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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GamrTalk Ep. 1- RolStoppable!!! (FULLY UPDATED!)

Kantor said:

Is that a request?


You wouldn't dare ban m-



No! No it's not!


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Ah Rol you need to have more faith in Nintendo. Already saying Nintendo has lost the next generation is jumping the gun. I believe they will be able to show consumers that their controller (although large and seemingly un-wielding) can be used to make games more enjoyable. Nintendo has focused on controls aspect for the previous generations while the other companies just focus on cramming the latest specs. Don't be all doom and gloom for Nintendo just yet. Give them a chance to least show what they think will add to the gaming experience.

Rol - you are a vgchartz legend and I can't think of any user that can match your ability to keep one on their toes. Much respect to your video game knowledge.

Here is one question I have for you.

Which direction should Nintendo have taken for the next generation of home consoles since you consider them to be on the wrong path? How should they have made themselves different/stand out from the competition?

Bahaha, every time these threads start they're good for a laugh.

oh one of these again

these were good back in 07-09

LOL at the bickering posts wasnt expecting that

hopefully one day i could be interviewed i was one of the few that got to be on both snakes and jerry's i mean darths show back in the day

there would be some specific demands though like me suggesting some of the questions to be asked some of that interview was a little stale tbh

i like the graphic you got there for the show also

as for questions for rol where does he find all those hot KP avatars and i see her mood changes in them does it reflect his own mood?


                                                                      Play Me

Who's going to be interviewed next btw??


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RolStoppable said:
sethnintendo said:
Ah Rol you need to have more faith in Nintendo. Already saying Nintendo has lost the next generation is jumping the gun. I believe they will be able to show consumers that their controller (although large and seemily unwielding) can be used to make games more enjoyable. Nintendo has focused on controls aspect for the previous generations while the other companies just focus on cramming the latet specs. Don't be all doom and gloom for Nintendo just yet. Give them a chance to least show what they think will add to the gaming experience.

Rol - you are a vgchartz legend and I can't think of any user that can match your ability to keep one their toes. Much respect to your video game knowledge.

Here is one question I have for you.

Which direction should have Nintendo taken for the next generation of home consoles since you consider them to be on the wrong path? How should they have made themselves different/stand out from the competition?

Their direction should have been the same as it was when they made the DS and Wii, because it worked: Aiming to expand the market, analyze why people don't play video games and combat that disinterest. By doing that they would automatically differentiate themselves from the competition, because Sony and Microsoft show no serious commitment to do the same things as Nintendo did in the first half of this generation.

Regarding Nintendo's third party problem, it would never have become as severe with proper management of their resources, because the Wii lived and died by first party software. As good as a game like Super Mario Galaxy 2 is, it served no real purpose. Instead of throwing money at getting third parties on board, it would be a much better decision to expand their own studios, because that gives them a higher level of control.

The biggest issue with today's Nintendo is that they let the gaming industry dictate how they do their business instead of the market. What does it matter if the industry and hardcore gamers moan when you sell far more hard- and software than everyone else? But apparently (and unfortunately) Nintendo thinks that it matters.

But this isn't 2005 anymore. Nintendo has more competition for the casual market now than they did when they put put the Wii.

I'm betting a good number of casual gamers from the Wii have and will migrated to gaming on the Iphones and tablets and all those things.

Nintendo can't put all their eggs in the casual market while ignoring the core market. The market that buys more games per year than any other from what I've heard.

I think it's good that Nintendo are looking to get third parties to diversify their console and give it more value for different types of gamers. They can only expand the console casual market so far.

I don't see why they can't just continue what they've been doing with the Wii while letting third parties satisfy the types of gamers Wii was lacking.

Cone- "I'd have to agree with you there. Mainly because Nintendo isn't a physical entity"


M.U.G.E.N said:
yikes guys :D cut the guy some slack geez it's the first thread after all, some of you are a bit too dramatic about's just for fun, being a bit encouraging won't be a bad thing

good start dude, maybe ask some heated questions like, future of media distribution, is DL only the way to go, handhelds, iphone/phones vs gaming in general, WiiU etc...just a suggestion

anywho like I said, good read and keep coming ;)

I know what you mean.

Lay off him, treat him with some respect.

If you have a problem with the thread then you could at least post some constructive criticism, rather than harass the guy and rudely insult his work (not directed at anyone in particular *trollface*).

I know this is going to sound pretty ironic, coming from one of the youngest members of VGChartz, but grow up guys.

On topic...

It's an interesting idea and it's great you interviewed a..."controversial" member like RolStoppable.

My only criticism is how the interview was laid out, font sizes need to change and the questions needs to be distinctly separated from the answers, it all just blended into one block of text for me.

Anyway, keep up the good work,and I know I'm not very well known on VGChartz, but if you need an interviewee, I wouldn't mind doing it ;)

good interview for your first time conegamer and damn is seece on his period lol.

RolStoppable said:
Play4Fun said:

But this isn't 2005 anymore. Nintendo has more competition for the casual market now than they did when they put put the Wii.

I'm betting a good number of casual gamers from the Wii have and will migrated to gaming on the Iphones and tablets and all those things.

Nintendo can't put all their eggs in the casual market while ignoring the core market. The market that buys more games per year than any other from what I've heard.

I think it's good that Nintendo are looking to get third parties to diversify their console and give it more value for different types of gamers.

I don't see why they can't just continue what they've been doing with the Wii while letting third parties satisfy the types of gamers Wii was lacking.

It's also not 1992 anymore, but Mario Kart still trounces every single competitor with ease. Nintendo doesn't have to fear competition in the "casual market", whatever that exactly is. But if we both agree that Nintendo excels in this area, then what's there to suggest that they can't easily stay ahead? Kinect and Move (lol) certainly aren't a serious threat.

Betting based on what evidence? If we assume that "casual gamers" bought a Wii for motion control games like Wii Sports and to play together with their family (and that IS the common assumption), then iPhones and tablets can't be a threat, because they serve neither need.

Based on conventional wisdom, Nintendo put all their eggs in the casual market and ignored the core market this generation. And it worked, all the while showing that the Wii's software tie ratio isn't alarmlingly behind the ones of the 360 and the PS3. In the end it's the total software sales numbers that count anyway, not the tie ratio.

The same result could be achieved by expanding their own first party studios who then would reliably support the console. Not only that, but it would add value to Nintendo's system by having more exclusive quality content (which gets rarer each year). The main problem of appealing to third parties is that it forces Nintendo to design their console similar to those of Sony and Microsoft, including the controller. This devalues Nintendo's machine just like the Gamecube which couldn't differentiate itself enough from the competition. And the gamers who value such a console design, primarily choose to go with a non-Nintendo system by default.

The problem is that Nintendo doesn't continue what they've been doing with the Wii. Making a twohanded controller again is going backwards, not an evolution. Yeah, you can use the Wiimotes and Nunchuks with the Wii U as well, but they aren't going to be the main controllers. Therefore, games don't have to be necessarily designed for them and that's the route third parties will probably take, because that's how they are. If you bought a Wii because you liked it for what it is, then what is the Wii U for you? A 360/PS3 with an additional screen. If that's what you wanted, then you might just as well have bought a current gen HD console in the first place and not the Wii.

Well...yeah...but...but...okay. I understand.

I never considered the fact that iphones lack local multiplayer.

I still think Nintendo can succeed. Wether it will be Wii-level success remains to be seen.

Plus, maybe they'll include a Wii-mote and Nunchuk with every console so that it'll be more likely to get good suppport. It's not like they're not cheap enough to manufacture.

I guess we will not be able to tell until Nintendo shows us what the console fully has to offer.