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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 users are you thinking of switching to a Xbox 360?

Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Michael-5 said:

I never counted Alan Wake 2 or Halo Remake in anything. I only said anything is possible this E3, and said they are possibilities. It's still 3 PS3 games versus 2 360 games. If you count all the exclusives, even the less impactful ones, it's 8 to 6 in favor of 360 I believe. Yea a lot of the 360 games are Kinect, and I personally won't get any, but the idea of Panzer Dragoon is pretty cool.

You're singling out my excluson of The Last Guardian since it's a 2012 title, which has little to do for the arguement. You're ignoring the main point of 3 main PS3 games to 2 main 360 games for fall 2011. After E3 lets talk about 2012, but until then 2012's lineup is almost pure speclation. I mean only recently did they announce an Assassin's Creed for 2011. Common man.

Also what Move exclusive games are confirmed for 2011? InFamous 2 is Move capable and so are other, and I included them, but there isn't a single confirmed 2011 Move exclusive that hasn't been released already.

Okay let's not get unannonuced titles into this. The only titles you guys should be including are titles that are guranteed to come out for 2011 or games that have already came out. Face it PS3 has many more exclusives this year than the 360. So far only Gears 3 and Forza 4 have been announced. By the way PS3 has more than 3 exclusives. Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Socom 4, Mbl 2011 the show, Resisstance 3,  Twisted metal, Yakuza 4, Sorcery, Rachet and Clank, No more heros, Infamous 2, Motorstorm, Dc universe, Ape escape, FF versus, Starhawk, PS move heros, and some japense games that have already come out and more might come out too. So even if Halo remake, and Alan wake 2 do come out the 4 exclusives will die against PS3 mass number of exclusives. No Doubt that Gears 3 will be huge but how huge. If you really compare the 2 against Infamous 2, Killzone 3, LBP 2, and Uncharted 3. Those 4 games will crush Gears 3 and Forza 4 conbined. And if you add all those other small titles that can sell up to 500k-1million each the ratio will be almost 15:1 PS3. Ps3 will easily win this year.

Announce titles with a 2011 release date should be included in all debates where we talk about games comming out in 2011. It's likely that 1 or two Kinect titles become delayed to 2012, but that goes for Sony as well. The Last Guardian was delayed from a fall 2011 as well as a fall 2010 title, and in the past GT5 and LittleBigPlanet 2 were delayed into the following years. We can't assume 360 will see more delayed games then PS3. For all we know, at E3 they may announce more.

It's only logical and fair to include all relatively major software released. If you include Twisted Metal, a game which was originally planned to be an Arcade game, then you must include Steel Batallion and Rise of Nightmares for Kinect, which have always been full retail titles.

Again, I never said PS3 did not have more exclusive titles for 2011, we are only debating the comment I made that "PS3 and 360 have about the same number of exclusives titles comming out." So stop including Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, SOCOM, MLB, Yakuza 4 and so on.

Also get your facts straight. No More Heros is not a PS3 exclusive, Sorcery, and FF XIII Versus are 2012 titles, and Starhawk is only rumored.

You can't speculate on 2012, just because MS hasn't announced anything for 2012 doesn't mean there will be no more 360 exclusives after Project Kingdos. 2012 is too much to speculate, Sony often announce games years before release, but with the exception of Fable 2, Microsoft tends to announce games 1-2 years in adance. After E3 we can talk about 2012.

You keep avoiding the topic that were questioning, and include a whole bunch of PS3 titles that are either rumored or planed for a 2012 release. Stop it.

Again I am not debating 2011 total sales, just fall 2011. Game wise it's 8 to 6 for 360, and 360 titles will likely sell more software combined. As for 2011 total sales, if Halo CE Remake is real and a 2011 title, 360 software sales will still be higher, even though PS3's gamecount will be higher overall.

all i can say is you have been talking out of both sides of your mouth like crazy.

is that intentional, or do you seriously not read what you write.

im sorry but this is getting hilarious, in a really sad way

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Hellstrom said:

Ive had both since the beginning, but better yet, ive owned a PC since the beginning D:

Squilliam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Squilliam said:

All I can say is that fanatics will be fanatics. Anyway would I switch from the PS3 to an Xbox 360? If I had just PS3 that would be stupid and if I had just an Xbox 360 the switch would be stupid too. Neither really offers enough USP to really justify owning a 2nd for anyone who fits within the normal distribution of console owners.

