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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

o_O.Q said:

well i actually can remember launch window 360 games for the most part showing noticeable improvements to games from the previous gen... i specifically remember journalists raving about how realistic sweat looked in certain sporting games as 1 example

but regardless if whats shown doesn't impress a person then i don't see the issue with them saying they'll wait and see what the competition will have in store

Waiting for what the competition will show it's perfectly fine, as a consumer it's always nice to look for their preferences, it just seems kinda weird to talk about it at this point in time where we don't know much about the Wii U in terms of hardware.

I remember some improvements from the original xbox and the early 360 games, but not huge differences like we've seen on later games in the life of the system like Halo 4 or Uncharted in the case of the PS3. 

I understand it's hard for some people to see the big differences between what it's available on the 360 and PS3 compare to the Wii U, but even though they are small those improvements are indeed there and I believe (no facts here just pure speculation) those differences will be less noticeable each gen. And I also believe the next xbox and PS4 will have a decent jump in graphics but not as big as previous gens.

Nintendo and PC gamer

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osed125 said:
o_O.Q said:

well i actually can remember launch window 360 games for the most part showing noticeable improvements to games from the previous gen... i specifically remember journalists raving about how realistic sweat looked in certain sporting games as 1 example

but regardless if whats shown doesn't impress a person then i don't see the issue with them saying they'll wait and see what the competition will have in store

Waiting for what the competition will show it's perfectly fine, as a consumer it's always nice to look for their preferences, it just seems kinda weird to talk about it at this point in time where we don't know much about the Wii U in terms of hardware.

I remember some improvements from the original xbox and the early 360 games, but not huge differences like we've seen on later games in the life of the system like Halo 4 or Uncharted in the case of the PS3. 

I understand it's hard for some people to see the big differences between what it's available on the 360 and PS3 compare to the Wii U, but even though they are small those improvements are indeed there and I believe (no facts here just pure speculation) those differences will be less noticeable each gen. And I also believe the next xbox and PS4 will have a decent jump in graphics but not as big as previous gens.

this i think is the reason for people with this mindset, they just don't see enough of an improvement

even for me personally from what i've seen i'd honestly say that so far i haven't see any footage from the wii u that looks any better than the games i've been playing this gen

but as you mentioned over time devs will become more familiar with the hardware which will result in improvements being applied to games

The thread seems pointless, why would a non-Nintendo fan (so someone who is a fan of not liking Nintendo) buy a wii u!! The thread is set up for negative feedback.


Is there any confirmation yet of a unified profile with friends lists, achievements, etc. Because if it lacks this feature then I have no problem passing on Wii U till its super cheap.

If it does have a unified profile system then Im interested

mushroomboy5 said:
Heavenly_King said:
mushroomboy5 said:
StevenKreg said:

I mean. The system looks more solid than the Wii and its at least heading in the right direction.

But, no way in hell I'm holding a big clunky freaking ipad to play a video game.

I'm pretty sure it also has classic controller support doesn't it?

Then it is basically a PS3/360.   The only "appealing" thing is the controller, so if you don use it is just another current gen console.  Why any of us who have one already would be interested in the WiiU, if we dont like nintendo games??

haha wrote my post above before I read yours...I guess the obvious answer is that people who don't like nintendo aint gonna buy the machine. Not really that big a problem if you look at the size of nintendo's fanbase...

I don't get why suddenly everyone is feeling threatened and being so vitriolic towards something they aint gonna buy anyway.

I mean, I'm not a big fan of rhubarb (ech it's gross!) I just don't go near the stuff and barely think about it. I don't devote hours of my shortening life to bitching about it on forums.

You're joking right? Nintendo is aiming at the hardcore because they don't take an off season (aka the "early adopters"). They want to set up a situation similar to what Microsoft started for Sony. Get as close to the competition in third party titles until you cant tell the difference, then keep the price low so when the highly anticipated console launches it flounders compared to expected sales.The casuals might not turn to Nintendo for their next novelty, hell next gen might not be as commercially huge as it was this gen. Nintendo knows they need to stable gaming crowd to bolster the early sales of this console, which is why they are obviously stocking up on core titles. They want the PS3/360 crowd as if their third party exclusive sales didnt paint the picture this gen. 

Sounds like it makes sense eh?

One problem. They are already trying to satisfy a segment of the market that is spoken for, with the same games that have come out and people have already preordered elsewhere. I can also put money on it that Nintendo will not even segment the COD crowd next gen either from the 360 or PS3 section. While the 360 and PS3 will both share PC titles, the PC devs who have been ignoring the Wii will probably ignore the Wii U as well when it comes to next gen titles

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Right now, the only exclusive that interest me is ZombieU. Any other game, I either have already (Batman:AC, Mass effect 3) or I can just buy on my Xbox later (AC3, Darksiders 2). The online doesn't even look as good as xbl.

I wonder how many in here waited in line back in the time to get the N64, the "true next gen system", instead of buying a PSone or Saturn, which were kind of half a gen behind.

FrancisNobleman said:

I wonder how many in here waited in line back in the time to get the N64, the "true next gen system", instead of buying a PSone or Saturn, which were kind of half a gen behind.

The Playstation was the console Nintendo wanted. Sony created it with the parts they created for Nintendo after Nintendo cut their contract. Third parties putting their faith in Sony's CD based console is the reason for the shift change. powerful multimedia consoles were where the future was headed. Keeping up could've saved Sega the trouble of having to deal with early piracy (outside of the lack of third party).

S.T.A.G.E. said:
FrancisNobleman said:

I wonder how many in here waited in line back in the time to get the N64, the "true next gen system", instead of buying a PSone or Saturn, which were kind of half a gen behind.

The Playstation was the console Nintendo wanted. Sony created it with the parts they created for Nintendo after Nintendo cut their contract. Third parties putting their faith in Sony's CD based console is the reason for the shift change. powerful multimedia consoles were where the future was headed. Keeping up could've saved Sega the trouble of having to deal with early piracy (outside of the lack of third party).

Blah blah blah......

Irrelevant to what I said and the fact that N64 was superior to the PSone up to the same level that PS4 will be to Wii U, roughly.

And I asked, how many people waited to get that "True next gen" machine ;)

My point is: people don't know what they are saying.


LOL, even better, I wonder how many got the "true next gen" pieces of crap named Jaguar, 3DO and Sega Nomad

MegaDrive08 said:
The thread seems pointless, why would a non-Nintendo fan (so someone who is a fan of not liking Nintendo) buy a wii u!! The thread is set up for negative feedback.

well because nintendo them selfs are targeting non nintendo fans, they said time in and time out there targeting the hardcore, so i wanted to see if a part of there target audince are interested in what they offer (atleast the audince on this site lol)