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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do X360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?


- How many times does ethomaz has to post that Gran Turismo 5: Prologue has shipped 5.3 Million as of Dec of 2011 before VgCharz changes those numbers? I mean NPD adjustments are quick, hardware shipment adjustments are quick, why does it take so much time to adjust software totals after shipment reports? (happens to other games also, no fanboy PS3 exclusive talk from me)

- Ps3 owners have to take MotorStorm and resistance out of there, they were solid games at the time, not so much now.

- Prediction: Last of Us, PABR and Ascension, will be on this list at the end of 2013

- As for the 360, not to take absolutely anything from Microsoft and what they do, I believe that if Gears of war was a multiplat game, that Epic would make more money from it then what they do now. This is just an opinion based on quality of the franchise and how much bigger it would be in other parts of the world other then US (it as nothing to do with my desire, whatever that is), even tho we will never know how much does MS pay for exclusivity.

- Halo numbers are absolutely insane for a hardcore shooter.

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Since when is LBP PSP the same as LBP PS3 anyway? That's like saying NSMB DS is the same as NSMB Wii, which it isn't, despite the ressemblance.

But I agree that 360/PC games should still be considered exclusives when making such comparison.

amaral_slb said:

- Prediction: Last of Us, PABR and Ascension, will be on this list at the end of 2013

You think the PS3 version of PS All Stars will sell 4m copies by the end of 2013? That's seems very unlikely

oniyide said:
kain_kusanagi said:
pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

You can't play them on PS3 or Wii so it's exclusive. Should LittleBigPlanet get dumped because it's also on PSP? No because you can't play it on Xbox 360 or Wii.

The console "war" is between the consoles, the PC is over in PC land all by itself.

1 it says in the OP 360 exclusive as in exclusive to 360, but two of those games are not exclusive ot 360 so they should be removed and replaced with games that are in fact exclusive to 360. And LBP for PSP is not the same game as LBP for PS3, its funny that in 2012 people are still ignorant to that fact

I agree with you! Is not the same game... But Gears 1, Fable 2, 3, Left 4 Dead 1, 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction is the same game in other plataforms.

man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

They are exclusive. PC doesnt count. Besides, using your logic LBP shouldnt be on the list either

Look at 360 list, looks at PC.


Looks at arcade games and Indy titles, looks at PC.


LOLZ @ PC doesn't count. Any excuse to suit an argument. Just like how mobile phones don't count, amiright?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

They are exclusive. PC doesnt count. Besides, using your logic LBP shouldnt be on the list either

Look at 360 list, looks at PC.


Looks at arcade games and Indy titles, looks at PC.


LOLZ @ PC doesn't count. Any excuse to suit an argument. Just like how mobile phones don't count, amiright?


The console war is between PS3, Wii and X360. PC is a completely different thing. It's like comparing peas, broccoli and lettuce to a drum kit PINEAPPLE

Someone gonna say Minecraft dont count on PC and that the game is 360 exclusive?

4M sales already. Should eventually hit the top 10.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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man-bear-pig said:


The console war is between PS3, Wii and X360. PC is a completely different thing. It's like comparing peas, broccoli and lettuce to a drum kit

It's more like comparing a drum kit to a flute, clarinet and oboe, really.

Dude, Halo 3 sold 18m didnt it?


BasilZero said:
man-bear-pig said:
Euphoria14 said:
man-bear-pig said:
pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

They are exclusive. PC doesnt count. Besides, using your logic LBP shouldnt be on the list either

Look at 360 list, looks at PC.


Looks at arcade games and Indy titles, looks at PC.


LOLZ @ PC doesn't count. Any excuse to suit an argument. Just like how mobile phones don't count, amiright?


The console war is between PS3, Wii and X360. PC is a completely different thing. It's like comparing peas, broccoli and lettuce to a drum kit

PS3 = Peas
Wii = Broccoli
Xbox360 = Lettuce
PC = Cabbage

PS3 = peas

X360 = broccoli

Wii = lettuce

PC = pineapple