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Forums - Movies & TV - Finished watching all the Harry Potter movies, first time - Just finished Deathly Hollows - Part 2

Boutros said:
d21lewis said:
I'm not ashamed to admit that I've never watched a single Harry Potter film, either. Maybe I'll join you on your quest.

No! Read them!!

he's right, read the books first before atempting to watch the movies.

the first few books will seem too simplistic, afterall, the series was originally geared for kids. You'll notice the difference in writing and storytelling as you progress from book to book. You'll also notice it evolve from targeting children to young adults (more mature to mature audience. i'm guessing those kids who followed harry potter grew up and still followed it :p)

dont rush through the books, read them well. then after, go watch the movies so that you can go "WTF?!" and "WTH?!" and "WAIT WUT?!"as you watch the movies..AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then you will know that Harry is such a tool! lol! ahahahaha!

for book 7 (movie 7 part 1 and 2) i suggest you watch the movies first then read the book... then you will go "OMFGWTF STUPID SHIT WAS THAT?" as you read the end chapters..and once again, you will be reminded of what a tool harry is


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TWRoO said:
WiiBox3 said:
Funny thing is I think PoA is the worst movie and the best book of the series. I know not many people agree. I'm not saying PoA is a bad movie, but it's the one I liked the least.

I have a hard time deciding between PoA and DH in terms of my favourite of the books. With the films I think PoA was the turnaround point: it's not a great film, but it's enjoyable in general and the kids acting, while still not good, is no longer atrocious as it is in the first two films.

Books: DH/PoA > OotP > HBP/GoF > PS > CoS

Films: DH1 > HBP > GoF > OotP > DH2 > PoA > PS > CoS

As I may have mentioned earlier in this thread... I don't understand why the CoS film is so damn long (longest film for the shortest book) yet OotP is the shortest film for the longest book... particularly when there were plenty of things in the book that could have been cut out with no impact on the storyline, yet for some reason were taking up valuable screen time (e.g. Grawp)

Somehow I agree on DH being the most intense book and DH1 being the best film. DH1 doesn't have such a convoluted story to tell and with it being half a book can take it's time, so that it doesn't have to skip over reasons and events.

I thought Goblet of Fire was one of the best films. Not as dark as PoA though. I would say it's tone is half way between the second and third film. Enjoy!

Gilgamesh said:


Anyway the series seems to be growing on me (almost as fast as Emma Watsons boobs in this movie...) 

My thoughts on Goblet of fire coming up!

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double post

Alright just finished Goblet of Fire and I must say it's better then the other ones I seen, it's like shit just got real with this movie in the series. Voldomort finally introduced himself in his physical form as the scumbag that he was said to be, and the main characters are all really maturing. The acting was top notch and for the first time for me this movie was the first to really show a lot of emotion. There was actually a few moments where I literally laughed out loud and actually felt bad about Fredrick or Redirick (whatever the hell his name was) when he died at the end.

Everyone kind of went hippiesh in this movie, so much shaggy hair! lol Harry, Ron and Hermione are finally growing up, actually being interested in the opposite sex and it looked as though Ron and Hermione may have something going on between them *wink**wink**porn music*. I also liked all the hot chicks in the blue suits, nice. Anyway the story was really interesting, I liked all the competition they had to do.

So like I said it seems as though the series just got started as if all the films were leading up to this one to really put the rest of the movies to another level. The characters are much older and mature and the main antagonist finally makes his reveal. So far this one is favorite in the series and I'm looking forward to seeing the next film Order of the Pheonix, I'm finally half done of the series!!

Well I just finished watching Order of the Pheonix and i have to say I'm a little dissapointed in this one. There didn't seem to be much to live up for in this movie, there wasn't really anything big that led to the ending. Basically it was Harry potter pissed at everyone, then Harry Potter training everyone and then all of a sudden there in a library or something and Voldomort's minions show up. I still have no idea why Harry Potter didn't rat out Malfoy? maybe I missed something.

It just didn't stand out as one of the best films in the series so far, it seemed very well done but that was about it. The fight with Voldomort and Dumbledore was pretty intreresting but was cut way to short, I wanna see more of what Voldomort is capable of!

Not very impressed, the series is a few films from ending, the next up is Half blood prince and I'm hoping it's a big improvement. 


The series took an amazing turn with Half Blood Prince. I loved this movie and it put faith back into me about the series after watching Order of the Pheonix. There were many things I liked in the film, a lot of emotion, finally some great magic scenes and a lot more dept into the story.

There was a lot of funny parts in the film that I liked, when Ron had the stalker after him and then got put under a love spell. Not to mention when Harry drank the luck potion, he was so happy and upbeat about everything it was the complete opposite of his character, I got a good laugh out of it. The main three's finally show there emotions about each other just Ron and Hermione are finally gonna shag, Harry seemed to have picked up a little tail of his own shacking up with Ron's sister oh!

Anyway I liked how Dumbledore played a big role in the film, I was always interested in this guy and what kind of magics he can do, it was a pretty sad ending for him though :(. Snape finally showed his colors in this movie I don't think it was much of a surprise to anyone he always looked sketchy. Nice little twist about Snape being the half blood prince I honestly had no idea, makes a lot of sense now. My only dissapointment was that voldomort made no appearance.

So all in all this one of my top favorite Harry Potter movies, I'm really growing to love the series and I can't believe I missed out on this so long ago, I'm glad I'm catching up to it now, really excited to finally see the last film Deathly Hollows part one and two, hopefully I won't wait as long this time.

Again no spoilers for future films I've yet to see, thanks guys!


Did I just watch a Harry Potter movie? lol Just finished the Deathly Hollows - part 1 and it has been quite the change in movie. The series has changed so much from the first movie it's really surprising, but I liked it, I liked the change. Everyone was very depressing in this one because of Voldomort taking over, it was very dark and the main characters really went though a lot in this one. Very interesting plot about the Deathly Hollows aswell.

I wouldn't say this is one of my favorites but it was still very well done, it would of been nice to see some of the school or other familiars but they really just through the three out there in the middle of nowhere and to do everything themselves. Seems like they have so much more to do, I'm hoping the last movie Deathly Hollows part 2 isn't rushed and is a good ending to the series.