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mushroomboy5 said:
Heavenly_King said:
mushroomboy5 said:
StevenKreg said:

I mean. The system looks more solid than the Wii and its at least heading in the right direction.

But, no way in hell I'm holding a big clunky freaking ipad to play a video game.

I'm pretty sure it also has classic controller support doesn't it?

Then it is basically a PS3/360.   The only "appealing" thing is the controller, so if you don use it is just another current gen console.  Why any of us who have one already would be interested in the WiiU, if we dont like nintendo games??

haha wrote my post above before I read yours...I guess the obvious answer is that people who don't like nintendo aint gonna buy the machine. Not really that big a problem if you look at the size of nintendo's fanbase...

I don't get why suddenly everyone is feeling threatened and being so vitriolic towards something they aint gonna buy anyway.

I mean, I'm not a big fan of rhubarb (ech it's gross!) I just don't go near the stuff and barely think about it. I don't devote hours of my shortening life to bitching about it on forums.

You're joking right? Nintendo is aiming at the hardcore because they don't take an off season (aka the "early adopters"). They want to set up a situation similar to what Microsoft started for Sony. Get as close to the competition in third party titles until you cant tell the difference, then keep the price low so when the highly anticipated console launches it flounders compared to expected sales.The casuals might not turn to Nintendo for their next novelty, hell next gen might not be as commercially huge as it was this gen. Nintendo knows they need to stable gaming crowd to bolster the early sales of this console, which is why they are obviously stocking up on core titles. They want the PS3/360 crowd as if their third party exclusive sales didnt paint the picture this gen. 

Sounds like it makes sense eh?

One problem. They are already trying to satisfy a segment of the market that is spoken for, with the same games that have come out and people have already preordered elsewhere. I can also put money on it that Nintendo will not even segment the COD crowd next gen either from the 360 or PS3 section. While the 360 and PS3 will both share PC titles, the PC devs who have been ignoring the Wii will probably ignore the Wii U as well when it comes to next gen titles