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There are no hardcore games, theres nothing that can make one game hardcore and another not. There are only hardcore gameplayers. Goto your local arcade and you can see 15yr old girls getting perfect scores on DDR on the most difficult settings, she is in every sense a hardcore gamer.
Some gibbering 12 yr old playing every FPS on the xbox360 isnt hardocre until he reaches a certain skill level on them.

Hardcore is not defined by gamestyle, people seem to thing that because Nintendo games are brightly coloured that they are in someway less of a game than GTA or COD. absolute garbage.
I really wish this whole hardcore/casual segregation would just go away.

Anyone recall the 'mainsteam' gamers of the PS1 era? It was exactly the same. Gaming was reaching a mainsteam audience and the 'hardcore' didnt like it, the same is happening again but peole seem a little more reluctant to embrace it since its games like Wii sports thats making the changes, not Tombraider and Wipeput.

In my opinion the only console that could ever have been classed as hardcore was the neogeo.