Unless a 360 only owner really, really likes Gears 3 and Forza three, it's not just a risky decision to trade in the systems and get a PS3 for the games coming out this year.

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

This. Not only that, but few exclusives make X360 owners buy more multi-platform games. Good for third-parties, good for XBLA. It's all good.

Skeeuk said:

bottom line is, ps3 only owners will vote no, and 360 only owners will vote yes o_O

I don't think X360 owners can vote; they're X360 owners already.

Michael-5 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Michael-5 said:
XxXProphecyXxX said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but many of PS3's exclusives never made it outside of Japan. I think on North American and european shores, the total number of exclusives is still slightly more on the 360, but the different really isn't that big. However ontop of that, a 360 timed exclusive is cheaper to buy as it's an older game.

As for fall 2011 - Twisted Metal was originally an arcade game. How can you call this a hot AAA title, but a likely Panzer Dragoon game casual. How old are you, Panzer Dragoon is one of the best franchises in gaming, seeing a new installment is just as big, if not bigger, then a new Twisted Metal.

As for The Last Guardian, that's a 2012 title, it was delayed a long while ago, so get your facts straight. If you want to count this game, then you have to count Cryteks 360 exclusive Project Kingdoms, or Alan Wake 2. Also KZ3 and LBP2 already released. I was only refering to upcoming games because people someone said "PS3 has significanly more games then 360's 2 games coming out" which isn't true.

So for the rest of 2011, PS3 Basically only has Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, and InFamous 2. That's a 3:2 ratio between the more major 9/10 games from PS3 to 360. Microsoft always announces a game late, and there is strong rumor of a Halo: Combat Evolved remake, so after E3 this list could even out.

ICO Collection will be a great game, I only refer to it as modest because it won't be a console seller like Uncharted 3 or Gears 3 will be. This is a game for people who already own a PS3 and missed out on those games on the PS2. It's impact on console sales will be no stronger then Rise of Nightmares exclusive for 360, so if were going to ignore at least 3 quality Kinect games (Steel Batallion, Project Dracon, and Rise of Nightmares among others like Haunt, Michael Phelps, Heavy Fire: Afghanistan, and Codename D), it's fair to ignore games like this and Twisted Metal (which I'll repeat, was originally intended to be a PSN title).


basically your line up for 360 to combat ps3 is a bunch of unannounced titles and specualtions?you keep on bringing up that alan wake 2 and halo remake shit wheres your proof? if thats the case lets throw in unannounced games that sony first party are developing shall we? hmm lets see sonybend game,sony santa monica 2 game being developed rumour,starhawk,Quantic new ps3 exclusive,sony cambridge,sony london studio,heavenly sword 2 also keep on putting kinect titles but no PSmove? I doesnt matter either way  even if you dont list em you can still name more than 5 games for ps3 2011 line up unlike for 360 which you need to pull every thing just to match ps3's.

you guys like to throw your "MS announces games late" BULL CRAP when  games like alan wake or conviction was revealed in fukin 2005 or games like fable 2 and gears 2 which was announce year or 2 ago before its released.

Finally to finish this off notice how even if I dont include a bunch of rumored and speculated titles aswell as PSmove crap on ps3 line up it still can match everything 360 got to offer down the line while you need to name unannounced games and kinects just to even it out with ps3.....YUP no big difference there(rolls eye).

I never counted Alan Wake 2 or Halo Remake in anything. I only said anything is possible this E3, and said they are possibilities. It's still 3 PS3 games versus 2 360 games. If you count all the exclusives, even the less impactful ones, it's 8 to 6 in favor of 360 I believe. Yea a lot of the 360 games are Kinect, and I personally won't get any, but the idea of Panzer Dragoon is pretty cool.

You're singling out my excluson of The Last Guardian since it's a 2012 title, which has little to do for the arguement. You're ignoring the main point of 3 main PS3 games to 2 main 360 games for fall 2011. After E3 lets talk about 2012, but until then 2012's lineup is almost pure speclation. I mean only recently did they announce an Assassin's Creed for 2011. Common man.

