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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo should copy Sony

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Nintendo should

be more like Sony in gene... 35 19.55%
have at least one studio like Team Ico. 53 29.61%
not bother with the segment. 91 50.84%
happydolphin said:
Jay520 said:

Because they are of the highest quality and are the most successful. 

Yet the majority of the gaming community is looking for something more from them, and 130m-ish HD twin consoles were sold despite the Wii being the market leader. Makes you ask yourself a few questions after all.

I'm not sure what you're arguing? The highest quality claim or the most successful claim. One is a verifiable fact and the other is my opinion. They cannot be disputed.

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happydolphin said:
Jay520 said:

Because they are of the highest quality and are the most successful. 

Yet the majority of the gaming community is looking for something more from them, and 130m-ish HD twin consoles were sold despite the Wii being the market leader. Makes you ask yourself a few questions after all.

It's hard to know what they are up to. This is going to be the first year they have an HD system. It will take them a while to ramp up and know how to make HD games.

So this thread should really be entitled:

Reason #85234234 Why Nintendo Needs to Make 'Mature' Games

Wake me when it's over.

ECM said:
So this thread should really be entitled:

Reason #85234234 Why Nintendo Needs to Make 'Mature' Games

Wake me when it's over.

Nope. You have it all wrong, but stay in bed please.

This verse fantastic thank you very much happy for gracing me the charts with this thread I don't know hi again thank you but this is a start by boxing in the thread this happening on the charts much tonight so pointless a lot of good friends but who cares. This comment was typed using Siri

EDIT: Fail

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Given that Nintendo is one of the few high-end developers that remains concerned with something other than "art," this would be a terrible idea.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Given that Nintendo is one of the few high-end developers that remains concerned with something other than "art," this would be a terrible idea.

Can you expand upon this comment further please, I'm interested. At the moment it doesn't make much sense. 

Mr Khan said:
Given that Nintendo is one of the few high-end developers that remains concerned with something other than "art," this would be a terrible idea.

I think the prevalence of art is extremely overblown by gamers. I can't think of many developers that do try to create art. And for the ones that do, there are at least ten more developers that do not. 

happydolphin said:
Jay520 said:
there is no need for further explanation. I understand your point, but I disagree.

Okay, then give me examples of games you find better or equal to SotC, Uncharted and GT. Go ahead.

The metric: That are classics that appeal to the older teen segment.

The point is that the segment you mention has already enough games. They have COD, AC and Halo each year. GT, Uncharted and SoTC could be as good as you want, but none of them this generation have pulled the same numbers as the others. (GT is big, before you try to go in that way, but not like the others)

You cannot say "why Nintendo don't bother to make games like that!" and not take in count sales. I mean, do you believe Sony make that games just simply to release "quality games for the older teenage segment"? No. They want the sales as the others. So why bother making games for that segment when there are enough?

Better make games for the other segments, like for "everyone" or kids or soccer moms or whatever you want to call and gain more sales, while let third parties continue with their own ones appealing especifically for those teenagers.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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Pavolink said:

The point is that the segment you mention has already enough games. They have COD, AC and Halo each year. GT, Uncharted and SoTC could be as good as you want, but none of them this generation have pulled the same numbers as the others. (GT is big, before you try to go in that way, but not like the others)

You cannot say "why Nintendo don't bother to make games like that!" and not take in count sales. I mean, do you believe Sony make that games just simply to release "quality games for the older teenage segment"? No. They want the sales as the others. So why bother making games for that segment when there are enough?

Better make games for the other segments, like for "everyone" or kids or soccer moms or whatever you want to call and gain more sales, while let third parties continue with their own ones appealing especifically for those teenagers.

There are enough, true, but on which console?

Also, it is a segment that Nintendo hasn't tapped into really, and it would be nice to see if it could compete with Sony on that level, or at least try.

I acknowledge the sales of Nintendo, you didn't ask me. That's why I suggested in OP that Nintendo leaves all the cash cows as they are, but at least devote 1 internal studio to something like SotC.