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Forums - Sony Discussion - HIPHOPGAMER Claims Infamous 3 and Uncharted 4 are in dev........for PS3.

DirtyP2002 said:

He also predicted:


- Bioshock 2 as a PS3 exclusive
- AGENT looked awesome and we will see more at E3 (back in 2010)
- CoD Modern Warfare 2 exclusive bundle with the PS3 (back in 2009)
- The Getaway would be at E3 2010
- Sony want Bungie to make their new game exclusive
- 343 industries working on Halo: Reach 2
- $199 PS3 in 2010 (!!!)
- Sony working with Epic Games for a Gears of War on the Vita (NGP back then)
- 240 Hz gaming is the real deal (Even when his own viewers told him 240Hz won't change a thing when you are playing a 30FPS game)
- Sony working on a new IP with Sweet Tooth after Twisted Metal
- Microsoft bought publishing rights for "True crime: Streets of LA" and is working on it.
- FF VII Remake for the Vita
- I have to quote this: "PS Vita has stronger dev. suppot than the 3DS. Game Over!" That was one of his headlines!
- PS Vita Unchated has cinematics above Uncharted 2
- Gamestop confirms: Battlefield 3 is outselling Modern Warfare 3!
- MS aims for 10 Gigs of RAM for their next console
- Again I have to quote: "OFFICIAL! Gears 3 has been challenged, Starhawk has raised the bar. Only on PS3" (THIS IS A HEADLINE!)
- Another headline: "OFFICIAL! 240 hz Sony TV Beats Out the IMAX theatre, 960 hz coming soon"
- Disney working on a new Aladin game
- "Design your own games at next CoD games - Sledgehammer likes the idea!"
- VGAs PS3 exclusive could be Heavenly Sword 2
- "Sony HX929 This Sony TV got IMAX Theater beat" HEADLINE!
- PS Vita hack can run 360 games
- "Starhawk of Starcraft? Sony exclusives 1UP PC's again" HEADLINE!
- PS Move to replace the PC mouse.


I am not making this up. Those is what he said during his shows, news etc. Even N4G banned him.

I am not saying this won't happen, but he is not a credible source.
When you make 5 predictions every week, you have to be right every now and then.

I'm gonna quote this too, just so everyone can see it. I remember watching HHG back in 2008/9, his stories seemed less crazy back then and he had that 'big' interview with David Jaffe too, as time went on though his videos became a lot less popular as his predictions hardly ever came true. I didn't even know he was still around :/

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Chark said:
So exactly how is inFamous 3 suppose to happen story wise?

Could go multiple ways really, without any spoilers both the good and the bad endings left the story open to be continued. Or they can do a prologue or even a new hero. many possibilities.

Personally? I hope they go from the evil ending

for me the point is that to continue the story they have to either start by picking one or develop two games for both endings.  or something.   story wise i feel like they closed the book on that one even if i would enjoy a 3rd entry. although to be honest ... i would probably prefer a new IP over a 3rd go at it.  infamous 2 just took the awesome out of infamous to me.


i guess i can believe it.  uncharted comes out every 2 years (2007, 2009, 20011) so we're due next holiday for another.  i personally think the ps4 will be announced by then with an early 2014 (march?) release.   ...or if the ps4 does make the holidays maybe this will pull a zeldaTP and be cross generational. 

i really dont believe it, holiday 2013 seems like a reasonable release date for PS4 and in 2013 we still got god of war ascension, beyond : two souls and the last of announced that seems enough for the ps3 to survive 2013 along side third party games such as tomb raider, watch dogs and most probably GTA 5. honestly uncharted 4 should be a PS4 tittle and they should take their sweet time creating the game even if it doesnt release in 2013. sony shuold give them time to build the new engine for the new hardware, add more technology (hopefully ground breaking like uncharted 2's) and add evolve gameplay. dont make it the same thing as uncharted 2/3 but with better graphics. if they do so they got a real badass system seller on their hands.

This guy is one of the most unreliable sources on the internet and pretty much a joke in general.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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Watched nearly 10 minutes of that linked video and didn't really learn anything. This is why I prefer my news in print form.

Please no UC 4. Please!

When the fuck did people start taking HHG seriously? "He practically works for Sony" pffft.  When I was a mod I used to lock all HHG threads at first sight.

Anywho, it's my understanding that Sucker Punch is working on a new IP, and I'd assume both that and Uncharted 4 are aimed for ps4's launch, with the Last of Us being Naughty Dog's last big game on ps3.

SnakeDrake said:
Well he did predict kratos in Mortal Kombat and Sony All Stars

thats a no brainer.

So once again MS will have a year head start. All I needed to know.

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