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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Leave it to Razer to make a real motion sensing controller that works


Now 'Best motion controller' can be added to a long list of things that the PC is best at :)

It will fail commercially due to a lack of software though :(

but I'll buy it as a collector's item :D


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Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
PullusPardus said:

its the same though, sensor or camera.

What a strange graph. Gyrometer gives the absolute orientation, its reliable and predictable as well as having a low latency. Im not saying the Razer controller doesnt do it faster though. Also, it says they are comparing the types of 3D controller. Thats some big bulls*** since the 3D controllers on the market (Move, Wiimote, Kinect) all use more than 1 technology.

the chart covers that... camera covers PS Eye or Kinect by itself. Added gyro covers Move controller addition. Accelerometer gyro covers Wii Motion Plus. Ultrasonic... I guess Kinect too? Which really
falls perfectly into that chart. The chart covers each individual technology. Combining them gives some improvement with additional cost (like Move which has a $40 controller with a $40 camera plus the need sometimes for a second controller for absolute control).

You didnt get my point. The title is: "contrasting the different types of 3D controllers". None of those, beside their magnetic controller, is a type of controller.

PlayStation 3's Sixaxis and DualShock 3 = Accelerometer. issue: vastly limited motion control

Wii Remote without Plus = Gyro, With Plus Accelerometer Gyro. Issues: Motion Tracking accuracy

EyeToy PS Eye = Camera. Issues: range and motion tracking.

Move PS Eye = Camera with Gyro (accelerometer isnt needed really here) issue: limited range of motion, easily blocked

Ultrasonic = ? Im not sure, I want to say Kinect due to the voice control but idk really. issue: no idea

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
KungKras said:


Now 'Best motion controller' can be added to a long list of things that the PC is best at :)

It will fail commercially due to a lack of software though :(

but I'll buy it as a collector's item :D

Though they will probably have a software that map the regular control on it. Like that it will at least be functional for any FPS. A bit like some are doing right now with the wiimote but now they will have dual analog.

KungKras said:


Now 'Best motion controller' can be added to a long list of things that the PC is best at :)

It will fail commercially due to a lack of software though :(

but I'll buy it as a collector's item :D

Support is easily done. Simple patch. I can hook the PS3's controller to my PC and use the full motion control in every game I own. All you need is a driver that tells the PC how to handle each motion. Plus Valve is known to support all new control tech, and many others do too. Plus Razer has a massive fanbase, none of Razer's products have failed, and I highly doubt this will change that track record.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
PullusPardus said:

its the same though, sensor or camera.

What a strange graph. Gyrometer gives the absolute orientation, its reliable and predictable as well as having a low latency. Im not saying the Razer controller doesnt do it faster though. Also, it says they are comparing the types of 3D controller. Thats some big bulls*** since the 3D controllers on the market (Move, Wiimote, Kinect) all use more than 1 technology.

the chart covers that... camera covers PS Eye or Kinect by itself. Added gyro covers Move controller addition. Accelerometer gyro covers Wii Motion Plus. Ultrasonic... I guess Kinect too? Which really
falls perfectly into that chart. The chart covers each individual technology. Combining them gives some improvement with additional cost (like Move which has a $40 controller with a $40 camera plus the need sometimes for a second controller for absolute control).

You didnt get my point. The title is: "contrasting the different types of 3D controllers". None of those, beside their magnetic controller, is a type of controller.

PlayStation 3's Sixaxis and DualShock 3 = Accelerometer. issue: vastly limited motion control

Wii Remote without Plus = Gyro, With Plus Accelerometer Gyro. Issues: Motion Tracking accuracy

EyeToy PS Eye = Camera. Issues: range and motion tracking.

Move PS Eye = Camera with Gyro (accelerometer isnt needed really here) issue: limited range of motion, easily blocked

Ultrasonic = ? Im not sure, I want to say Kinect due to the voice control but idk really. issue: no idea

Kinect doesnt even has part of its technology in it (depth sensor). In any case, I still have the feeling you didnt get my point. I know you can mix those technologies in order to make one of the 3D controllers. The point is, accelerometer and ultrasonic by themselves doesnt represent any controller on the market. Yet their graph name is "contrasting the different types of 3D controller". Beside "magnetic" and "camera" (eyetoy) those arent types of 3D controllers. Once again, im not saying the product isnt good, I just hate misrepresentation.

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Gotta say, I don't get the big deal of it all. At best, it looks marginally better than what can be done with the Move, no matter how superior the technology may be. The only differentiator seems to be the way the controllers are used, he's using to similar controllers in each hand as far as I can tell. Or is that just me?

Either way, I'm not feeling it.

ssj12 said:
Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
Icyedge said:
ssj12 said:
PullusPardus said:

its the same though, sensor or camera.

What a strange graph. Gyrometer gives the absolute orientation, its reliable and predictable as well as having a low latency. Im not saying the Razer controller doesnt do it faster though. Also, it says they are comparing the types of 3D controller. Thats some big bulls*** since the 3D controllers on the market (Move, Wiimote, Kinect) all use more than 1 technology.

the chart covers that... camera covers PS Eye or Kinect by itself. Added gyro covers Move controller addition. Accelerometer gyro covers Wii Motion Plus. Ultrasonic... I guess Kinect too? Which really
falls perfectly into that chart. The chart covers each individual technology. Combining them gives some improvement with additional cost (like Move which has a $40 controller with a $40 camera plus the need sometimes for a second controller for absolute control).

You didnt get my point. The title is: "contrasting the different types of 3D controllers". None of those, beside their magnetic controller, is a type of controller.

PlayStation 3's Sixaxis and DualShock 3 = Accelerometer. issue: vastly limited motion control

Wii Remote without Plus = Gyro, With Plus Accelerometer Gyro. Issues: Motion Tracking accuracy

EyeToy PS Eye = Camera. Issues: range and motion tracking.

Move PS Eye = Camera with Gyro (accelerometer isnt needed really here) issue: limited range of motion, easily blocked

Ultrasonic = ? Im not sure, I want to say Kinect due to the voice control but idk really. issue: no idea

Found an ultrasonic controller

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:

Found an ultrasonic controller

"How about Ultrasound, which lets you FEEL virtual objects."

Wow, thats awesome, where is this advantage on the graph? lol

using magnetism is... not ideal lol.  you'll have to have a limited amount of electronics near your person for it to work right.  building built with steel reinforcing will make it so it plainly doesnt work, not to mention computers, lights, tvs, gaming consoles will all warp the magnetic field, and if the magnetic field is strong enough will kill said hardware with extended use

also, magnets cant provide linear motion in a wide range, but before i condemn it i want to see one work wirelessly,  with the wires the magnetism can totally take a backseat and a lot of these problems wont be as big, but i still wouldnt use it :P  using the wrong cleaning products which uses static magnetism will damage your electronics after only a few uses

KungKras said:


Now 'Best motion controller' can be added to a long list of things that the PC is best at :)

It will fail commercially due to a lack of software though :(

but I'll buy it as a collector's item :D

Well they have a partnership with Steam to have game devs use it as well as indy devs. The exclusive Hydra only levels of Portal should help move a lot of units. I already own a few games with steam achievements that can only be done with the Hydra.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling