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happydolphin said:
Jay520 said:
there is no need for further explanation. I understand your point, but I disagree.

Okay, then give me examples of games you find better or equal to SotC, Uncharted and GT. Go ahead.

The metric: That are classics that appeal to the older teen segment.

The point is that the segment you mention has already enough games. They have COD, AC and Halo each year. GT, Uncharted and SoTC could be as good as you want, but none of them this generation have pulled the same numbers as the others. (GT is big, before you try to go in that way, but not like the others)

You cannot say "why Nintendo don't bother to make games like that!" and not take in count sales. I mean, do you believe Sony make that games just simply to release "quality games for the older teenage segment"? No. They want the sales as the others. So why bother making games for that segment when there are enough?

Better make games for the other segments, like for "everyone" or kids or soccer moms or whatever you want to call and gain more sales, while let third parties continue with their own ones appealing especifically for those teenagers.

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DKCTF didn't move consoles

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