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Forums - Sales Discussion - kinect vs. sony's exclusives 2011

twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You mean,this year alone right?

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twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You're biased! You're making a game for Kinect you Naughty Dog.

Anyway OT: Beyond exclusives you also have to consider the exclusive experiences the consoles can offer. With Kinect you're also getting controller free media watching, video conference with gesture and without having to show your face and Kinect itself integrates better into the dashboard. You also get voice chat without a headset. With Move you get none of this as of yet and given they are trying to squash a hack you'd expect real feature implementation to slow down from glacial, global cooling to blame?

As to a list of games, well lists are good and all but how many will drop into 2012? Every time I see a big list of PS3 games a large number drop into the next year. So many still haven't got a date announced, Fall, Spring etc. Thats very convincing as a timeframe.

Im pretty sure that the eventual lineup which gets the most hate here will probably be the one which sells the most consoles. Its the Wii effect afterall. The better the system seller, the more hate we will see.

Who will have the most exclusives? Probably the Xbox 360 due to Kinect being unique and serious funding. Remember all the exclusives in 2006/2007? Thats what we have to expect in 2011 and 2012.

Who will have the most systems sold? Possibly the Xbox 360, Kinect is unique afterall.

Who will have the people here ranting and raving and acting like children? Hard to say, but Sony traditionally wins this one.


Mordred11 said:
twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You mean,this year alone right?

No, I mean the generation.  Exclusives are still important and I'm not trying to say the PS3 exclusives are bad at all, I'm just saying we're past the point where they make a huge difference.

Even more so when we're talking about exclusives versus a device meant to expand the audience.

twesterm said:
Mordred11 said:
twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You mean,this year alone right?

No, I mean the generation.  Exclusives are still important and I'm not trying to say the PS3 exclusives are bad at all, I'm just saying we're past the point where they make a huge difference.

Even more so when we're talking about exclusives versus a device meant to expand the audience.

that and kinect exlcusives are still xbox 360 exlcusives which means kinect is selling systems again :)


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

AussieGecko said:
twesterm said:
Mordred11 said:
twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You mean,this year alone right?

No, I mean the generation.  Exclusives are still important and I'm not trying to say the PS3 exclusives are bad at all, I'm just saying we're past the point where they make a huge difference.

Even more so when we're talking about exclusives versus a device meant to expand the audience.

that and kinect exlcusives are still xbox 360 exlcusives which means kinect is selling systems again :)

It's not the exlusives themselves (for the most part) that are selling games, it's the Kinect. 

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twesterm said:

It's not the exlusives themselves (for the most part) that are selling games, it's the Kinect. 

Yeah I get that bit, but armored core and dance central. This is helpful for a lot of people, but yes the technology will be the stronger point :)


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

homer said:

I agree but I doubt they will be adding much. If they do announce stuff at e3, even then, it is unlikely that most of it will launch this year. Just look at e3 2010 where they announced a new Crytek game and it did not come out in 2010. Also look at e3 2009 where Halo Reach, Natal(now Kinect),joy ride, Crackdown 2, and a reemergance of Alan Wake.(none of which came out in 2009) Same with when they announced Gears 3 and Forza 4 so even if they do announce a new game, it may not even release in 2011? Anyways, I doubt if they even announced an exclusive today, it would release the first half of the year, insuring that Sony has at least the first half of the year completely dominated(in terms of exclusives). As to whoever beats the other, I think it will probably be like last year, where both pretty much tied.

What I hate and like about Microsoft is they are very very secretive. I honestly believe there will be more than double the known kinect exlcusives for example coming this year.

They have had 10-15 kinect games already, if i counted there would probably be more, most of those were not announced at E3 but came out in 2011. Microsoft generally release information when they want to not when other people expect it.

In a way I wish Sony did the same thing, but what they are doing I suppose works for them


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop



Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

cloud1161 said:

which is more likely to entice buyers to purchase the respective console?  will kinect cause more people to buy an xbox 360 or will ps3's exclusive titles cause more people to buy a ps3?  i think this is actually a pretty interesting topic.  i cant even decide which will sell more cuz kinect has a good bit of momentum and ps3's exclusives list is almost legendary.  discuss.

EDIT: i mean the actual kinect hardware vs ps3 exclusives, not the kinect games vs the ps3 games

Kinect should easily cause more 360 sales than PS3 sales. Looking at the list of PS3 exclusives in 2011, there are many nice games but I don't see any titles thare are really of the system moving variety:

Uncharted 3

Killzone 3

Little Big Planet 2

DC Universe Online

Last Guardian

Infamous 2

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

Resistance 3

Twisted Metal

Really, the biggest games are probably Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 but neither are system movers IMO.

The momentum for Kinect, OTOH, is huge and still very strong. I don't see the momentum for Kinect dying off anytime soon and MS has promised that 2011 will have some very interesting Kinect titles (most of which haven't been announced yet).

pachoo5 said:
cloud1161 said:

which is more likely to entice buyers to purchase the respective console?  will kinect cause more people to buy an xbox 360 or will ps3's exclusive titles cause more people to buy a ps3?  i think this is actually a pretty interesting topic.  i cant even decide which will sell more cuz kinect has a good bit of momentum and ps3's exclusives list is almost legendary.  discuss.

EDIT: i mean the actual kinect hardware vs ps3 exclusives, not the kinect games vs the ps3 games

Kinect should easily cause more 360 sales than PS3 sales. Looking at the list of PS3 exclusives in 2011, there are many nice games but I don't see any titles thare are really of the system moving variety:

Uncharted 3

Killzone 3

Little Big Planet 2

DC Universe Online

Last Guardian

Infamous 2

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

Resistance 3

Twisted Metal

Really, the biggest games are probably Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 but neither are system movers IMO.

The momentum for Kinect, OTOH, is huge and still very strong. I don't see the momentum for Kinect dying off anytime soon and MS has promised that 2011 will have some very interesting Kinect titles (most of which haven't been announced yet).

do you even own a ps3..? cause all those games are verry big games and will get high reveiws