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radiantshadow92 said:

I have not played an FF game fully either. Jeez, i get that FFXIII might not have been the best FF, but is it really crap?. You guys make it sound like it REALLY sucks. I doubt it does, i'm sure its good but most of the haters are just mad you can't walk around as much lol.

Is the game playable? yes, absolutely. Is it Great? No, Mediocre at best. I have always been  A HUGE FF fan, but It must be said this franchise has been in a decline for a while now each installment weaker than previous (with the exception of ff9) I truly believe Squarenix has lost the magic that Squaresoft once had by a bunch, The Dragon Quest series is still doing well in my opinion, but the Mana series, Star Ocean(orignally Enix )  and yes even the might FF series are just ordinary games now, same can be said about "The Last Remnant" and "Infinite discovery" weren't great either, At least in the RPG dept which has always been their bread and butter Squarenix has dropped the ball, and have no clue where it landed.