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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I feel a MASSIVE change in the gaming industry

I don't think this gen is comparable to anything, this is the first time there has been 3 consoles that are surviving just fine, this is the first time they have taken such vastly different approaches to the market, this is the first time 3rd parties bet on the wrong horse from the get go, this is the first time there has been such a large technology gap between the market leader and their competitors, this is the first time things have been in the position that they are now.

We can all look to the past and draw our parallel lines like we're palm reading and looking to the past as an oracle, but this is uncharted water. Odds are assumptions made based on the past generations will have only limited use in this new climate. All the arguments presented by legend and GGE ect, are great, but are largely inapplicable to what's going on now. The differences are too great compared to previous gens. We can take stabs in the dark (even if we think we can see) but I bet there will be alot of surprises along the way, and things will probably turn out alot different than we all expect.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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"this is the first time there has been 3 consoles that are surviving just fine"....

So what you're saying is that the PS3 is doing much better compared to the GC from last gen. Sorry, but no.

The third party support arguement is getting tired. Nintendo is kicking the crap out of almost all of them. They took the publishing throne from EA this year and they ain't going to be giving it back anytime soon.

"this is the first time there has been 3 consoles that are surviving just fine"....

So what you're saying is that the PS3 is doing much better compared to the GC from last gen. Sorry, but no.

The third party support arguement is getting tired. Nintendo is kicking the crap out of almost all of them. They took the publishing throne from EA this year and they ain't going to be giving it back anytime soon.

To me it seems the one of the best analogy for the consoles race is a car's transmission. Manual versus automatic. Manual is more responsive, better control, better gas mileage and for those that really like them, a ton of more fun. (Which often negates the prior two benefits by the way the car is driven!)

So, who wants an automatic transmission? Those that don't want to think about shifting gears. You just get in and go, without the car dying as you stall out when the stoplight turns green. Females and older adults like that, and even some tired young adult males coming home from work. So much so, that we have 3 cars in the family, and all automatics because if you need to trade about, all of us have to be able to drive the other cars, and two never learned (nor want to learn) how to drive a stick.

I see the consoles being the same way. You have the PS3 and X360 focused in on that group that wants to get deep into the game and play it hard. The Wii is more the automatic. Anyone can pick it up and play.

Now sorry to those manual transmission fanatics, the automatic is here to stay, and will always sell more than the manuals, no matter how much you figure that automatic transmissions ruin the car industry. But the good news... Manuals were not doomed, they just sold to a more limited audience. I think the same is true for the consoles as well.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Nintendo fan boys... Why? Why?

Yes, the Wii will probably become the greatest selling console of all time, but the Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, will sell well too, and they are not, going no where. The market is not going to change. It is going to be like this. The Wii will be at the top of the list, but the competition will always remain strong. Yes, the Wii is a major success, but the Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, are strong, and respected, competitors, and I like all of them.

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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Oh Soriku, I'm sure legend heard someone say it on another message board or forum somewhere, just like we were to believe that Super Mario Galaxy was only five hours long because of someone's second hand account. Legend11's "facts" are at best cherry picked statistics and at thier worst, little more than word of mouth.

He'll basically believe anything so long as it tells him what he wants to believe.

I didn't read it on another message board, I know all those games are in production.  The SMG thread I made before was tongue in cheek and was made to prove a point that was lost on most people. 

As for proof that those games are in production, the information is out there and should be very easy to find.  For example Deus Ex 3 has an official website at

Soriku said:
Legend11 said:
HappySqurriel said:
Legend11 said:
HappySqurriel said:

I'll try to explain this to you ...

One of the main reasons Nintendo is so dominant on the Wii is because they're the only developer who has produced a high number of high quality conventional games; some developers (Capcom, Namco, Ubisoft) have started to notice this and are attempting to bring high quality conventional games to the Wii. The dichotomy you have produced in claiming that you have the choice between conventional games on the XBox 360 or unconventional (mostly shovelware) on the Wii is laughably false.


Really? PROVE IT.

Do the following:

1) Make a list of upcoming Wii games.
2) Remove all Nintendo 1st/2nd party games (we're really talking about third party games).
3) Remove the cheap crap/budget titles like Catz, Dogz, etc.
4) Remove the cheap spinoff games like FFCC, RE: UC, etc.
5) Remove the cheap JRPG games.
6) Remove the cheap minigame compilations.
7) Remove the cheap PS2 ports.
8) Remove the cheap movie/book/tv license games.
9) Remove the cheap quirky low cost games like Endless Ocean (oops that's Nintendo but you get the point).
10) Remove the cheap sub-$2million crap that didn't get removed by any of the previous steps.
11) Remove the multiplatform games appearing on 360/PS3/PC.

Now what do you have left? Here I'll save you the trouble, NOT MUCH.

Ok, prove to me that the XBox 360 will have any games in 2010 ... Wow they must not exist ... Confirmed XBox 360 is dead in 2010 ... So what is the XBox 360's replacement? ... Wow it must not exist ... Confirmed Microsoft is leaving the console market.

