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Oh god.... uh lets see.....

Not Twilight because it's just about really, a creepy unhealthy relationships between a number of unlikeable weirdos.

So it's between LOTR and Harry Potter.

I'd give it to Harry Potter... I guess.

LOTR is just too padded. Like every single noun in that book feels like it has 5 adjectives as if he didn't want to let you imagine anything for yourself not even the condition of the grass they're walking on.

It's a really cool setting and idea and influenced a lot more then the others likely ever will, but it's downright grating to read.  It's like playing a videogame that was made by someone too focused on making sure you played it the "right" way, his way and approached everything just as he did.

If I had my LOTR books on me i'd post a couple paragraphs about grass to show what i'm talking about, but I don't.

Don't think Harry Potter is anything special but it's the only series out of the three I can read without being annoyed.