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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo WILL go after the hardcores

leo-j said: You dont know what hardcore games are (...)

No, you clearly don't know what a "casual game" is. A 50 hour game is the very definition of something that cannot possibly be "casual". A "casual gamer" just won't spend 50 hours playing a Zelda game all by himself, and if he did spend 50 hours gaming he'd automatically not be "casual" anymore, by any reasonable definition of "casual".

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
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Seems like those who only play FPS games with good graphics consider themself "hardcore". They are anything but hardcore, they are 1D gamers (One dimensional gamers) and most of them are 13-18 year old boys who consider themself" too cool" for Mario, Zelda and the like. The term "hardcore" get thrown around way too much. Also, casual gamers should not be confused with party gamers.

I have to laugh.... Soriku :D reveals a hardcore game and the Wii fans say No! we want Nintendo Hardcore: Super Brawl, Mario etc.... lol In the eye of a ps3 or 360 fans, games with Mario, Link and whoever are considered a softcore causal game.

Just interesting to see. I guess it's an example that True Hardcore games won't appeal to the Nintendo masses. So that's why they'll focus on casual, because other than Mario fans etc they cannot cater for players who want the hardcore experience, so they will tend to play ps3 - 360 to feed that need.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

leo-j said:
Zucas said:
leo-j said:

You dont know what hardcore games, are and yes nintendo abandoned the Hardcore, in order to attract casuals.

Nintenod defined the definition of hardcore games when it came to consoles so don't give me that bullshit. IN reality Nintendo games was the definition of what the hardcore gamers played.

That was the past present day they left hardcore to make money.

Yea and that's why Nintenod still makes SMG, MP3, Zelda: TP, Super Paper Mario, Excite Truck, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Disaster Day of Crisis, ect. Right Nintenod has made more hardcore games for their console than MS and Sony have published on theres.


Nintendo has not abandoned anyone. It's juse the worthless nuts trying to make it seem as they have, when in reality Nintendo is still the biggest supplier of hardcore games out of all the publishers out there, mainly for the reason that they are one of the biggest publishers in gaming. 

finalsquall said:
I have to laugh.... Soriku :D reveals a hardcore game and the Wii fans say No! we want Nintendo Hardcore: Super Brawl, Mario etc.... lol In the eye of a ps3 or 360 fans, games with Mario, Link and whoever are considered a softcore causal game.

Just interesting to see. I guess it's an example that True Hardcore games won't appeal to the Nintendo masses. So that's why they'll focus on casual, because other than Mario fans etc they cannot cater for players who want the hardcore experience, so they will tend to play ps3 - 360 to feed that need.

 No I just refuse to sell myself out away from traditional harcore console games for this piece of shit takeover of wannabe PC games.  If PS3 and 360 want to be a downgraded PC with downgraded games on it with downgraded experience well then fine.  I'll stick to the heart of console gaming until then.  

SEriously PS3 and 360 are worthless if your into that kinda stuff.  Go waste your money on a high tech PC if that's what you really want, otherwise your getting a lesser experience.

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There are two types of hardcore gamers out there, real hardcore gamers, and passive hardcore gamers. The real ones are the ones who will play the Zelda's and the Mario's as well as the Final Fantasy's etc. They are the gamers who play the epic games that require thinking as well as skill. The passive hardcore gamer, on the otherhand, prefers to have his or her hand held through the game while they kill things. Halo 2, while being a great game, requires little thought thought, you see something, you kill it, you move on. That is the market that is considered hardcore, and if Nintendo can appeal to them as well, there won't be a console war anymore

porkrinds said:
There are two types of hardcore gamers out there, real hardcore gamers, and passive hardcore gamers. The real ones are the ones who will play the Zelda's and the Mario's as well as the Final Fantasy's etc. They are the gamers who play the epic games that require thinking as well as skill. The passive hardcore gamer, on the otherhand, prefers to have his or her hand held through the game while they kill things. Halo 2, while being a great game, requires little thought thought, you see something, you kill it, you move on. That is the market that is considered hardcore, and if Nintendo can appeal to them as well, there won't be a console war anymore

 An honest assesment. 

porkrinds said:
There are two types of hardcore gamers out there, real hardcore gamers, and passive hardcore gamers. The real ones are the ones who will play the Zelda's and the Mario's as well as the Final Fantasy's etc. They are the gamers who play the epic games that require thinking as well as skill. The passive hardcore gamer, on the otherhand, prefers to have his or her hand held through the game while they kill things. Halo 2, while being a great game, requires little thought thought, you see something, you kill it, you move on. That is the market that is considered hardcore, and if Nintendo can appeal to them as well, there won't be a console war anymore

I'm gonna quote this because it's very true, and I'm gonna add my own little bit to it.


Those 'real' hardcore gamers who porkrinds describes here, are more like old-school gamers who have been able to grow up in the haydays of the NES, SNES, Sega Master System and Sega Mega Drive. The so called hardcore gamers of today's generation have grown up with the Playstation as their guide and nothing before that, and gaming has changed considerably since the 32-bit generation: In some ways for the better, in some ways much worse, especially attitudes towards gaming, as leo-j and other Sony fanboys on this site prove perfectly.

Hell there are times I don't even think such people deserve to call themselves 'gamers' in the first place if they earn such a bad reputation for everybody else. They're the same people who will call the Wii a fad, who will say that Nintendo is for kids, and that video-games should truly be for adults and no one else.

Leo-J, read my signature 100 times to yourself, and then go play Mario Galaxy for a full 24 hours and then try coming back with the same attitudes you had the day before.

EDIT: In fact, no. Don't play Mario Galaxy, play Mario 64 for a full 24 hours so you can teach yourself as well that HD visuals and full on wham bam effects mean nothing too


finalsquall said:
I have to laugh.... Soriku :D reveals a hardcore game and the Wii fans say No! we want Nintendo Hardcore: Super Brawl, Mario etc.... lol In the eye of a ps3 or 360 fans, games with Mario, Link and whoever are considered a softcore causal game.

Just interesting to see. I guess it's an example that True Hardcore games won't appeal to the Nintendo masses. So that's why they'll focus on casual, because other than Mario fans etc they cannot cater for players who want the hardcore experience, so they will tend to play ps3 - 360 to feed that need.

thank you for your post.

You've perfectly illustrated exactly what Rol was talking about. You're his ideal "hardcore" gamer 


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Soriku said:

Nintendo WON'T tell Monolith to make their games "easier" to appeal to the casuals. Nintendo bought Monolith Soft for their talent, after all. Nintendo have their own section for the hardcores. Nintendo want to go after the casuals because they want to expand the market so the casuals become hardcore. So there are more gamers (which leads to more sales). If you don't expand, then you're only getting a small fraction of sales you could have gotten with more people playing games. This is a smart strategy. Nintendo are smart enough to know they can't alienate hardcore gamers. Even if they are a small piece of the whole pie, they are sitll an important piece.

That is what i have always thought, in fact, i wasn't a gamer in the last gen, but now, i play games like RE4,Metroid , Mario, etc.