Also what Move exclusive games are confirmed for 2011? InFamous 2 is Move capable and so are other, and I included them, but there isn't a single confirmed 2011 Move exclusive that hasn't been released already.

It's not 8 to 6 in favor of anything for Microsoft. The PS3 still has exclusives ontop of 15-or 16 which are still waiting to arrive. This includes Move titles. Move and Kinect are the genres battling out with each other and neither of those are AAA. Two games are still two games and the only time that will change is during E3. If Microsoft talks about more kinect games it still wont count. Core games is what its coming down to and thats what is driving Sonys sales right now. The core gamers who still have a last gen system or own another console are buying competitors consoles or a new gen console for the first time and Sony is eating them up because of the games despite the PSN issue. Microsoft only has a chance in fall, which is why you're only counting fall, when there are still three other quarters in the entire year. The overall year will account for more Sony consoles being purchased in fall (wait and see). Gears 3 will help, but only as much as Kinect did. As much as I love to Gears franchise I believe it's reached its peak in sales. It will still sell well and Forza 4 will only really sell in Europe. Now that GT5 is out, we'll see how many people will even care. 

PS3 has 15-16 games waiting to arrive, but only 6 more for 2011, which is what I'm debating. 2012 is too far away to speculate, especally before E3.

Neither Kinect or Move have AA titles? Dance Central is AAA, Sorcery will likely be 80% Plus, Project Dragon (likely a Panzer Dragoon pinoff), Steel Batallion and at least 1 other Kinect tiles will be 80% Plus, with at least 1 being AAA. I mean out of the 6 Kinect games I listed, it's unlikely more then 3 of them will get scores below 8/10.

As for console sales, why is this comming up? It's still 8 to 6 games for fall 2011. I agree with you overall yearly sales will be in favor of PS3, but 360 will catch up this fall, just like it did last.

Dance Central is NOT AAA. A AAA title involves an above the industry average standard budget from the publisher and is expected to have a large following (Which means high risk investment with expectation of high profits). Dance Central is not AAA, the Michael Jackson Experience is not AAA, Just Dance is not AAA. They are casual titles which are cheaper to create and still have a high expectation of profit. The commercials for the titles probably cost more than their development budgets. The game was mostly mo-capped, the dancers did the majority of the work for the animators. A hardcore game is built from the ground up, where-as casual titles on something like the Kinect is mostly mo-capped or have simple animations. This is a breath of fresh air for the big publisher who wants to save money like Activision, THQ, Ubisoft, EA and the other usual notable multiplatform names. The average next gen multiplatform title budget is 20-30 million dollars. High profile AAA titles (The minority) like Modern Warfare, Mass Effect, Uncharted and their Ilk cost around 40-70 million dollars to make because of the amount of developers it takes to make those games, especially when sequels need to be produced at a specific speed (usually two year increments). Ratings don't mean the game is AAA either.  If it doesn't have the budget nor the notable following to be considered AAA, it isn't. Ratings  lower than 8.5 usually hurt the credibility of a AAA title in the eyes of the average reading consumer, but it doesnt change the budget. This is why AAA titles are high risk titles with expectations of high profits.

Read this so you can understand the difference because I dont believe you get it just yet:

Glad thats all cleared up. Now if I can get back to the truth of the matter, the 360 is back at 2 AAA exclusives (Gears 3 and Forza 4) for the year going up against InFamous 2, Uncharted 3, Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, LBP 2 and The Last Guardian is up in the air between holiday 2011 and early next year. Those are the only AAA exclusives between the PS3 and 360 for the year. The rest are Move/Kinect titles and other exclusives.

It is rumored for sure that two more Sony AAA exclusives will be revealed. One is heavily claimed to be Heavenly Sword 2. Hope Microsoft has something big planned. They have one month left before E3.

