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richardhutnik said:
Wagram said:

The fanboy battles and meltfowns over the exclusitivity is stupid. The game is fantastic but people need to understand that from a business standpoint another console gives the opportunity to give more sales. It has got like 1.7M 360 sales which is GOOD. I wouldn't be suprised if Versus went multi. With the recent 90% profit cut you can bet your ass its coming.

The console wars hype brigade behind games ends up dooming things that end up not being all that.  A game that may be a good game in its own right, happens to end up in a bad spot, as fanboys and console partisans lob titles back and forth and look to make them a big deal.  Games get one exclusive lists, even if nothing is known about actual game play (Agent is the latest to do this), and then out comes the yelling at the other side.  Resistance and Killzone 2 are two others that have suffered as a result of this fanboy spin.  Because it didn't crush Gears of War 2 in sales, Resistance 2 went from darling to pariah.  And then, because Killzone 2 didn't supplant Halo as far as being a console exclusive FPS, it ends up having backlash, because it stopped being "sacred". 

Mass Effect hasn't nearly seen the hype brigade that Final Fantasy brought on itself, and is likely better for it.  I hope it does well and PS3 only owners get a chance to play and enjoy it.

I agree totally here! People hyping a game beyond all reckoning and then dumping it when the game fails to sell/crush something as they wished.... Owners of all consoles are guilty of this but the main ones seem to be the PS3 fanboys this generation for some reason, mainly due to the console being 3rd i suppose but still a fantastic 3rd i think!

Onto Mass Effect, i played the original when i had a 360 and loved the story and atmosphere but hated the 360 pad so never played much of the game so def going to be getting it on the PS3 come Jan/Feb