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Forums - Sales Discussion - How long until PS3 overtakes the 360 in total sales?

PS3 will overtake it end of 2009 beginning of 2010. I predict though that MS will release the next XB around 2010 or 2011 at the latest and completely abandon the 360 like they did with the XB.

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rocketpig said:
MrMafoo said:
Omac said:
People are saying later on PS3 is going to pull off better graphics.... I don't think so, with it's lackluster non shared ram and not as good GPU... The hard to program for crappy SPU CPU. PS3 will never overshadow 360 in the graphics department or online functionality.

I try to ignore purely fanboy rhetoric, but this one I have to comment on.

The PS3, in its architectural infancy, has already surpassed the 360. Ratchet and Clank could not be done on the 360. At specific types of math (not all), the PS3 is 20-30 times faster than the 360. As people learn how to tap into that power to produce a better gaming experience, you will see things you thought were not possible.

I keep hearing about what can’t be done with the PS3 (and then see it done). I tire of people putting limits on incredibly smart developers just because they don’t know how to do it.

Just because you have no idea how to harness the PS3 for an incredible gaming experience, does not mean no one does.

At MIT, they have these contests where they give people a bag of parts, and see who can make the best competing robot out of them. What these guys come up with is amazing. Throw a super computer in front of the top developers in the world, and say “make me something”, and you will get things you have never seen before.


I'm not doubting the PS3's power but I have played R&C and what about it makes the game impossible to do on the 360?

It's a pretty game but there are a lot of pretty games coming out nowadays on both the PS3 and 360.

And whether you want to admit it or not, there are limitations in the PS3 design. The dedicated RAM and video card are definitely weak links in the design (which isn't surprising at all since the design was changed last minute) and one could argue that the 360 is more intelligently designed in those departments.

 The DVD format is the biggest limit for the content and the graphics on 360 games, while the Blu-ray Disc format (only on PS3) games (can) contain up to 5 times bigger capacity than the DVD, thanks to the built-in Blu-ray Disc Player in the PS3, and that should be enough to know to admit that the PS3 has much higher possibilities.

Auron said:
PS3 will overtake it end of 2009 beginning of 2010. I predict though that MS will release the next XB around 2010 or 2011 at the latest and completely abandon the 360 like they did with the XB.

 That would be very likely MS. They never cares about the consumers, but just money...

Game Over! said:
Auron said:
PS3 will overtake it end of 2009 beginning of 2010. I predict though that MS will release the next XB around 2010 or 2011 at the latest and completely abandon the 360 like they did with the XB.

 That would be very likely MS. They never cares about the consumers, but just money...

MS will not do this. Unlike the first XBOX the 360 is engineered so that MS can more easily take advantage of cost reductions.  MS will want to be more like Sony in this regard with 2 consoles selling especially on the software front.  MS lost a great deal of revenue abandoning the original XBOX, but you cant keep a console as the previous gen device if it is still losing $.

Where would Sony be today cash wise if they had abandoned the PS2 and the PS3 did as crappy as it has.

Libraries sell systems not individual games

Auron said:
PS3 will overtake it end of 2009 beginning of 2010. I predict though that MS will release the next XB around 2010 or 2011 at the latest and completely abandon the 360 like they did with the XB.

Apparently you have been just replying to the posts before you read them. The Xbox wasn't supposed to defeat the PS2. It was a chance to, but really, it gave MS a way into console video games. Plus, the XB was abandoned because of an NVIDIA lawsuit that MS wasn't gonna win. It wasn't in a position to win, so they axed it. Now? The 360 doesn't have a lawsuit like the one had with NVIDIA, it's soundly beating the PS3 AND it's making MS money ... why in the devil would they kill it now?

I would love to hear your reasoning on this ... 

Around the Network
Game Over! said:
rocketpig said:
MrMafoo said:
Omac said:
People are saying later on PS3 is going to pull off better graphics.... I don't think so, with it's lackluster non shared ram and not as good GPU... The hard to program for crappy SPU CPU. PS3 will never overshadow 360 in the graphics department or online functionality.

I try to ignore purely fanboy rhetoric, but this one I have to comment on.

The PS3, in its architectural infancy, has already surpassed the 360. Ratchet and Clank could not be done on the 360. At specific types of math (not all), the PS3 is 20-30 times faster than the 360. As people learn how to tap into that power to produce a better gaming experience, you will see things you thought were not possible.

I keep hearing about what can’t be done with the PS3 (and then see it done). I tire of people putting limits on incredibly smart developers just because they don’t know how to do it.

Just because you have no idea how to harness the PS3 for an incredible gaming experience, does not mean no one does.

At MIT, they have these contests where they give people a bag of parts, and see who can make the best competing robot out of them. What these guys come up with is amazing. Throw a super computer in front of the top developers in the world, and say “make me something”, and you will get things you have never seen before.


I'm not doubting the PS3's power but I have played R&C and what about it makes the game impossible to do on the 360?

It's a pretty game but there are a lot of pretty games coming out nowadays on both the PS3 and 360.

And whether you want to admit it or not, there are limitations in the PS3 design. The dedicated RAM and video card are definitely weak links in the design (which isn't surprising at all since the design was changed last minute) and one could argue that the 360 is more intelligently designed in those departments.

The DVD format is the biggest limit for the content and the graphics on 360 games, while the Blu-ray Disc format (only on PS3) games (can) contain up to 5 times bigger capacity than the DVD, thanks to the built-in Blu-ray Disc Player in the PS3, and that should be enough to know to admit that the PS3 has much higher possibilities.

Blu-ray is not enough to make R&C impossible on the 360, especially because it's a linear game. They could simply put the game on two DVDs (and it's likely that if games like Mass Effect can fit on one DVD, so could R&C).

That is not reason enough to claim the game is impossible to create on the 360. 

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Faxanadu said:
derDude said:

I know I´ve been gone to long but these sort of threads keep me comming back, all I know is even without crazy ma-th(d)(n) skills the PS3 has a long way to go, 7mil are not going to fall from the sky (eventhough poeple keep locking up and seeing them along with Killzone and MGS4)

all I care is that by the time the PS3 does catch the 360 99% of all games will be settled on eather one or both platforms, time for getting a big lead an leaving with it is dead and gone so I don´t see the point in haveing a sissyfit,

OT: I´d say late 09-never, but again it doesn´t matter, we don´t get profits only games and those are not going anywhere only because the PS3 suddenly has one or two million more consoles out

long time no seen. how is Köln?

you are right about your statement. 7 million at this rate is about 20 years or something.

hi there, yes long time no see, köln in fine just wish I was doing better, how are things with you

OT: anybody else want to battle Crazyman for king of crazy ??? 

^Good luck fighting him for that award. Even Hus had more common sense than that guy.


Okay, maybe not, but it would be a close battle.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Don't MS just shrink their games and put them on disks now anyway?

And i agree with Rocketpig, if Mass effect could fit onto a DVD i have no doubt in my mind R&C couldnt

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina




Many Sony fans believe in the propaganda about the Cell processor without even understanding what the propaganda is saying. The comment about their being "some math that the PS3 is 20 to 30 times more powerful than the XBox 360" was in reference to an annoucement that was made that the PS3 was 20 times more powerful than a single threaded (intel) CPU per cycle when performing a fast fourier transform; the two important facts are that the XBox 360 is not a single threaded intel CPU, and the fast fourier transform has (almost) no use in game development.