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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2011 Discussion Thread

Runa216 said:

My 50 is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I didn't like any Call of Duty aside from the Modern Warfare games, and even then I feel that Modern Warfare 2 and 3 SUCKED at narrative. seriously, some of the biggest dropoff in quality in any game series. Do no game developers understand narrative waves? There's supposed to be exposition, tension building, not "4 hours of nonstop intense action!" Modern Warfare 1 did it right, there was tension, there was emotion, and it revolutionized modern FPS multiplayer. good job, all around great game!

I remember when Call of Duty 4 first game out. Many gamers (even those rascially PC gamers) where genuinely excited about this game and what it stood for for the FPS genre.

It's interesting to see the franchise today and how, despite it's huge popularity, there's a lot of people who loathe the series.

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I wonder how many people will list MW2 as their #1

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Ajescent said:
I wonder how many people will list MW2 as their #1

Well considering the site has a small FPS fanbase on the site I say very low chance. There's a higher chance someone other then me has Muscle March on their list....

Former something....

Smeags said:

I remember when Call of Duty 4 first game out. Many gamers (even those rascially PC gamers) where genuinely excited about this game and what it stood for for the FPS genre.

It's interesting to see the franchise today and how, despite it's huge popularity, there's a lot of people who loathe the series.

I actually didn't even know about Modern Warfare until World at War came out....and I fell in love.  

The thing is, ALL popular games get their detaractors.  a quote of my own is: "The amount of irrational hate any form of media gets is directly proportional to it's popularity."  That's why so many people hate so many popular things, and why big games like Call of Duty or big movies like Avatar have people worldwide who positively loathe them. 

Hell, I hated Harry Potter for the longest time simply beause it was popular and I didn't feel it deserved it (at the time only the first two books were out and to this day I think they were both trash).  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

I picked Megaman X (SNES) as number 50. Sting Chameleon is my favorite Maverick  of the game.

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

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Here we gooooooo!!!

#50. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (gamecube) - No, it's not just a port of the GBA game. It's a million times better because it has the best crazy multiplayer I ever played and you can use a gba link to make an extra controller. That and because I have huge nostalgic memory playing it with my cousins and we constantly were laughing. Thought I would get rid of it but I think it still deserves to be on this list.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

Aaaaand we have another one.

Tsk tsk...

#50) Metal Slug 5 (NG/PS2/Xbox/PC/Wii/PSP)

This is the worst Metal Slug there is. And probably the worst Metal Slug there ever can be. The charming slapstick humor of the previous games is nowhere to be found, the difficulty is just pathetic, branching paths are few and far between, and there is a distinct lack of aliens throughout the entire game. The sliding ability is also quite useless for everything except killing yourself. It's a good thing I'm partial as hell to this series.

By the way, the final boss is a fucking dragon grim reaper that shoots laser balls from the skull on its chest.

50 - Beyond Good and Evil (pc)

I played this last year and had put in on my list. I'm not sure exactly what was so especially good about it anymore.

We are supposed to post here only once and put our multiple opinions on the other one, right?

Runa216 said:
Smeags said:

I remember when Call of Duty 4 first game out. Many gamers (even those rascially PC gamers) where genuinely excited about this game and what it stood for for the FPS genre.

It's interesting to see the franchise today and how, despite it's huge popularity, there's a lot of people who loathe the series.

I actually didn't even know about Modern Warfare until World at War came out....and I fell in love.  

The thing is, ALL popular games get their detaractors.  a quote of my own is: "The amount of irrational hate any form of media gets is directly proportional to it's popularity."  That's why so many people hate so many popular things, and why big games like Call of Duty or big movies like Avatar have people worldwide who positively loathe them. 

Hell, I hated Harry Potter for the longest time simply beause it was popular and I didn't feel it deserved it (at the time only the first two books were out and to this day I think they were both trash).  

The first two books aren't that great. I also tend not to follow hype trains, my mum bought me the first two HP books a few months before the third came out, back then I thought they were quite good (though I was about 12) even if i accidentally read the 2nd book before the 1st. I still think the 3rd book, and the last book are brilliant though, and 5th and 6th are great too... not really worth the amount of hype they got (but most hyped things aren't) but still very good reads.

Now the films, my God the first two films are two of the worst films I have watched all the way through (though the first time I started watching the 2nd one I didn't watch all the way through, only since I bought the series from 1-6 shortly before the last two came out, and it would have felt odd watching the later ones without watching the first two properly)


As for discussing more people's 50th choice, most I haven't experienced... but I did play the free demo of Plants vs. Zombies with Chrome, I found it quite a good defence game, I expect had I played the full version it would come 3rd behind desktop and whiteboard tower defence. I tend to get bored after 2-3 tries with games like that though. (And didn't think to add flash games into my list, otherwise I think The Space Game might have made it to the top 50)
I also totally forgot to include the Sims in my list (though i don't think I would have put it in the top 50 anyway) it's been a while ssince I played it, my main interest was just in building awesome houses more than the life side of things though.