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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

ok so after the event of the nintendo confrence nintendo fans have been jumping with joy over the WiiU and the press seem pleased with what they offered. but i want to know what playstation, xbox and PC fans think about the WiiU. do you like it? are you interested? will you buy one?


personally i dont find my self interested at all in the console, at some point i was gaining interest but i lost it. i just dont see any compelling games for me to jusity buying the console and the price is too much in my opinion. anyways what do you guys think

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Gaming wise, still not sold but everything else. I'm loving it.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

somewhat interested but not compelled. i'll stick to my original plan, wait to see what MSony have in store for next gen before making any decisions.

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

are you quoting that post, because that is how you also feel,

or your jsut having some kicks?



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Cobretti2 said:
Mr Khan said:

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

are you quoting that post, because that is how you also feel,

or your jsut having some kicks?

It's one of the more ridiculous ones i've observed, reposting for lulz.

I'm one of the more "pure" Nintendo fans around here, as it were. No non-Nintendo console ever purchased.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

Do we really really need another thread for posting over the top fanboy reactions?  We have two already because they're just barely different from one another.


Mr Khan said:
Cobretti2 said:
Mr Khan said:

(scroll down to the dude with She Hulk avvy)

When will developers fucking learn? NINTENDO IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THESE KINDS OF GAMES.

Nintendo ALWAYS does this. They release a new console, realize that they're still hounded by the retarded kiddie/casual gamer image they beefed up from their last console, they try getting a few hardcore M-rated games on their new system, ALL of which fail to find their audience, and then they finally say "fuck it" and go back to releasing shitty toothless games for soccer moms and 9 year olds.

Except now they're going to sacrifice a great franchise in the process of doing this. If this game sells poorly (and it will), it'll all be Nintendo's fault, and then we'll never see another Bayonetta game again. Honestly I think they would've been better off just leaving the franchise as it was than having to release this black stain on the series. Sega's going attribute its poor sales to a lack of interest in Bayonetta and not the fact that Nintendo's demographic is a COMPLETE MISMATCH for this game.

I really hope someone blows up Nintendo HQ.

are you quoting that post, because that is how you also feel,

or your jsut having some kicks?

It's one of the more ridiculous ones i've observed, reposting for lulz.

I'm one of the more "pure" Nintendo fans around here, as it were. No non-Nintendo console ever purchased.

I think me and my family have only ever had one non Nintendo console "PS2" and we didn't have very many games for it

So I guess that makes me pretty pure

Bayonetta 2 was a nice surprise, though not nearly enough to get me to bite on its own. But the Platinum/Nintendo relationship is promising, and if it signals that Nintendo wants to get back into making crazy action games like they used to instead of all this lifestyle software garbage from the current generation, then I'm all for it. Even if they don't improve their first party output but just manage to snag the lion's share of Japanese third party support, I could see the Wii U being my next console depending on what Sony dies does. I really only ever buy one console per gen (not counting this gen), so I'll wait to see how the PS4 turns out before I make a decision.

That controller is still a remarkably stupid gimmick, though.

badgenome said:

Bayonetta 2 was a nice surprise, though not nearly enough to get me to bite on its own. But the Platinum/Nintendo relationship is promising, and if it signals that Nintendo wants to get back into making crazy action games like they used to instead of all this lifestyle software garbage from the current generation, then I'm all for it. Even if they don't improve their first party output but just manage to snag the lion's share of Japanese third party support, I could see the Wii U being my next console depending on what Sony dies does. I really only ever buy one console per gen (not counting this gen), so I'll wait to see how the PS4 turns out before I make a decision.

That controller is still a remarkably stupid gimmick, though.

Tecmo-Koei's bringing a Fist of the North Star to the console, aren't you, like, contractually obligated to buy it or something?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.