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Ah Rol you need to have more faith in Nintendo. Already saying Nintendo has lost the next generation is jumping the gun. I believe they will be able to show consumers that their controller (although large and seemingly un-wielding) can be used to make games more enjoyable. Nintendo has focused on controls aspect for the previous generations while the other companies just focus on cramming the latest specs. Don't be all doom and gloom for Nintendo just yet. Give them a chance to least show what they think will add to the gaming experience.

Rol - you are a vgchartz legend and I can't think of any user that can match your ability to keep one on their toes. Much respect to your video game knowledge.

Here is one question I have for you.

Which direction should Nintendo have taken for the next generation of home consoles since you consider them to be on the wrong path? How should they have made themselves different/stand out from the competition?