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osamanobama said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:

Okay let's not get unannonuced titles into this. The only titles you guys should be including are titles that are guranteed to come out for 2011 or games that have already came out. Face it PS3 has many more exclusives this year than the 360. So far only Gears 3 and Forza 4 have been announced. By the way PS3 has more than 3 exclusives. Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Socom 4, Mbl 2011 the show, Resisstance 3,  Twisted metal, Yakuza 4, Sorcery, Rachet and Clank, No more heros, Infamous 2, Motorstorm, Dc universe, Ape escape, FF versus, Starhawk, PS move heros, and some japense games that have already come out and more might come out too. So even if Halo remake, and Alan wake 2 do come out the 4 exclusives will die against PS3 mass number of exclusives. No Doubt that Gears 3 will be huge but how huge. If you really compare the 2 against Infamous 2, Killzone 3, LBP 2, and Uncharted 3. Those 4 games will crush Gears 3 and Forza 4 conbined. And if you add all those other small titles that can sell up to 500k-1million each the ratio will be almost 15:1 PS3. Ps3 will easily win this year.

Announce titles with a 2011 release date should be included in all debates where we talk about games comming out in 2011. It's likely that 1 or two Kinect titles become delayed to 2012, but that goes for Sony as well. The Last Guardian was delayed from a fall 2011 as well as a fall 2010 title, and in the past GT5 and LittleBigPlanet 2 were delayed into the following years. We can't assume 360 will see more delayed games then PS3. For all we know, at E3 they may announce more.

It's only logical and fair to include all relatively major software released. If you include Twisted Metal, a game which was originally planned to be an Arcade game, then you must include Steel Batallion and Rise of Nightmares for Kinect, which have always been full retail titles.

Again, I never said PS3 did not have more exclusive titles for 2011, we are only debating the comment I made that "PS3 and 360 have about the same number of exclusives titles comming out." So stop including Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, SOCOM, MLB, Yakuza 4 and so on.

Also get your facts straight. No More Heros is not a PS3 exclusive, Sorcery, and FF XIII Versus are 2012 titles, and Starhawk is only rumored.

You can't speculate on 2012, just because MS hasn't announced anything for 2012 doesn't mean there will be no more 360 exclusives after Project Kingdos. 2012 is too much to speculate, Sony often announce games years before release, but with the exception of Fable 2, Microsoft tends to announce games 1-2 years in adance. After E3 we can talk about 2012.

You keep avoiding the topic that were questioning, and include a whole bunch of PS3 titles that are either rumored or planed for a 2012 release. Stop it.

Again I am not debating 2011 total sales, just fall 2011. Game wise it's 8 to 6 for 360, and 360 titles will likely sell more software combined. As for 2011 total sales, if Halo CE Remake is real and a 2011 title, 360 software sales will still be higher, even though PS3's gamecount will be higher overall.


all i can say is you have been talking out of both sides of your mouth like crazy.

is that intentional, or do you seriously not read what you write.

im sorry but this is getting hilarious, in a really sad way

You critisize because you on't look at things from the other side. All I am doing is presenting as rational arguement. Unlike you I am not resorting to rude and insulting commentary, nor am I changing topics.

I'm merely defending the claim I made that for upcoming games PS3 and 360 are geting about the same number and quality of exclusives. The fact that you bring in earlier games of 2011 which are released is beyond me. Then you insult me, but never deny or debate my points.

I think you know I'm right, you just can't engage me without petty insults, and that's just sad if you ask me. Hope you don't end all your debates like this, and I hope in the future we can actually discuss something, not just look at this situation from one perspective.

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reviniente said:
Squilliam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Squilliam said:

All I can say is that fanatics will be fanatics. Anyway would I switch from the PS3 to an Xbox 360? If I had just PS3 that would be stupid and if I had just an Xbox 360 the switch would be stupid too. Neither really offers enough USP to really justify owning a 2nd for anyone who fits within the normal distribution of console owners.

Unless a 360 only owner really, really likes Gears 3 and Forza three, it's not just a risky decision to trade in the systems and get a PS3 for the games coming out this year.

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

This. Not only that, but few exclusives make X360 owners buy more multi-platform games. Good for third-parties, good for XBLA. It's all good.

