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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo should copy Sony

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Nintendo should

be more like Sony in gene... 35 19.55%
have at least one studio like Team Ico. 53 29.61%
not bother with the segment. 91 50.84%

Well, you have heard for the longest time that Nintendo has the best IPs. Well, with the PS2 and PS3 it looked like Sony was in for the kill, and gave us franchises like the Team Ico games, Uncharted and some amazing upgrades to the Gran Turismo series.

Now of course you will tell me "What about Little Big Planet?", "What about Killzone", "What about this" and "that".

Well, I'm talking about some of the most amazing video games of all time, and I'm talking about those I mentioned in the first paragraph. It's my opinion that the games listed there are some of the best games I have ever played in terms of immersion and gaming bliss.


Here, we have a company with studios that make games of a greater scale, and of the utmost quality, with themes that defeat fantasy and enter the world of surrealism. A company that has been in the business for only three generations, and already show the marks of an excellent video game factory (figuratively speaking). Where is Nintendo? Nintendo has largely limited itself to games that are for kids, and are starting to enter the realm of more epic games. Yes, they tried to get there with Rare's games in the N64 era, and then with Retro's Prime and EAD's Twilight Princess. Their closest moments to this kind of content however was in the NES days with Zelda, Mario 1, Kid Icarus and Metroid games, as well as Punch Out!!


Of course there are other games made by other Nintendo or contracted studios such as Xenoblade and Pandora's Tower, and now Bayonetta 2. But when it comes to Nintendo themselves, they haven't been able to rival Sony in that category, and even with Twilight Princess, their entry into the darker themes was awkward alot of the times.

Could Nintendo learn a bit from Sony, would you like to see Nintendo come up with games like Shadow of the Colossus? Do you think it's possible, or do you think we should just let Sony do what it does best, and enjoy them as Sony games as they are?

Do you believe the SotC/GT/UC quality is relegated to one single company, or do you think it's an ideal any company could and should aspire to?

Should at least one studio of Nintendo's go after this segment, my segment? Your thoughts.

DanneSandin said:
happyD isn't saying that Nintendo should stop doing what they're doing. He's saying "do this as well". It's not that hard to understand. This gen Nintendo did Xenoblade "as well", next gen they're doing Bayonetta 2 "as well". And we love them for it!! 

Do cinematic games as well Nintendo. If there were an Uncharted game for Wii/WiiU I'd so get it! As it is now I gotta get me a PS3 as well. And that's nothing I, as a Nintendo costumer, should do "as well";getting a 2nd console. Nintendo should give me these game experiences "as well" so that I might support the competition.

Yes, there is 3rd party games like this. The new Tomb Raider looks awesome! But is it coming for the WiiU? No! So that's ANOTHER reason for me to get PS3 "as well". 

Folks, do you understand what we're saying?

For an idea of someone that understands the piece I wrote above.

Also, it looks like they already are taking cues from Sony, which is a great thing:

In thread ->

Reggie said: (on the PS2 and Sony)

They’ve done a phenomenal job, and they have been able to address different marketing over time, to build an incredibly large install base,” he said.

Here is a smart business man, one who is able to look at what his competition does right and tries follow it. This is very business wise.

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how dare you say somebody makes better games than nintendo!!! just wait and see how people on this forum will tear you up for saying it! (even though its true)

Well some people would say the same about Sony copying Nintendo, it depends on preference.

AdventWolf said:
Well some people would say the same about Sony copying Nintendo, it depends on preference.

So, this is a cop-out. The reason is that Sony has already been trying to follow Nintendo's success with games like Little Big Planet (as different as it is from Nintendo games it sure is aiming a similar market), and then with games like LBP racing, the move, the eye pet and many more casual family-friendly experiences.

The opposite as described in OP is not true.

I'm looking for more depth than that AW.

They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games from the PS3. Nah mean?



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I'd love to see what some of the developers at Nintendo could do with total creative freedom. Mario and Zelda are great, but I feel like the potential of the studios that create all these Mario and Zelda (+ more franchises, not going to name all of them) games isn't being met. It's an untapped resource, creatively speaking. Financially they clearly work wonders for Nintendo, which is kind of frustrating to be honest. I mean, it's great for Nintendo as a company, and people love those games... but do those same people not want to see what the fuck else these obviously talented studios can do?

Imagine Naughty Dog was never allowed to deviate from Crash Bandicoot. We'd probably still get good Crash games, and they could probably create some Crash games that stood apart from each other mechanically and even thematically whilst still being set in that universe... but we wouldn't have Jak or Uncharted or The Last of Us.

MontanaHatchet said:

They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games from the PS3. Nah mean?

Problem is, they have to get Sony to satisfy the need , and that's not possible. Hopefully one day it will be.

Edit: But the point of OP is to see Nintendo themselves become more like Sony, at least one studio if not more and learn how to market the segment in general.

This thread should just have been called Sony > Nintendo. Great thread.

bananaking21 said:
how dare you say somebody makes better games than nintendo!!! just wait and see how people on this forum will tear you up for saying it! (even though its true)

What an awful and unfortunate first post.


happydolphin said:
AdventWolf said:
Well some people would say the same about Sony copying Nintendo, it depends on preference.

So, this is a cop-out. The reason is that Sony has already been trying to follow Nintendo's success with games like Little Big Planet (as different as it is from Nintendo games it sure is aiming a similar market), and then with games like LBP racing, the move, the eye pet and many more casual family-friendly experiences.

The opposite as described in OP is not true.

I'm looking for more depth than that AW.

For good (or bad) Nintendo is focusing in whatever they are good to do, rather than do everything, like Sony. For the genres or types of games they cannot do they want third parties in the console. For example, I don't think Nintendo will be able to do a kind of Monster Hunter or Dragon Quest as good as the originals. So instead of trying, they'll attract the third party and focus resources on the games they are good making.

As mentioned before, this could be a good or a bad decision. In the case of this thread, is bad.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

"games that are for kids" = entire argument is invalid.

No, really.  Games like Zelda and Metroid and Super Mario are not made for kids.  They are made for anyone who enjoys games.  If you write off any game (other than those obviously "early development"-type games) as "for kids" you are only limiting yourself as to what you can enjoy.  While I love SotC-type games and those with "mature" stories (lol-the term "mature" makes me laugh when applied to video games)... I still very much enjoy Nintendo's games like Pikmin and Mario and Pokemon.

As for whether or not Nintendo should copy Sony, why should they?  Sony is not the paragon of good business strategy.  Many people enjoy their games, but those games aren't keeping the company, nor the gaming department, in the black.  Nintendo doesn't particularly excel at that sort of story-telling, so they leave it up to second and third partied to make those sorts of games, and they are right to do so.  Nintendo does what it does best, and nobody does it better.