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Mepeteatu said:
Slimebeast said:
My first time I abused the game and got all crafting skills to max, maxed out potions and equipment and the game was no fun anymore, not even on Master difficulty.

My second time I now play the game with a bunch of self imposed restrictions, most importantly to not do any crafting. I role-play a female thief who I try to imagine is too impatient to bother with crafting.

Same here maxing more than 1 profession makes the game easy mode even on master.

I redid my Nord Paladin (Warrior + Resto and Alteration magic) and made limits on him.

#1 Dwarven armor is the best armor I'll get

#2 Only 1/5 Jaggernaunt and Wearing All heavy armor bonus so I won't reach armor cap

#3 No Forify Smithing Potions

Master diffuclty is now fun again.

I can't imagine why anyone would wanna max all 3 professions to become a god character with no challenege.

Yeah that's great. With my next guy I will make a list like yours and define highest armor type and weapons, and restrict max level of fighting skills and somehow restrict smithing/enchanting.

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Mepeteatu said:
Slimebeast said:
My first time I abused the game and got all crafting skills to max, maxed out potions and equipment and the game was no fun anymore, not even on Master difficulty.

My second time I now play the game with a bunch of self imposed restrictions, most importantly to not do any crafting. I role-play a female thief who I try to imagine is too impatient to bother with crafting.

Same here maxing more than 1 profession makes the game easy mode even on master.

I redid my Nord Paladin (Warrior + Resto and Alteration magic) and made limits on him.

#1 Dwarven armor is the best armor I'll get

#2 Only 1/5 Jaggernaunt and Wearing All heavy armor bonus so I won't reach armor cap

#3 No Forify Smithing Potions

Master diffuclty is now fun again.

I can't imagine why anyone would wanna max all 3 professions to become a god character with no challenege.

Because that unstoppable feeling that you get from it is awesome.  

The best type of RPG is the kind that starts out with some difficulty but lets you become a god if you want.

I stupidly did the oghma infinium levelling glitch and it has ruined my enjoyment of the game :(

man-bear-pig said:
I stupidly did the oghma infinium levelling glitch and it has ruined my enjoyment of the game :(

I tried doing that but they fixed it with a patch a while back. Probably a good thing though because leveling in an RPG is half the fun.

yo_john117 said:
Mepeteatu said:
Slimebeast said:
My first time I abused the game and got all crafting skills to max, maxed out potions and equipment and the game was no fun anymore, not even on Master difficulty.

My second time I now play the game with a bunch of self imposed restrictions, most importantly to not do any crafting. I role-play a female thief who I try to imagine is too impatient to bother with crafting.

Same here maxing more than 1 profession makes the game easy mode even on master.

I redid my Nord Paladin (Warrior + Resto and Alteration magic) and made limits on him.

#1 Dwarven armor is the best armor I'll get

#2 Only 1/5 Jaggernaunt and Wearing All heavy armor bonus so I won't reach armor cap

#3 No Forify Smithing Potions

Master diffuclty is now fun again.

I can't imagine why anyone would wanna max all 3 professions to become a god character with no challenege.

Because that unstoppable feeling that you get from it is awesome.  

The best type of RPG is the kind that starts out with some difficulty but lets you become a god if you want.

Feels empty to me when you can slaughter everything in 2-5 hits.  Nothing Like hitting a Deathlord Draugar or Elder Dragon 50+ times. :)

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Well, I got the effective armor cap with my Ebony Armor (about 580 I believe), so I don't need to worry about that crap anymore. Thirty-two hours in now...

Mepeteatu said:
yo_john117 said:
Mepeteatu said:
Slimebeast said:
My first time I abused the game and got all crafting skills to max, maxed out potions and equipment and the game was no fun anymore, not even on Master difficulty.

My second time I now play the game with a bunch of self imposed restrictions, most importantly to not do any crafting. I role-play a female thief who I try to imagine is too impatient to bother with crafting.

Same here maxing more than 1 profession makes the game easy mode even on master.

I redid my Nord Paladin (Warrior + Resto and Alteration magic) and made limits on him.

#1 Dwarven armor is the best armor I'll get

#2 Only 1/5 Jaggernaunt and Wearing All heavy armor bonus so I won't reach armor cap

#3 No Forify Smithing Potions

Master diffuclty is now fun again.

I can't imagine why anyone would wanna max all 3 professions to become a god character with no challenege.

Because that unstoppable feeling that you get from it is awesome.  

The best type of RPG is the kind that starts out with some difficulty but lets you become a god if you want.

Feels empty to me when you can slaughter everything in 2-5 hits.  Nothing Like hitting a Deathlord Draugar or Elder Dragon 50+ times. :)

It takes me 1-3 hits to take down any creature besides Dragons and Elder Dragons take about 4-5 hits...and I LOVE it!

The only thing that can still destroy me if I'm not careful are Ancient Dragons.

Alduin is dead.

Gotta admit I kind of miss the sense of closure I get from in-game credits. Having to quit back to the menu to see them kind of takes away from the whole thing.

Slimebeast said:
Barozi said:
Khuutra said:
Only stat I have really high right now is Smithing (but I'm only level 20 or so). Daedric armor blah blah blah.

What's the best and quickest way to level up my Alchemy? I get the idea for leveling Enchantment, it's just going to take a while.

Haven't done it yet but....

yo_john117 said:
Khuutra said:
I already have fortify alchemy and I just found fortify smithing equipment.

Now just to wait for those damn Mammoth Camps I found to regenerate, so I can go harvest some Grand Souls. After that I'm going to make some Fortify Smithing equipment and potions, and then I'm going to make an axe that could knock out the Divines.

Why don't you just go to the College of Winterhold and buy them? There are 3-4 people that sell 2-3 grand soul gems a piece and they only cost around 1,000 gold.

Please do not take any offence but you are just learning people to abuse the game and end up getting much less enjoyment out of it. And sadly Skyrim lends itself to getting abused even easier than Oblivion and Morrowind.

You are certainly right about that. I already feel overpowered enough. That's why I haven't used any potions yet to create godlike weapons and armor.
However leveling up Alchemy takes such a long time for me (Think I'm only level 40 now after crafting a shitload of (cheap) potions) that a little help is very much appreciated.
I want to max out as much skills as I can, even if I take a slight shortcut. I mean I don't even use potions at all except for those who give you health....

Wow, do I feel weak after reading your original post :/

At the moment, I am level 20. I am a high elf who's sort of a warrior/mage hybrid with a little bit a of rogue mixed in, but I usually just use that aspect for pickpocketing and stealing. I don't have much patience with the MGS-like stealth killing, run and gun is far more my style. My weapon of choice is a honed ancient nord sword that does 28 or so damage, complete with an enchantment that does 12 points of fire damage. Found it in some ruin with the enchantment already attached. Now my goal is to gain the perc I need to further strenghten the sword through smithing. My main go to spell, besides healing, is also a dual-cast flame spell, that burns for, I believe 10 points a second.

I'm pretty deadly with the combo of my enchanted sword, my healing, and my flame spell. My conjuration is my best attiritube, currently standing at around 42. But lately I've taken a liking to smithing, which is up to 40 + as well. I've only recently started using ehchanting, and my skills still suck in that department, so while most of my armor is enchanted, it's only minor attributes like, restore magic 8% faster, 4 points added to stamina, etc.