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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog to "change the industry" with The Last Of Us

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I sure hope they don't intend to make the industry even more story focused :/


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How are they going to change the fucking industry? Are they going to create a sex toy which makes real sex obsolete?

It feels like I've read this OP & the current responses already.

pezus said:
man-bear-pig said:
How are they going to change the fucking industry? Are they going to create a sex toy which makes real sex obsolete?

lol! Why is Santa back?

Because it's christmas! (im from the future, you know) More importantly, where has sexy woman avatar gone? I miss her...

Already posted.

Also sure, I AM LEGEND the game is going to rock our collective socks.

Pixel Art can be fun.

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If they want to change the industry they should make an exciting action adventure where you don't end up being a mass murderer with 500 to a 1000 kills under your belt by the end of the game.

"We try so hard at Naughty Dog to push things and then games come out that are fun and exciting and get visceral things right,"

No, guys, that isn't what happens. The fundamental mechanics of Uncharted were the least impressive things about the games.

A thread like this was indeed made a while back, but because it's you, I'll just repost:

Naughty Dog is not going to change the industry, and they should not try to.

The only thing they need to worry about is creating a great game, with top notch story, feeling, gameplay and graphics.

Different franchises have different things that make them great, they need to understand this.

1) Duplicate thread. A new article, interestingly, but the story is nearly a month old.

2) Please refrain from using profanity in thread titles. Inside posts is fine, but titles themselves should be work safe.
fucking - bad
fecking/facking/focking - bad
f***ing/f%&$ing - fine

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

You know what the uncharted games are utterly fantastic brilliant games. However Naughty Dog have no credentials AT ALL to discuss changing the industry, innovation or story.

Uncharted is pretty much a checklist of what they could take from other games. The cover system from GoW (or hey Winback for you folks who like the classics (Or HEY! Time crisis for you people who like the even classicer!)), the setting, platforming and pretty much everything else of tomb raider.

In fact I would say in general Naughty Dog have been a studio of copying other games but doing it reasonably well. Crash Mario kart, CrashbandiMario, Jak and Kazooie, Gears of Tombs.

This doesn't mean they can't change and perhaps The Last of Us will change the industry with it's amazing story. But from a company that is quite unoriginal and yet to really make a good story it sounds exceptionally arrogant to say your goal is ''to change the fucking industry and improve video game storytelling.''

The Uncharted games are the summer blockbuster of gaming. Incredibly enjoyable and great popcorn material.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.