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RolStoppable said:
sethnintendo said:
Ah Rol you need to have more faith in Nintendo. Already saying Nintendo has lost the next generation is jumping the gun. I believe they will be able to show consumers that their controller (although large and seemily unwielding) can be used to make games more enjoyable. Nintendo has focused on controls aspect for the previous generations while the other companies just focus on cramming the latet specs. Don't be all doom and gloom for Nintendo just yet. Give them a chance to least show what they think will add to the gaming experience.

Rol - you are a vgchartz legend and I can't think of any user that can match your ability to keep one their toes. Much respect to your video game knowledge.

Here is one question I have for you.

Which direction should have Nintendo taken for the next generation of home consoles since you consider them to be on the wrong path? How should they have made themselves different/stand out from the competition?

Their direction should have been the same as it was when they made the DS and Wii, because it worked: Aiming to expand the market, analyze why people don't play video games and combat that disinterest. By doing that they would automatically differentiate themselves from the competition, because Sony and Microsoft show no serious commitment to do the same things as Nintendo did in the first half of this generation.

Regarding Nintendo's third party problem, it would never have become as severe with proper management of their resources, because the Wii lived and died by first party software. As good as a game like Super Mario Galaxy 2 is, it served no real purpose. Instead of throwing money at getting third parties on board, it would be a much better decision to expand their own studios, because that gives them a higher level of control.

The biggest issue with today's Nintendo is that they let the gaming industry dictate how they do their business instead of the market. What does it matter if the industry and hardcore gamers moan when you sell far more hard- and software than everyone else? But apparently (and unfortunately) Nintendo thinks that it matters.

But this isn't 2005 anymore. Nintendo has more competition for the casual market now than they did when they put put the Wii.

I'm betting a good number of casual gamers from the Wii have and will migrated to gaming on the Iphones and tablets and all those things.

Nintendo can't put all their eggs in the casual market while ignoring the core market. The market that buys more games per year than any other from what I've heard.

I think it's good that Nintendo are looking to get third parties to diversify their console and give it more value for different types of gamers. They can only expand the console casual market so far.

I don't see why they can't just continue what they've been doing with the Wii while letting third parties satisfy the types of gamers Wii was lacking.