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Rob-Ot said:
A203D said:

Personally i dont even think it quaifies as a game, some people have compared it to a trashy soap opera, filled with running in straight line and pressing X. the developers themselves have said, its not an RPG and more of an FPS.

i think fans believe that they are protecting the name FInal Fantasy and Square Enix by defending FF13, they dont realise this is NOT Sakaguchis Final Fantasy, its something that was made without regard for RPGs and disregard for fans of the series.

fans should realise that if they continue to support those particular developers, all we're going to get is another FF13, and the series we've loved for the last 20 years will be reduced to nothing. as it has been reduced to an soap opera in FF13. Sakaguchi wouldve never allowed Final Fantasy to turn into this, and The Last Story will prove that imho.

Thats how I felt about Final Fantasy X all those years ago but for some reason many fans praised it.

They just got another one of that now, I completely hold Final Fantasy X responsible for Final Fantasy XIII.

Best pst. The fall of FF started with FFX. I'm glad FF is heading that direction thanks to FFX supporters