... To rephrase that, if you're not going to be inteligent and rational maybe you shouldn't post.

Most games released in a year are not announced years in advance; it is actually kind of shocking to me the number of XBox 360 and PS3 games that were announced before the systems were released that are now expected to be released in 2008.

I could list some of the new games announced this year for the 360 like Hydrophobia, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Just Cause 2, Deus Ex 3, Hitman 5, The Crossing, Prince of Persia 4, Saints Row 2, Earth No More, Shellshock 2, Command & Conquer: Tiberium, Dark Void, Project Offset, EA's Dead Space, Dynasty Warriors 6, Bioshock 2, etc to show that there are still a lot of very big games taking up a lot of third party resources that were either started this year or not long ago. Yet when I make such a list for the Wii the list of games like that is a lot smaller and that is not even taking into account the many games that I haven't listed for the 360 that we know are in development but have no idea what they are like THQ's big RPG for the 360/PS3/PC coming in 2009 or later for example.

I'm not the one that is arguing that things are going to change significantly so I don't feel I should have to be the one to prove anything. I think the Wii will get some great third party games along with all the shovelware but I just don't see it getting the majority of the kinds of games I've been talking about or that there will be a huge shift of such development from the PC/360/PS3 to the Wii. I just don't see it happening.

The bolded games weren't announced for 360 this year, nor any other console. Show me proof to back this up. And when was Just Cause 2 announced for 360?

The biggest difference between the Wii and the PS1 or PS2, hell the biggest difference between this gen and other gens is that 3rd party were sure the Wii would fail and had little support at first whereas 3rd party corectly bet that the Ps2 would repeat the success of the PS1 and during the PS1 era they bet on it because they were pissed of with Nintendo's strongarm tactics (with good cause too) and sega's confusing hardware strategy.

This is the main reason why the Wii had such poor hardcore support in its first year (as they take longer to make than casual games) and why PS360 have a good chance to do better than GC/Xbox did last gen.

As the harcore games coming out on the Wii in 08 will have had more time to mature they should have a better quality and thus better sales (Nintendo doesn't sell more games because their is Nintendo marked on it, they sell more games because their average quality is much better with relatively few duds).

And once hardcore games have proven that they can sell on the Wii if the quality is there you will start to see more PS3/X360/Wii cross-platform games and eventually they will be developed with the Wii in mind first and then ported to the PS360 just like last gen games were mostly made with the PS2 in mind first (Splinter Cell is at least one exception to that though).

If you think that the Wii's lower power will prevent developers from targeting it first let me remind you of all the early 360 games that saw PS2 releases despite the even bigger power difference between PS2 and 360 because developers and publisher just couldn't ignore the PS2 behemoth. The Wii is not there yet, and you could argue it will never be but it is on the path to be there and we will have to wait until it is not sold out in all 3 major regions to know if it will fall of that path (depending on where the sales stabilise once it is not sold out anymore).

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


Producing a game is like building a house.

Once you start going, you lay the foundation, get all the tools, the labor, get the frame and structure going up, it's hard to switch gears and start a new house.... you could just abandon what you're doing, but that costs a lot of money and time.

Logically it will take months to even a year for a gear-change, or a philosophy change from producers to occur. Some are already phasing to a new idea that Wii should see more games based on user base. I don't think we'll see 'great', amazing games that people remember for years until at least next summer or winter, by 3rd parties... we're talking, the epic blockbusters that take a year to a few years to produce/perfect.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

I see where Legend is coming from, but in the grand scheme of things, as the Wii's userbase continues to skyrocket, it won't matter if games sell to only 2% of the Wii userbase, it'll still sell as much as the PS360 version would and, with the drastically lower costs of development, it'll be a better investment.

I realize that the games are portable between the two (three if you count the PC), but you have to realize that most of these games aren't going to make their money back without breaking the million mark, and unless these are hyped games, the odds are that they won't make those numbers.

Take the Orange Box, for example: it's a game that's as "hardcore" as they come, and yet it has only sold 423,966 on the 360 and another 62,000 on the PS3 (with its shoddy, rushjob port).

It'll still do fine because the game's primary market is on the PC where it has no doubt sold the most copies, but it didn't even break a million between the two consoles and had it been developed with consoles in mind and wasn't a known franchise already (like many still are), it could have not made its money back.

Namco has gone on record saying that, in order for a PS360 game to break even, the game needs to sell at LEAST a million copies. That sucks. Most games never achieve those kinds of lifetime sales, making the risk of creating a game for the PS360 very high, even if you DO port the hell out of it, the porting still costs money to do.

As the Wii userbase continues to climb, the risk of developing a Wii game will drop. The Wii has the same potential to sell hardcore games, it's just that the majority of 3rd party Wii offerings have ranged from decent to total crap, hence why the games tend to sell poorly (and in some cases, still sell well, like Sonic Secret Rings which has 750k sold).

The situation you're talking about isn't a permanent one. The lower development costs coupled with a higher install base will push more games toward the Wii (it already is). The money will do the talking here and the Wii will never become any LESS lucrative as time passes.

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks