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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Was Final Fantasy XIII worth all the fuss? No"- Kotaku

gurglesletch said:

I have never played any final fantasy games. 

Shhhhh... or you will break the thread


OT: why do people complain so much. IMO every JRPG is mediocre at best, and from what I played XIII was decent. Dont like it, then dont play it. There are plenty of XIII fans out there, so let them enjoy the game

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hunter_alien said:
gurglesletch said:

I have never played any final fantasy games. 

Shhhhh... or you will break the thread


OT: why do people complain so much. IMO every JRPG is mediocre at best, and from what I played XIII was decent. Dont like it, then dont play it. There are plenty of XIII fans out there, so let them enjoy the game

That would be too easy.

I have not played an FF game fully either. Jeez, i get that FFXIII might not have been the best FF, but is it really crap?. You guys make it sound like it REALLY sucks. I doubt it does, i'm sure its good but most of the haters are just mad you can't walk around as much lol.

radiantshadow92 said:

I have not played an FF game fully either. Jeez, i get that FFXIII might not have been the best FF, but is it really crap?. You guys make it sound like it REALLY sucks. I doubt it does, i'm sure its good but most of the haters are just mad you can't walk around as much lol.

Is the game playable? yes, absolutely. Is it Great? No, Mediocre at best. I have always been  A HUGE FF fan, but It must be said this franchise has been in a decline for a while now each installment weaker than previous (with the exception of ff9) I truly believe Squarenix has lost the magic that Squaresoft once had by a bunch, The Dragon Quest series is still doing well in my opinion, but the Mana series, Star Ocean(orignally Enix )  and yes even the might FF series are just ordinary games now, same can be said about "The Last Remnant" and "Infinite discovery" weren't great either, At least in the RPG dept which has always been their bread and butter Squarenix has dropped the ball, and have no clue where it landed.

Skimming through the posts i can see its mostly comments about how games like FF (and COD) don't deserve their sales and acclaim. But thats just how media and art works.

Example we have Post modern or post classic art of Picasso and Van Gogh both of whom hated their work and considered it garbage yet it recieves much appraisal for its innovation. Or we have pop stars that companies sell to the public based on personality instead of quality

I think the issue that stems is that people are afraid to stary from the flock and so what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you buy K2 but all your friends bought the new CoD i think it would be hard to convince a third person to buy K2.

The tactic with industy, art and media in general is my new favourite over used (by me) quote:

You can't fool all the people all of the time...

But if you fool the right ones then the rest will fall behind,

"Rainbird: Why don't Nintendo and Microsoft Copy the Sony Blog?

Bagenome:You can't shoot things on a blog, and babies can't read, so I don't think it would suit either one's target audience."


d21lewis said:
Honestly, do JRPG makers even realize how hard it is to save the world? That shit is impossible!




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Rob-Ot said:
A203D said:

Personally i dont even think it quaifies as a game, some people have compared it to a trashy soap opera, filled with running in straight line and pressing X. the developers themselves have said, its not an RPG and more of an FPS.

i think fans believe that they are protecting the name FInal Fantasy and Square Enix by defending FF13, they dont realise this is NOT Sakaguchis Final Fantasy, its something that was made without regard for RPGs and disregard for fans of the series.

fans should realise that if they continue to support those particular developers, all we're going to get is another FF13, and the series we've loved for the last 20 years will be reduced to nothing. as it has been reduced to an soap opera in FF13. Sakaguchi wouldve never allowed Final Fantasy to turn into this, and The Last Story will prove that imho.

Thats how I felt about Final Fantasy X all those years ago but for some reason many fans praised it.

They just got another one of that now, I completely hold Final Fantasy X responsible for Final Fantasy XIII.

Best pst. The fall of FF started with FFX. I'm glad FF is heading that direction thanks to FFX supporters

I agree. It wasn't great, worse than FF12, and the rest IMHO. Even X-2


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

richardhutnik said:
Wagram said:

The fanboy battles and meltfowns over the exclusitivity is stupid. The game is fantastic but people need to understand that from a business standpoint another console gives the opportunity to give more sales. It has got like 1.7M 360 sales which is GOOD. I wouldn't be suprised if Versus went multi. With the recent 90% profit cut you can bet your ass its coming.

The console wars hype brigade behind games ends up dooming things that end up not being all that.  A game that may be a good game in its own right, happens to end up in a bad spot, as fanboys and console partisans lob titles back and forth and look to make them a big deal.  Games get one exclusive lists, even if nothing is known about actual game play (Agent is the latest to do this), and then out comes the yelling at the other side.  Resistance and Killzone 2 are two others that have suffered as a result of this fanboy spin.  Because it didn't crush Gears of War 2 in sales, Resistance 2 went from darling to pariah.  And then, because Killzone 2 didn't supplant Halo as far as being a console exclusive FPS, it ends up having backlash, because it stopped being "sacred". 

Mass Effect hasn't nearly seen the hype brigade that Final Fantasy brought on itself, and is likely better for it.  I hope it does well and PS3 only owners get a chance to play and enjoy it.

I agree totally here! People hyping a game beyond all reckoning and then dumping it when the game fails to sell/crush something as they wished.... Owners of all consoles are guilty of this but the main ones seem to be the PS3 fanboys this generation for some reason, mainly due to the console being 3rd i suppose but still a fantastic 3rd i think!

Onto Mass Effect, i played the original when i had a 360 and loved the story and atmosphere but hated the 360 pad so never played much of the game so def going to be getting it on the PS3 come Jan/Feb

radiantshadow92 said:

I have not played an FF game fully either. Jeez, i get that FFXIII might not have been the best FF, but is it really crap?. You guys make it sound like it REALLY sucks. I doubt it does, i'm sure its good but most of the haters are just mad you can't walk around as much lol.

it sucks hard , check the links on my sign and read what the director of the game was aiming for in the quotes.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

radiantshadow92 said:

I have not played an FF game fully either. Jeez, i get that FFXIII might not have been the best FF, but is it really crap?. You guys make it sound like it REALLY sucks. I doubt it does, i'm sure its good but most of the haters are just mad you can't walk around as much lol.

Its a good game, much better than FF12, but mediocre along with FFX compared to the gems FFIV-FFIX.