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Forums - General Discussion - World's richest woman says poor should have less fun, work harder. Calls for lower minimum wage and tax cuts

I wonder how she got the time to put down the burger and give a quick interview.

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Gamerace said:
The only people who are unset about this are the ones who are unwilling to do the uncomfortable things necessary to create a richer life for themselves.

I say 'richer' and not 'better' life because to many, enjoying drinking, socializing and gaming (or smoking or whatever your leisure) is a better life than have mega-money without those things.

Of course, if you're rich, you can look like that and still have a model for a boy/girlfriend.

No, the people who are upset over this are the people who try hard and still get fucking nowhere.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

1) Can we stop discussing the etymology and deep meaning of the word "cunt" in this thread? It's only peripherally relevant.

2) Dear god, that is just awful. To earn an enormous amount of money from inheritance and go on to slam people who have been forced to work hard for everything they have is just awful. There's a lot more than hard work involved in being a billionaire - contacts, an idea, good luck. Of course, she didn't need the second or third, and had plenty of the first from her parents.

Besides, not everybody wants to be, should be or even CAN be extremely wealthy. You do need people to do all of the sub-seven-figure-salary jobs, but then I doubt she's met anybody who fits that description.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

she pays for getting laid

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Mr Khan said:
Gamerace said:
The only people who are unset about this are the ones who are unwilling to do the uncomfortable things necessary to create a richer life for themselves.

I say 'richer' and not 'better' life because to many, enjoying drinking, socializing and gaming (or smoking or whatever your leisure) is a better life than have mega-money without those things.

Of course, if you're rich, you can look like that and still have a model for a boy/girlfriend.

No, the people who are upset over this are the people who try hard and still get fucking nowhere.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - I think Argh_College said that


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superchunk said:
crissindahouse said:
superchunk said:
There's nothing really wrong with what she said and I'm not rich.

I came from very poor background... i.e homeless a couple times. I worked my ass off as did my wife. We both now have Master level educations and a family income of six figures USD.

During college I did not go out and party each night/weekend, I did not join a dumb ass frat house.. don't need to pay to have friends... instead I worked 40hrs a week at retail and busted my ass in a computer lab.

Worked hard early to play more later. :)

yeah but that wouldn't work if everyone would do that. not everyone can work as whatever you do, there are only limited ressources for something you can make good money with. it's not as if everyone on this planet could open an own company to make some money or that everyone could work for a company at a postion to make enough money. there doesn't come money from nowhere for everyone and it's not as if there wouldn't be still the jobs people don't get enough money for which the same amount of people have to do like they do nowadays. we don't have robots who can do all the low paid jobs on this planet, with you who doesn't have to do the low paid jobs anymore, there is someone else who has to do it now instead of you.

Anyone who actually tries can and if you choose not to then you should be happy with your choices. Your life is what you make it.

while i applaud your story - it's still not typical.  want to go to college in the US?  it'll cost you tens of thousands of dollars.  Want tens of thousands of dollars for college?  you'd better have money in order to be able to get that loan.

so let me counter by telling you my story.  i was born into money.  i was never homeless.  i didn't have to put that much effort into school, my school was fantastic and had all sort of AP classes and really awesome teachers.  i didn't have to work to pay for my college education and i went to an expensive top 10 school.  i did party, and drink, and smoke however.    ..and yet despite not putting even half the effort you described above: i've also go my masters and a 100k job.

don't get me wrong, i'm grateful to the advantages bestowed upon me by the luck of my birth.  it's not fair though.

She makes some valid points. Whether it's popular to say or not, the minimum wage continually being increased does lead to higher unemployment. I mean that's not a difficult conclusion to draw at all. If companies are forced to pay $7.50/hr instead of $5, they're either going to lay people off, raise prices, or both. Usually both.

So, and I'm not saying it's a living wage... but just factually speaking, it is a fact that there would be virtually no unemployment if there weren't a minimum wage.

And people with lots of money who own businesses that in turn employ people make up more than 90% of the economy, so anything that helps those companies stay in business here in the U.S. is a good thing.


Let us lower minimum wage so the poor will have to work twice as hard for the same amount of money!  Sounds just about right for this fucked up human world.

Gamerace said:
Mr Khan said:
Gamerace said:
The only people who are unset about this are the ones who are unwilling to do the uncomfortable things necessary to create a richer life for themselves.

I say 'richer' and not 'better' life because to many, enjoying drinking, socializing and gaming (or smoking or whatever your leisure) is a better life than have mega-money without those things.

Of course, if you're rich, you can look like that and still have a model for a boy/girlfriend.

No, the people who are upset over this are the people who try hard and still get fucking nowhere.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - I think Argh_College said that

That line from Yoda always bothered me. Trying is more important than success or failure. Success without trying is less meritorious than trying and failing, because the effort ethic is worth more to society in the long run.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

CChaos said:
MrBubbles said:
well...she makes a couple valid points. often its the poorest who smoke and drink the most, who would be much better off if they didnt smoke and drink. its amazing how many people on welfare can manage to spend one to two hundred dollars a month on cigarettes.

Ever consider that the reason a lot of poorer people smoke and drink is to try and deal with the fact that they're living from hand to mouth each month, praying that nobody gets sick and ends up having to pay a medical bill that they won't be able to afford or hoping that nothing will break down that they have no money to replace? Deal with that sort of stress day in and day out, unable to move out of your social situation because you can't afford the educational training to get you a piece of paper that tells you you're officially more intelligent than when you went in, then you can probably start judging. I agree in that smoking and drinking shouldn't be viable to those who can't afford to eat, but stress does things to you.

And as to the original post...

Just another rich bag of tainted fluids that thinks she knows anything about anyone or anything other than the world that ends at the tip of her nose. Take away her inherited wealth and she might be the person who sits behind the counter at a gas station, hating their life and snapping at people. Nobody wealthy ever thinks like that, though. I suppose a little leeway should be given, as this woman has been obviously been born into wealth and knows nothing else. Chances are she'll never know anything else, because rich people usually have methods of keeping themselves rich even in bad times. She doesn't have a damn clue, doesn't want a damn clue and the blinders are just fine with her.


i live in canada, so health care isnt much of a concern.   and if they didnt spend hundreds of dollars on garbage they would be able to afford it when things broke down(or maybe they could use that money on their children and take care of the ones they have rather than just continuing to have more so they can get more money off the government to feed their habits while ignoring their children) 

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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