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samus086 said:
just what exactly is hardcore...

Ive been playin games since coleco/atari 2600

just because I dont want to play some mindless shooter/sandbox game where you kill on a whim....

I want fantasy... and the FF series lost it after (US snes ff3) I am now considered a casual gamer?

I am as hardcore as can be, I am just tired of the same ol bull thats been released on systems year after year... I WANT something new (pikmin, AC, Smach Bros, GALAXY)

Yet most of U want rehashes of shooters that have already been overdone... GET YOUR HEADS OUTTA YOUR ASSES AND PLAY SOMETHING ORINIGAL!!!! instead of this rehashed crap being shoved down our throuts year after year

 Powerful, Provocative, Bold. I agree with what you said, just not with the examples of games you gave.

Is Smash Bros and Galaxy new? Regardless, Well said. 

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