He was making excuses for the 360's lack of exclusives. I am completely sure that if the 360 had more exclusives than the PS3 he'd note it. If a consumer values a multiplatform over an exclusive they will buy it and vice versa. We already know that the most valuable game across consoles is multiplatform, but AAA exclusives are highly popular with consumers and give consoles identity. Those is obviously why the hot AAA exclusives are selling over 2 million copies and up regardless of console. The PS3 just has more of them and thats why they are pulling closer in sales to the 360 every year.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Michael-5 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

It's not 8 to 6 in favor of anything for Microsoft. The PS3 still has exclusives ontop of 15-or 16 which are still waiting to arrive. This includes Move titles. Move and Kinect are the genres battling out with each other and neither of those are AAA. Two games are still two games and the only time that will change is during E3. If Microsoft talks about more kinect games it still wont count. Core games is what its coming down to and thats what is driving Sonys sales right now. The core gamers who still have a last gen system or own another console are buying competitors consoles or a new gen console for the first time and Sony is eating them up because of the games despite the PSN issue. Microsoft only has a chance in fall, which is why you're only counting fall, when there are still three other quarters in the entire year. The overall year will account for more Sony consoles being purchased in fall (wait and see). Gears 3 will help, but only as much as Kinect did. As much as I love to Gears franchise I believe it's reached its peak in sales. It will still sell well and Forza 4 will only really sell in Europe. Now that GT5 is out, we'll see how many people will even care. 

PS3 has 15-16 games waiting to arrive, but only 6 more for 2011, which is what I'm debating. 2012 is too far away to speculate, especally before E3.

Neither Kinect or Move have AA titles? Dance Central is AAA, Sorcery will likely be 80% Plus, Project Dragon (likely a Panzer Dragoon pinoff), Steel Batallion and at least 1 other Kinect tiles will be 80% Plus, with at least 1 being AAA. I mean out of the 6 Kinect games I listed, it's unlikely more then 3 of them will get scores below 8/10.

As for console sales, why is this comming up? It's still 8 to 6 games for fall 2011. I agree with you overall yearly sales will be in favor of PS3, but 360 will catch up this fall, just like it did last.

Dance Central is NOT AAA. A AAA title involves an above industry standard budget from the publisher and is expected to have a large following (Which means high risk investment with expectation of high profits). Dance Central is not AAA, the Michael Jackson Experience is not AAA, Just Dance is not AAA. They are casual titles which are cheaper to create and still have a high expectation of profit. The commercials for the titles probably cost more than their development budgets. The game was mostly mo-capped, the dancers did the majority of the work for the animators. A hardcore game is built from the ground up, where-as casual titles on something like the Kinect is mostly mo-capped or have simple animations. This is a breath of fresh air for the big publisher who wants to save money like Activision, THQ, Ubisoft, EA and the other usual notable multiplatform names. The average next gen multiplatform title budget is 20-30 million dollars. High profile AAA titles (The minority) like Modern Warfare, Mass Effect, Uncharted and their Ilk cost around 40-70 million dollars to make because of the amount of developers it takes to make those games, especially when sequels need to be produced at a specific speed (usually two year increments). Ratings don't mean the game is AAA, it doesn't have the budget nor the notable following to be considered AAA. Lower than 8.5 ratings usually hurt the credibility of a AAA title in the eyes of the average reading consumer, but it doesnt change the budget.

Read this so you can understand the difference because I dont believe you get it just yet:

Glad thats all cleared up. Now if I can get back to the truth of the matter, the 360 is back at 2 AAA exclusives (Gears 3 and Forza 4) for the year going up against InFamous 2, Uncharted 3, Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, LBP 2 and The Last Guardian is up in the air between holiday 2011 and early next year. Those are the only AAA exclusives between the PS3 and 360 for the year. The rest are Move/Kinect titles and other exclusives.

It is rumored for sure that two more Sony AAA exclusives will be revealed. One is heavily claimed to be Heavenly Sword 2. Hope Microsoft has something big planned. They have one month left before E3.

Okay, I'll agree with you about AAA. In that case, for my debate with others on this thread, I have stated that the number of AAA titles being released this fall for PS3 is three (Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, and Resistance 3), and for 360 it's 2 (Gears 3 and Forza 4). I don't know the exact budgets for Twisted Metal and some of the larger Kinect titles like Steel Batallion, ut I would assume they are about the same.

