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M.U.G.E.N said:
Chark said:
So exactly how is inFamous 3 suppose to happen story wise?

Could go multiple ways really, without any spoilers both the good and the bad endings left the story open to be continued. Or they can do a prologue or even a new hero. many possibilities.

Personally? I hope they go from the evil ending

for me the point is that to continue the story they have to either start by picking one or develop two games for both endings.  or something.   story wise i feel like they closed the book on that one even if i would enjoy a 3rd entry. although to be honest ... i would probably prefer a new IP over a 3rd go at it.  infamous 2 just took the awesome out of infamous to me.


i guess i can believe it.  uncharted comes out every 2 years (2007, 2009, 20011) so we're due next holiday for another.  i personally think the ps4 will be announced by then with an early 2014 (march?) release.   ...or if the ps4 does make the holidays maybe this will pull a zeldaTP and be cross generational.