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twesterm said:

I think Kinect will sell more consoles than PS3 exclusives, especially this late in the game.

The PS3 exclusives don't really aim to expand the audience, Kinect does.

You're biased! You're making a game for Kinect you Naughty Dog.

Anyway OT: Beyond exclusives you also have to consider the exclusive experiences the consoles can offer. With Kinect you're also getting controller free media watching, video conference with gesture and without having to show your face and Kinect itself integrates better into the dashboard. You also get voice chat without a headset. With Move you get none of this as of yet and given they are trying to squash a hack you'd expect real feature implementation to slow down from glacial, global cooling to blame?

As to a list of games, well lists are good and all but how many will drop into 2012? Every time I see a big list of PS3 games a large number drop into the next year. So many still haven't got a date announced, Fall, Spring etc. Thats very convincing as a timeframe.

Im pretty sure that the eventual lineup which gets the most hate here will probably be the one which sells the most consoles. Its the Wii effect afterall. The better the system seller, the more hate we will see.

Who will have the most exclusives? Probably the Xbox 360 due to Kinect being unique and serious funding. Remember all the exclusives in 2006/2007? Thats what we have to expect in 2011 and 2012.

Who will have the most systems sold? Possibly the Xbox 360, Kinect is unique afterall.

Who will have the people here ranting and raving and acting like children? Hard to say, but Sony traditionally wins this one.
