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osamanobama said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:

Okay let's not get unannonuced titles into this. The only titles you guys should be including are titles that are guranteed to come out for 2011 or games that have already came out. Face it PS3 has many more exclusives this year than the 360. So far only Gears 3 and Forza 4 have been announced. By the way PS3 has more than 3 exclusives. Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Socom 4, Mbl 2011 the show, Resisstance 3,  Twisted metal, Yakuza 4, Sorcery, Rachet and Clank, No more heros, Infamous 2, Motorstorm, Dc universe, Ape escape, FF versus, Starhawk, PS move heros, and some japense games that have already come out and more might come out too. So even if Halo remake, and Alan wake 2 do come out the 4 exclusives will die against PS3 mass number of exclusives. No Doubt that Gears 3 will be huge but how huge. If you really compare the 2 against Infamous 2, Killzone 3, LBP 2, and Uncharted 3. Those 4 games will crush Gears 3 and Forza 4 conbined. And if you add all those other small titles that can sell up to 500k-1million each the ratio will be almost 15:1 PS3. Ps3 will easily win this year.

Announce titles with a 2011 release date should be included in all debates where we talk about games comming out in 2011. It's likely that 1 or two Kinect titles become delayed to 2012, but that goes for Sony as well. The Last Guardian was delayed from a fall 2011 as well as a fall 2010 title, and in the past GT5 and LittleBigPlanet 2 were delayed into the following years. We can't assume 360 will see more delayed games then PS3. For all we know, at E3 they may announce more.

It's only logical and fair to include all relatively major software released. If you include Twisted Metal, a game which was originally planned to be an Arcade game, then you must include Steel Batallion and Rise of Nightmares for Kinect, which have always been full retail titles.

Again, I never said PS3 did not have more exclusive titles for 2011, we are only debating the comment I made that "PS3 and 360 have about the same number of exclusives titles comming out." So stop including Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, SOCOM, MLB, Yakuza 4 and so on.

Also get your facts straight. No More Heros is not a PS3 exclusive, Sorcery, and FF XIII Versus are 2012 titles, and Starhawk is only rumored.

You can't speculate on 2012, just because MS hasn't announced anything for 2012 doesn't mean there will be no more 360 exclusives after Project Kingdos. 2012 is too much to speculate, Sony often announce games years before release, but with the exception of Fable 2, Microsoft tends to announce games 1-2 years in adance. After E3 we can talk about 2012.

You keep avoiding the topic that were questioning, and include a whole bunch of PS3 titles that are either rumored or planed for a 2012 release. Stop it.

Again I am not debating 2011 total sales, just fall 2011. Game wise it's 8 to 6 for 360, and 360 titles will likely sell more software combined. As for 2011 total sales, if Halo CE Remake is real and a 2011 title, 360 software sales will still be higher, even though PS3's gamecount will be higher overall.


all i can say is you have been talking out of both sides of your mouth like crazy.

is that intentional, or do you seriously not read what you write.

im sorry but this is getting hilarious, in a really sad way

You critisize because you on't look at things from the other side. All I am doing is presenting as rational arguement. Unlike you I am not resorting to rude and insulting commentary, nor am I changing topics.

I'm merely defending the claim I made that for upcoming games PS3 and 360 are geting about the same number and quality of exclusives. The fact that you bring in earlier games of 2011 which are released is beyond me. Then you insult me, but never deny or debate my points.

I think you know I'm right, you just can't engage me without petty insults, and that's just sad if you ask me. Hope you don't end all your debates like this, and I hope in the future we can actually discuss something, not just look at this situation from one perspective.

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