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Boutros said:
d21lewis said:
I'm not ashamed to admit that I've never watched a single Harry Potter film, either. Maybe I'll join you on your quest.

No! Read them!!

he's right, read the books first before atempting to watch the movies.

the first few books will seem too simplistic, afterall, the series was originally geared for kids. You'll notice the difference in writing and storytelling as you progress from book to book. You'll also notice it evolve from targeting children to young adults (more mature to mature audience. i'm guessing those kids who followed harry potter grew up and still followed it :p)

dont rush through the books, read them well. then after, go watch the movies so that you can go "WTF?!" and "WTH?!" and "WAIT WUT?!"as you watch the movies..AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then you will know that Harry is such a tool! lol! ahahahaha!

for book 7 (movie 7 part 1 and 2) i suggest you watch the movies first then read the book... then you will go "OMFGWTF STUPID SHIT WAS THAT?" as you read the end chapters..and once again, you will be reminded of what a tool harry is