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Well I just finished watching Order of the Pheonix and i have to say I'm a little dissapointed in this one. There didn't seem to be much to live up for in this movie, there wasn't really anything big that led to the ending. Basically it was Harry potter pissed at everyone, then Harry Potter training everyone and then all of a sudden there in a library or something and Voldomort's minions show up. I still have no idea why Harry Potter didn't rat out Malfoy? maybe I missed something.

It just didn't stand out as one of the best films in the series so far, it seemed very well done but that was about it. The fight with Voldomort and Dumbledore was pretty intreresting but was cut way to short, I wanna see more of what Voldomort is capable of!

Not very impressed, the series is a few films from ending, the next up is Half blood prince and I'm hoping it's a big improvement.