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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game--Fable 3!!


I can't give it a terrible score because I actually had fun playing it but really the cons are so freaking numerous.

Nearly half my gametime was watching that annoying loading screen with the posters.

The pause menu idea while somewhat clever, was terribly executed

Combat way too easy

Choices seemed trivial.

Random interactions with npcs.

A huge dissapointment considering I loved fable 2 and was hoping they would fix the faults it had instead of just adding more.

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twesterm said:
Munkeh111 said:
Acevil said:

I'm really negative on this one.

6/10 the game felt like unfinished mess, that really needed to kick it up a notch, I was surprised that the game ended like that. I thought it would be much longer, and more eventful. The only positive that I saw, is the combat system felt better, but the fact that it was so easy, made all the effort put into the new combat system to be a joke. 

Precisely, I was really disappointed

The moral choices lacked weight I felt, as they were economically based, which would be got around by spending ages pie making.... I didn't really love it, but the co-op was better, and it was certainly playable and had a great voice cast (Stephen Fry, Simon Pegg and Jonathan Ross) though the hero sucked a bit, so I would actually go for a 


I think those choices would have been great if making money wasn't so ridiculously easy.  If I hadn't already had double the money I needed by the end of the game those would have been pretty difficult choices but if you bought any property early on money was a joke.

I was actually convinced that something unexpected was going to come about so I always kept a reserve of double the required amount in my treasury.  I kept thinking it really couldn't be that easy but sadly it was.

And then the ending itself (I'm assuming everyone here has played the game or doesn't care by this point, so meh spoilers) was a massive let down, especially considering Fable II had one of the greatest endings ever. 

I was incredibly upset it went from 120 days until attack to day of attack with no warning.  It just threw you into the final day without warning so you're just forced to go with it.  They don't have you chance to turn back until moments before the final fight which really sucks.  I really don't know who thought that was a bright idea but it failed miserably.  It meant you either just kept trudging on because you didn't care by that point or you chose to go back a save (which I did) which made coming back to that point in the game later a let down.  Add onto that a less than spectacular ending and it just didn't work.

Yeah, the ending was really really awful. It didn't really feel impactful enough, and while I did have to do some piemaking, that was it, and I didn't really have to make any sacrifices. The real question, is why would you take the money for yourself? There wasn't anything to spend it on other than properties, which were just there to make money.... I had done a bit of research to ensure that I didn't suffer from that stupidity with the quick ending

My first Fable this gen. I've actually liked the relationship quests and whatnot, and also didn't mind at all for the broke way of getting money. I'm always broke in the reality.

But what i loved the most was the Brittish charm of this game. I don't get that alot you know. Western games usually go the american style, with people always screaming to each other, cursing and swearing, and throwing granades. Even when they're just sitting.


A 10 for me.

You know I like Fable I really do, but I honestly can only go as high as an 8.5

My problem with Fable is its in desperate need of adding a deeper combat system and increased difficulty.  I'm all for making games as accessable as possible and getting as many people to play as you can but Fable is supposed to be an RPG and honestly at this point it barely plays like one.

Story could use improvements as well, and the game was pretty glitchy.  It just overall felt rushed.

To me its dissapointing because Fable really does have the potential to be soooooo much more but it just doesn't live up to what it could be by the developers purposely making decisions to hold it back.

I've always been a fan of the Fable series.  


-Graphics and art style is beautiful
-Story was better than Fable 2's imo
-I liked the Map and Santuary
-Great Voice acting.
-One of the funniest games I've ever played.
-Co-op is Improved over Fable 2
-Combat is easy to learn
-Characters are more memorable than Fable 2 characters


-Glitches ruined the game sometimes
-Not enough Weapons, potions, clothing, etc.
-Ending was meh
-Too easy, needs more of a penalty when you get knocked down
-When you destroy a box or barrel,  why is nothing ever in it???? 

Fable 3 definitely has it's problems, but it also has that charm no other game has.

All give it an 8.75    

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twesterm said:


It had some great ideas but fell flat in a lot of places. 


  • Easy and fun combat
  • Incredibly charming world, pretty much every detail was wonderful
  • Governing the kingdom was a cool idea
  • Just a lot of cool moments in the story


  • Relationship quests were the same 2-3 quests over and over and over and over
  • Making money was way too easy which meant governing the kingdom lost all the impact it was supposed to have
  • The ending was a huge letdown
  • Navigating the property manager was a giant pain in ass (mainly repairing properties)

yeah see the dating pissed me off with the wolves in the city wtf. She wanted a date into the place with the wolves... why the fuck would you want that... stupid sod


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

twesterm said:

I think those choices would have been great if making money wasn't so ridiculously easy.  If I hadn't already had double the money I needed by the end of the game those would have been pretty difficult choices but if you bought any property early on money was a joke.

I was actually convinced that something unexpected was going to come about so I always kept a reserve of double the required amount in my treasury.  I kept thinking it really couldn't be that easy but sadly it was.

And then the ending itself (I'm assuming everyone here has played the game or doesn't care by this point, so meh spoilers) was a massive let down, especially considering Fable II had one of the greatest endings ever. 

I was incredibly upset it went from 120 days until attack to day of attack with no warning.  It just threw you into the final day without warning so you're just forced to go with it.  They don't have you chance to turn back until moments before the final fight which really sucks.  I really don't know who thought that was a bright idea but it failed miserably.  It meant you either just kept trudging on because you didn't care by that point or you chose to go back a save (which I did) which made coming back to that point in the game later a let down.  Add onto that a less than spectacular ending and it just didn't work.


See Boom... that is the thing that pissed me off, with how the days were counting down I swore that I had more time. I had bought everything so I could have just dawdled and just got money or hell sold everything to have enough... that bit pissed me off to oblivion to be honest.


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

1 more day to vote people!  Only have 15 votes so we could use some more.

yo_john117 said:

1 more day to vote people!  Only have 15 votes so we could use some more.

So guess this is one for the books after all, but surprised not a bigger turnout. 


Acevil said:
yo_john117 said:

1 more day to vote people!  Only have 15 votes so we could use some more.

So guess this is one for the books after all, but surprised not a bigger turnout. 

Yeah I would have thought that a game as big as this would get more then 15 votes.