watch the ending.

the2real4mafol said:
I'm disappointed such a thread turned up, if you want the game just buy it, if not don't , but don't try and spoil it.

Singling out Assassin's Creed and saying Ubisoft want to rip you off is just bull, you can see how much effort they put into making the game, when you play it and it's so worth it. But if you say Ubisoft want to rip you off, then what about developers of other yearly franchises, EA- FIFA, madden, Need for speed etc. Activision- Call of Duty Sega- Sonic Nintendo- Mario etc.

They are not rip offs, as people enjoy these games and they change every year, not one AC is the same.

Just because people enjoy being ripped off doesn't mean they're not being ripped off. Not saying AC3 is a ripoff though.

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PullusPardus said:
ishiki said:
if it had a good ending how much more would you have liked it?

i'd give it 4/10


more exploration than other games in the title.


lots of detail, it looks great on PC, not the best looking game but the winds and the grass look great , as a screensaver of sort.


Story is really lame, they didn't polish it like AC2 did, the characters some of them are really uninteresting, some are more polished than others

Gameplay is basically the same as every other AC, wait for the guys to attack you, and counterattack , repeat.

AI is dumb as always now its more dumber thanks to bows and arrows and more open spaces

Ending , and Desmonds story are really left in a hang, its worse than ME3's ending, and to be honest Ubisoft already spoiled the "Ending" really when they said something about desmond.

Actually I think the AI is actually a lot smarter than the previous games.  Examples: 1) In the previous games the guards did not see you kill enemies on the roof and now in AC3 they always seem to come after me if I kill a guard on the roof. 2) If there are two guards walking and one is in front of the other and I kill the one behind the other one then the guy notices and comes after me. This never happened to me in the others.  And 3) I am constantly blocking enemies now instead of just standing around.  

Right now in sequence 7, it is a solid 8.5 - 9.0 for me.  But, to each his own.

PullusPardus said:
Mad55 said:
But its really good so far. Imma have to keep playing.

well since you already bought it ,then enjoy it.


Jay520 said:
the2real4mafol said:
I'm disappointed such a thread turned up, if you want the game just buy it, if not don't , but don't try and spoil it.

Singling out Assassin's Creed and saying Ubisoft want to rip you off is just bull, you can see how much effort they put into making the game, when you play it and it's so worth it. But if you say Ubisoft want to rip you off, then what about developers of other yearly franchises, EA- FIFA, madden, Need for speed etc. Activision- Call of Duty Sega- Sonic Nintendo- Mario etc.

They are not rip offs, as people enjoy these games and they change every year, not one AC is the same.

Just because people enjoy being ripped off doesn't mean they're not being ripped off. Not saying AC3 is a ripoff though.

Yeah that's was what I was trying to say, but Assassin's Creed III is not a rip off at all, it's well worth it in my view

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the2real4mafol said:
I'm disappointed such a thread turned up, if you want the game just buy it, if not don't , but don't try and spoil it.

Singling out Assassin's Creed and saying Ubisoft want to rip you off is just bull, you can see how much effort they put into making the game, when you play it and it's so worth it. But if you say Ubisoft want to rip you off, then what about developers of other yearly franchises, EA- FIFA, madden, Need for speed etc. Activision- Call of Duty Sega- Sonic Nintendo- Mario etc.

They are not rip offs, as people enjoy these games and they change every year, not one AC is the same.

but the thing is, its the same as the last game, only different settings, so not much effort put into it.

for a game that is heavy on its story, having the story to be its weak points, is kind of a gamebreaker don't you think?

The new need for speed is excellent by the way, its totally different from last years need for speed, same for CoD , Last year's Sonic was awesome, Mario i don't know.

sport games are sport games they're like that.

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PullusPardus said:
the2real4mafol said:
I'm disappointed such a thread turned up, if you want the game just buy it, if not don't , but don't try and spoil it.

Singling out Assassin's Creed and saying Ubisoft want to rip you off is just bull, you can see how much effort they put into making the game, when you play it and it's so worth it. But if you say Ubisoft want to rip you off, then what about developers of other yearly franchises, EA- FIFA, madden, Need for speed etc. Activision- Call of Duty Sega- Sonic Nintendo- Mario etc.

They are not rip offs, as people enjoy these games and they change every year, not one AC is the same.

but the thing is, its the same as the last game, only different settings, so not much effort put into it.

for a game that is heavy on its story, having the story to be its weak points, is kind of a gamebreaker don't you think?

The new need for speed is excellent by the way, its totally different from last years need for speed, same for CoD , Last year's Sonic was awesome, Mario i don't know.

sport games are sport games they're like that.

This is yours and others opinion, but there are quite a bit of people who like AC3 story, me included.  And how is this game the same as the others except with a different setting because the game I'm playing lets you climb trees, cliffs, and much more. It has different weather and seasons, naval missions, a lot of new animations, a pretty wide variety of missions, upgraded combat, and new weapons, like the rope dart.

At the most I will rent this game.

ThatGreekGuy said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ThatGreekGuy said:
I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

Keep playing. Your eyes have not been opened yet. I just finished the game now and wow...just wow.

By that, do you mean that it's good or bad?

The ending felt completely wrong and out of balance with the way the story has always gone. I wont spoil it, but from now on this title is a complete rental.

Jay520 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ThatGreekGuy said:
I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

Keep playing. Your eyes have not been opened yet. I just finished the game now and wow...just wow.

This is surprising considering you were praising the game a fair bit in the AC3 review thread.

This is easily remedied with pros and cons, but I dont really want to do that tonight. The game is extremely ambitious and easily the best AC gameplay wise that I've ever played. Conner is awesome and has a greater story and reason to fight (even though the voice actor was ok). Desmonds story left sooooooooooooooooooo much to be desired and and it sucks so badly that it took five games for him to STILL not even get a decent amount of action. The end was such a cop out. The storyline was so linear in the beginning of the game that I couldn't give two shits about the outside world like I did in AC 2.  The hunting and the Ships were pretty good. In all this game was a 7.5/10. Definitely not a first day buy.

wtf is juno? i played the first three AC games havent played revelations or ac3 yet? did i miss something or you posting spoilers?