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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DO NOT buy AC3 , just watch the ending.

WOW Assassins Creed truly pulled a Mass Effect. I can truly say Mass Effect had a better ending. I just finished it and I wont spoil it but they destroyed the thread of the story to milk the franchise.

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I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

ThatGreekGuy said:
I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

Keep playing. Your eyes have not been opened yet. I just finished the game now and wow...just wow.

PullusPardus said:
green_sky said:
PullusPardus said:

Sorry i must be confusing you with someone else. I thought you said they were too easy and casual for you and don't offer any real challenge for your skills. Seriously though. Are you joking again about watching a game on youtube. 

I did say that , not "too casual" it just too easy which makes every mission you do boring an uninteresting, and is a chore instead of a challenge (ala Dark Souls)

It's funny you say that. I rather watch Dark Souls on youtube. Not because i prefer games to be streamed to me while i do my exercise routine but because it just about does the worst job of easing the player into the game and than increasing difficulty. The cries and frustrations of people playing the game become much more enjoyable than those never ending skeletons of doom. 

Souls would have been a great for me when i was a younger and only got one or two games a year. Would have spent all my frustrations at getting better at the game. AC is great game to play and see wonderful locations from history, the people and architecture. The story and combat is great to when one has an hour or two max to play during the day. 

S.T.A.G.E. said:
ThatGreekGuy said:
I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

Keep playing. Your eyes have not been opened yet. I just finished the game now and wow...just wow.

By that, do you mean that it's good or bad?

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i was going to buy this game but now i won't after hearing your honest impression

S.T.A.G.E. said:
ThatGreekGuy said:
I am really enjoying AC3 actually, i'm in sequence 6 and the multiplayer is fun too!
By my opinion, this a must for any Assassin's Creed fan!

Keep playing. Your eyes have not been opened yet. I just finished the game now and wow...just wow.

This is surprising considering you were praising the game a fair bit in the AC3 review thread.

Always thought AC games were overrated anyway. Repetative , easy gameplay that holds your hands for a lot of things like Auto Jump, Fighting and stupid AI.

TheFallen said:
Always thought AC games were overrated anyway. Repetative , easy gameplay that holds your hands for a lot of things like Auto Jump, Fighting and stupid AI.

Indeed. This is exactly why I can't understand why Slimebeast loves this series so much.

I'm disappointed such a thread turned up, if you want the game just buy it, if not don't , but don't try and spoil it.

Singling out Assassin's Creed and saying Ubisoft want to rip you off is just bull, you can see how much effort they put into making the game, when you play it and it's so worth it. But if you say Ubisoft want to rip you off, then what about developers of other yearly franchises, EA- FIFA, madden, Need for speed etc. Activision- Call of Duty Sega- Sonic Nintendo- Mario etc.

They are not rip offs, as people enjoy these games and they change every year, not one AC is the same.

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