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porkrinds said:
There are two types of hardcore gamers out there, real hardcore gamers, and passive hardcore gamers. The real ones are the ones who will play the Zelda's and the Mario's as well as the Final Fantasy's etc. They are the gamers who play the epic games that require thinking as well as skill. The passive hardcore gamer, on the otherhand, prefers to have his or her hand held through the game while they kill things. Halo 2, while being a great game, requires little thought thought, you see something, you kill it, you move on. That is the market that is considered hardcore, and if Nintendo can appeal to them as well, there won't be a console war anymore

I'm gonna quote this because it's very true, and I'm gonna add my own little bit to it.


Those 'real' hardcore gamers who porkrinds describes here, are more like old-school gamers who have been able to grow up in the haydays of the NES, SNES, Sega Master System and Sega Mega Drive. The so called hardcore gamers of today's generation have grown up with the Playstation as their guide and nothing before that, and gaming has changed considerably since the 32-bit generation: In some ways for the better, in some ways much worse, especially attitudes towards gaming, as leo-j and other Sony fanboys on this site prove perfectly.

Hell there are times I don't even think such people deserve to call themselves 'gamers' in the first place if they earn such a bad reputation for everybody else. They're the same people who will call the Wii a fad, who will say that Nintendo is for kids, and that video-games should truly be for adults and no one else.

Leo-J, read my signature 100 times to yourself, and then go play Mario Galaxy for a full 24 hours and then try coming back with the same attitudes you had the day before.

EDIT: In fact, no. Don't play Mario Galaxy, play Mario 64 for a full 24 hours so you can teach yourself as well that HD visuals and full on wham bam effects mean nothing too