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Forums - General Discussion - In Your Opinion, What is the Better Book Series? LOTR, Potter, or Twilight?


What is the better book series in your opinion of these?

The Lord of the Rings 120 68.57%
Harry Potter 49 28.00%
Twilight 6 3.43%

Lord of the Rings w/o a doubt

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Harry potter all the way, Twilight is awful (I'm female and think so) and LOTR gets mad props for being the 1st major western fantasy work and that skews judgement on how good the story actually is imo, the story is not that brilliant at all and the themes are extremely basic, It is way too simplistic and straightforward to be true 'literature' when you compare it to other literary classics like works by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Eco, Rushdie etc (for the record I dont think HP is literature either, but it is a great read & compelling tale)

Plus LOTR has the misfortune of being tainted by so many mediocre clones that came after, even in gaming tales. I'm pretty sure if I see another Orc force & dark wizard try and take on a world of tree hugging elves, staunch dwarfs and squabbling humans I am going to die of boredom. Because of these poor attempts I have zero inspiration to ever go back and read LOTR again (but have read it twice so far). So through no fault of its own it suffers there. I'm just lucky that by the time 20 or so lame HP knockoffs are being released every year (as has happened with LOTR) in the western world I should hopefully be dead, haha.


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ive read both LOTR and HP. and the last book of twilight.
i think LOTR is the best out of the three. then hp. i don´t like twilight.

a song of ice and fire is better than all of them though.

Im actually shocked Twilight has 5 votes....

meaning I didn't think it would pass 3.

that isn't even a fair comparison in terms of writing, universe, consistency, scope and legacy LotR rapes the other two they aren't even in the same league. If Harry Potter was more consistent in quality it might be worth comparing but as it stands no contest.

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Baalzamon said:
Harry Potter.

When I was younger, I read (and thoroughly enjoyed) The Hobbit. When I started reading the trilogy, however, I simply could not get myself to be interested in it.

The imagination behind Harry Potter is just so wonderful that I can't get over how much I enjoy it.

The Hobbit is the only book meant for kids (Tolkien wrote it for his kids) the rest are aimed aimed at adults.

Much of Harry Potter is actually taken from LotR there are long lists on the net if you want to google it.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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pezus said:
jonager said:
ive read both LOTR and HP. and the last book of twilight.
i think LOTR is the best out of the three. then hp. i don´t like twilight.

a song of ice and fire is better than all of them though.

The truest statement in this thread :D

It's ending is far worse though

Oh god.... uh lets see.....

Not Twilight because it's just about really, a creepy unhealthy relationships between a number of unlikeable weirdos.

So it's between LOTR and Harry Potter.

I'd give it to Harry Potter... I guess.

LOTR is just too padded. Like every single noun in that book feels like it has 5 adjectives as if he didn't want to let you imagine anything for yourself not even the condition of the grass they're walking on.

It's a really cool setting and idea and influenced a lot more then the others likely ever will, but it's downright grating to read.  It's like playing a videogame that was made by someone too focused on making sure you played it the "right" way, his way and approached everything just as he did.

If I had my LOTR books on me i'd post a couple paragraphs about grass to show what i'm talking about, but I don't.

Don't think Harry Potter is anything special but it's the only series out of the three I can read without being annoyed.

Well i've read all of them over the last god knows how many years apart from the second and third twilight books

As far as writing goes Twilight doesn't even deserve to be anywhere near the other two, it has nothing to offer against them as Stephen King said "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good,"

For me LotR > Harry Potter just out of preference i was too old to be really taken by them but good books non the less

The poll should have been LotR - HP - The Dark Tower series

LOTR by far, anyone who thinks that Twilight can even be considered literature, let alone better than the classic is either tripping balls or trolling.

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