My point is PS3 has 3 AAA titles, I wouldn't consider Twisted Metal AAA because it started life as an Arcade title, and by observing the level of graphical detail, we can easily see less development has gone into this title then Motorstorm. I mean when you shoot a building's corner support, why does the entire building fall? The only difference I see in terms of gamelay quality between this game as say Battle Tanks for N64 is the graphics, and even then Twisted Metal falls far short for an HD game.

As for The Last Guardian, it's delayed to 2012, it won't come out in 2011. As for Killzone 3 and LBP2, they are already out. I am not debating the total number of AAA titles for PS3 and 360 for the entire year, just upcoming.

I believe it was you who said PS3 has significantly more games comming out for the system, and that's simply not true. For 2011 the matter is 3 to 2 AAA titles in favor of PS3 and 8 to 6 large scale, and likely well rated, exclusives in favor of 360.

Overall, that difference is minor, and for 2012 titles, I think it's far too early to ebate those games. After all Most of Kinects 2011 lineup was only anounced this year, we just don't know exactly what both developers have to offer, especially now that Nintendo has pushed for the 8th generation of gaming early.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
reviniente said:
Squilliam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Squilliam said:

All I can say is that fanatics will be fanatics. Anyway would I switch from the PS3 to an Xbox 360? If I had just PS3 that would be stupid and if I had just an Xbox 360 the switch would be stupid too. Neither really offers enough USP to really justify owning a 2nd for anyone who fits within the normal distribution of console owners.

Unless a 360 only owner really, really likes Gears 3 and Forza three, it's not just a risky decision to trade in the systems and get a PS3 for the games coming out this year.

Sure if there were two games coming out on the Xbox 360 and however many games coming out on the PS3 that might be the case. Unfortunately there are a couple of dozen great multiplatform games coming too and that kinda waters down the Sony exclusive lineup given most people would be hard pressed to buy more than 2-3 games in a year.

This. Not only that, but few exclusives make X360 owners buy more multi-platform games. Good for third-parties, good for XBLA. It's all good.

He was making excuses for the 360's lack of exclusives. I am completely sure that if the 360 had more exclusives than the PS3 he'd note it. If a consumer values a multiplatform over an exclusive they will buy it and vice versa. We already know that the most valuable game across consoles is multiplatform, but AAA exclusives are highly popular with consumers and give consoles identity. Those is obviously why the hot AAA exclusives are selling over 2 million copies and up regardless of console. The PS3 just has more of them and thats why they are pulling closer in sales to the 360 every year.

There is no lack of exclusives for fall 2011. There just is a large emphasis on Kinect games, and a lot of them are looking really cool, like Project Dragon (from the makers of Panzer Dragoon).

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Michael-5 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Michael-5 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

It's not 8 to 6 in favor of anything for Microsoft. The PS3 still has exclusives ontop of 15-or 16 which are still waiting to arrive. This includes Move titles. Move and Kinect are the genres battling out with each other and neither of those are AAA. Two games are still two games and the only time that will change is during E3. If Microsoft talks about more kinect games it still wont count. Core games is what its coming down to and thats what is driving Sonys sales right now. The core gamers who still have a last gen system or own another console are buying competitors consoles or a new gen console for the first time and Sony is eating them up because of the games despite the PSN issue. Microsoft only has a chance in fall, which is why you're only counting fall, when there are still three other quarters in the entire year. The overall year will account for more Sony consoles being purchased in fall (wait and see). Gears 3 will help, but only as much as Kinect did. As much as I love to Gears franchise I believe it's reached its peak in sales. It will still sell well and Forza 4 will only really sell in Europe. Now that GT5 is out, we'll see how many people will even care. 

PS3 has 15-16 games waiting to arrive, but only 6 more for 2011, which is what I'm debating. 2012 is too far away to speculate, especally before E3.

Neither Kinect or Move have AA titles? Dance Central is AAA, Sorcery will likely be 80% Plus, Project Dragon (likely a Panzer Dragoon pinoff), Steel Batallion and at least 1 other Kinect tiles will be 80% Plus, with at least 1 being AAA. I mean out of the 6 Kinect games I listed, it's unlikely more then 3 of them will get scores below 8/10.

