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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo WILL go after the hardcores

Zucas said:
finalsquall said:
I have to laugh.... Soriku :D reveals a hardcore game and the Wii fans say No! we want Nintendo Hardcore: Super Brawl, Mario etc.... lol In the eye of a ps3 or 360 fans, games with Mario, Link and whoever are considered a softcore causal game.

Just interesting to see. I guess it's an example that True Hardcore games won't appeal to the Nintendo masses. So that's why they'll focus on casual, because other than Mario fans etc they cannot cater for players who want the hardcore experience, so they will tend to play ps3 - 360 to feed that need.

 No I just refuse to sell myself out away from traditional harcore console games for this piece of shit takeover of wannabe PC games.  If PS3 and 360 want to be a downgraded PC with downgraded games on it with downgraded experience well then fine.  I'll stick to the heart of console gaming until then.  

SEriously PS3 and 360 are worthless if your into that kinda stuff.  Go waste your money on a high tech PC if that's what you really want, otherwise your getting a lesser experience.

 and with this comment you jsut show how worthless your opinions are.

 There is no reason why hardcore gamers let alone professional and casual to not enjoy games that are available on the PC or any console even if the game is available on both PC and that console.

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ssj12 said:
Zucas said:
finalsquall said:
I have to laugh.... Soriku :D reveals a hardcore game and the Wii fans say No! we want Nintendo Hardcore: Super Brawl, Mario etc.... lol In the eye of a ps3 or 360 fans, games with Mario, Link and whoever are considered a softcore causal game.

Just interesting to see. I guess it's an example that True Hardcore games won't appeal to the Nintendo masses. So that's why they'll focus on casual, because other than Mario fans etc they cannot cater for players who want the hardcore experience, so they will tend to play ps3 - 360 to feed that need.

 No I just refuse to sell myself out away from traditional harcore console games for this piece of shit takeover of wannabe PC games.  If PS3 and 360 want to be a downgraded PC with downgraded games on it with downgraded experience well then fine.  I'll stick to the heart of console gaming until then.  

SEriously PS3 and 360 are worthless if your into that kinda stuff.  Go waste your money on a high tech PC if that's what you really want, otherwise your getting a lesser experience.

 and with this comment you jsut show how worthless your opinions are.

 There is no reason why hardcore gamers let alone professional and casual to not enjoy games that are available on the PC or any console even if the game is available on both PC and that console.

I think he has a point, although he may not have stated it well ...

If you look at console games in the SNES, Playstation/N64 and PS2/XBox/Gamecube generation the most important games are (for the most part) not what PS3 and XBox 360 fans are fixating on right now. Almost all of what people consider "Hard-Core" or "Important" games for the PS3 and XBox 360 are shooter games which have not been that important historically.

I don't believe it has to because i believe the wii does not need to change for hardcore gammers but instead hardcore gamers need to change for the wii. There are way more non hardcore people then hardcore people.I think the wii is the second consal for everyone.Hardcore gamer have their ps3 or x box 360

it not who i am but what i do that defines me. you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone walk on walk on.

Smidlee said:
A hardcore gamer is simply those who have gaming as a serious hobby. For example those who if they have the cash would pay $300-$500 on a graphic card just for gaming. So I would say PS3 and Xbox260 appeals more toward the hardcore gamers and the Wii more toward the casual player. Graphics (HD) and sound (DD5.1) is more important to a hardcore gamer than the casual gamer. Of course there is a lot of gray area between the two and not as black&white as some hear seem to suggest.

 Nah, those are graphics/AV nuts, not gamers.

 If a gamer has $500 bucks, he goes out and buys $500 bucks worth of games. Gaming infrastructure only needs to be expanded if there aren't enough interesting games to be had on on the gamer's current infrastructure.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

wasn't it obvious of this?

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There are no hardcore games, theres nothing that can make one game hardcore and another not. There are only hardcore gameplayers. Goto your local arcade and you can see 15yr old girls getting perfect scores on DDR on the most difficult settings, she is in every sense a hardcore gamer.
Some gibbering 12 yr old playing every FPS on the xbox360 isnt hardocre until he reaches a certain skill level on them.

Hardcore is not defined by gamestyle, people seem to thing that because Nintendo games are brightly coloured that they are in someway less of a game than GTA or COD. absolute garbage.
I really wish this whole hardcore/casual segregation would just go away.

Anyone recall the 'mainsteam' gamers of the PS1 era? It was exactly the same. Gaming was reaching a mainsteam audience and the 'hardcore' didnt like it, the same is happening again but peole seem a little more reluctant to embrace it since its games like Wii sports thats making the changes, not Tombraider and Wipeput.

In my opinion the only console that could ever have been classed as hardcore was the neogeo.

best game from monolith is No one lives forever. Loved that game

just what exactly is hardcore...

Ive been playin games since coleco/atari 2600

just because I dont want to play some mindless shooter/sandbox game where you kill on a whim....

I want fantasy... and the FF series lost it after (US snes ff3) I am now considered a casual gamer?

I am as hardcore as can be, I am just tired of the same ol bull thats been released on systems year after year... I WANT something new (pikmin, AC, Smach Bros, GALAXY)

Yet most of U want rehashes of shooters that have already been overdone... GET YOUR HEADS OUTTA YOUR ASSES AND PLAY SOMETHING ORINIGAL!!!! instead of this rehashed crap being shoved down our throuts year after year

samus086 said:
just what exactly is hardcore...

Ive been playin games since coleco/atari 2600

just because I dont want to play some mindless shooter/sandbox game where you kill on a whim....

I want fantasy... and the FF series lost it after (US snes ff3) I am now considered a casual gamer?

I am as hardcore as can be, I am just tired of the same ol bull thats been released on systems year after year... I WANT something new (pikmin, AC, Smach Bros, GALAXY)

Yet most of U want rehashes of shooters that have already been overdone... GET YOUR HEADS OUTTA YOUR ASSES AND PLAY SOMETHING ORINIGAL!!!! instead of this rehashed crap being shoved down our throuts year after year

 Powerful, Provocative, Bold. I agree with what you said, just not with the examples of games you gave.

Is Smash Bros and Galaxy new? Regardless, Well said. 

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samus086 said:
just what exactly is hardcore...

Ive been playin games since coleco/atari 2600

just because I dont want to play some mindless shooter/sandbox game where you kill on a whim....

I want fantasy... and the FF series lost it after (US snes ff3) I am now considered a casual gamer?

I am as hardcore as can be, I am just tired of the same ol bull thats been released on systems year after year... I WANT something new (pikmin, AC, Smach Bros, GALAXY)

Yet most of U want rehashes of shooters that have already been overdone... GET YOUR HEADS OUTTA YOUR ASSES AND PLAY SOMETHING ORINIGAL!!!! instead of this rehashed crap being shoved down our throuts year after year
This post had it all, Nintendofanboys are on the rise again^^