As for console sales, why is this comming up? It's still 8 to 6 games for fall 2011. I agree with you overall yearly sales will be in favor of PS3, but 360 will catch up this fall, just like it did last.

Dance Central is NOT AAA. A AAA title involves an above industry standard budget from the publisher and is expected to have a large following (Which means high risk investment with expectation of high profits). Dance Central is not AAA, the Michael Jackson Experience is not AAA, Just Dance is not AAA. They are casual titles which are cheaper to create and still have a high expectation of profit. The commercials for the titles probably cost more than their development budgets. The game was mostly mo-capped, the dancers did the majority of the work for the animators. A hardcore game is built from the ground up, where-as casual titles on something like the Kinect is mostly mo-capped or have simple animations. This is a breath of fresh air for the big publisher who wants to save money like Activision, THQ, Ubisoft, EA and the other usual notable multiplatform names. The average next gen multiplatform title budget is 20-30 million dollars. High profile AAA titles (The minority) like Modern Warfare, Mass Effect, Uncharted and their Ilk cost around 40-70 million dollars to make because of the amount of developers it takes to make those games, especially when sequels need to be produced at a specific speed (usually two year increments). Ratings don't mean the game is AAA, it doesn't have the budget nor the notable following to be considered AAA. Lower than 8.5 ratings usually hurt the credibility of a AAA title in the eyes of the average reading consumer, but it doesnt change the budget.

Read this so you can understand the difference because I dont believe you get it just yet:

Glad thats all cleared up. Now if I can get back to the truth of the matter, the 360 is back at 2 AAA exclusives (Gears 3 and Forza 4) for the year going up against InFamous 2, Uncharted 3, Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, LBP 2 and The Last Guardian is up in the air between holiday 2011 and early next year. Those are the only AAA exclusives between the PS3 and 360 for the year. The rest are Move/Kinect titles and other exclusives.

It is rumored for sure that two more Sony AAA exclusives will be revealed. One is heavily claimed to be Heavenly Sword 2. Hope Microsoft has something big planned. They have one month left before E3.

Okay, I'll agree with you about AAA. In that case, for my debate with others on this thread, I have stated that the number of AAA titles being released this fall for PS3 is three (Uncharted 3, InFamous 2, and Resistance 3), and for 360 it's 2 (Gears 3 and Forza 4). I don't know the exact budgets for Twisted Metal and some of the larger Kinect titles like Steel Batallion, ut I would assume they are about the same.

My point is PS3 has 3 AAA titles, I wouldn't consider Twisted Metal AAA because it started life as an Arcade title, and by observing the level of graphical detail, we can easily see less development has gone into this title then Motorstorm. I mean when you shoot a building's corner support, why does the entire building fall? The only difference I see in terms of gamelay quality between this game as say Battle Tanks for N64 is the graphics, and even then Twisted Metal falls far short for an HD game.

As for The Last Guardian, it's delayed to 2012, it won't come out in 2011. As for Killzone 3 and LBP2, they are already out. I am not debating the total number of AAA titles for PS3 and 360 for the entire year, just upcoming.

I believe it was you who said PS3 has significantly more games comming out for the system, and that's simply not true. For 2011 the matter is 3 to 2 AAA titles in favor of PS3 and 8 to 6 large scale, and likely well rated, exclusives in favor of 360.

Overall, that difference is minor, and for 2012 titles, I think it's far too early to ebate those games. After all Most of Kinects 2011 lineup was only anounced this year, we just don't know exactly what both developers have to offer, especially now that Nintendo has pushed for the 8th generation of gaming early.

Yes...I said the PS3 has significantly more games. This is definitely true because they will have significantly more exclusives; the question, however, is whether they are AAA or not. Yes, Twisted Metal is a AAA exclusive. All the news reported hinted at a reported "AAA exclusive" before Twisted Metal was announced that was being created by David Jaffe in 2010. Look this up dude. The scale of that game is crazy. The development must've been kept secret since 2008 because Jaffe hasn't been doing anything since "Head On" Launched on the PSP. Also look up how many people are grilling jaffe as to whether Twisted Metal can sell consoles.